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17 answers

But there are no mer-men.

2007-08-19 11:05:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are no sea-monkeys. The evolutionarians would have you believe that, but is simply isn't true. My exhaustive superficial visual inspection of the puddle in the field by my house proves conclusively that no sea monkeys are to be found in any of the major bodies of water on the planet earth. They simply do not exist. They are a myth put forward by the evolu-tards to bolster their lies.

2007-08-19 18:32:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Mer-men didnt evolve from sea monkeys, they share a common ancestor with them. Pleas inform yourself about evolution before attacking it!

2007-08-19 17:59:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I thought monkeys evolved from sea monkeys!

Hey, remember the pictures on the advertisements for Sea Monkeys™ (freeze-dried brine shrimp)? They were crazy - had little merfolk building little cities and all.

And the South Park sea monkey episode was hysterical.

2007-08-19 17:58:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Thats simple it is called mutation. A mutation appears in a single entity and as that entity procreates that mutated gene gets passed on to the next generation and then the sibling of the original mutation makes adjustments to the mutation and passes it on and so on and so forth. Until eventually over millions of years a new species has evolved or i should say sub-species. Whether it be a slightly bigger brain or lack of a tail, eventually through breeding it will trigger an evolutionary step.
So face the facts, we are all mutants LOL
Anyway i am off to feed my foot and brush my tongue.

2007-08-19 18:12:36 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0


2007-08-19 17:52:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why you bothern' us about what them mer-men did with them monkeys, and what do you care about their kids hangin' around the beach?--Why don't you ask them Mer-people yer always yappin' about.--It ain't rite bein' that nosey, anyways.
You shur like ta stir up trouble for everbody.---You need to go back to that damn smart-alikee Creationaryologist skool, and do some more lernin'.--Lots'a book lernin in that fancy skool ain't helped you much.

2007-08-19 18:31:37 · answer #7 · answered by big j 5 · 0 0

Where did you hear that???

Everyone knows that merfolk are the result of ... conjugal ... relations between sailors and dolphins. They're always female, and always sterile.

There's a colony of them on the far side of Catalina Island off the CA coast that was started by a bunch of hippies awhile back.

2007-08-19 17:57:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This makes a good case against evolution. The lessor species should have been replaced with the better one. Once the genes changed, then no other of the last life form would have been produced.

2007-08-19 18:00:45 · answer #9 · answered by RB 7 · 0 2

Hmmm, there are no mer-men

This one is like flogging a dead horse really

2007-08-19 18:08:18 · answer #10 · answered by Zappster (Deep Thunker) 6 · 0 0

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