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She has cysts on her thyroid and is going to have surgery soon. She keeps having pressure on her neck and has a hard time breathing and swallowing... the doctors say that this can't be from the cysts because they're too small. My mom thinks there's something wrong that they haven't found yet - and the doctors won't do anything about it!

Her name is Diane.

And please people who don't believe in prayer... no rude comments... I'm not up to dealing with that today.

2007-08-19 10:43:39 · 41 answers · asked by Petina 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

41 answers

Good on you for asking!*
I have already prayed.
Sweetie,even if the doctors don't know what is wrong with someone, God does and He can guide them and also perform miracles.

2007-08-19 19:48:20 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 1 0

I will pray for her. And BTW I had to have my thyroid removed this year because I had Thyroid cancer. It is a fairly easy surgery. The doctors had told me the same thing about it being too small to effect swallowing but guess what now that I have recovered from the surgery I don't have the problem anymore. You and your mother are in my prayers.

2007-08-19 10:50:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Yes. My wife and I will pray for her, and also the family and all the loved ones. By His stripes, we ARE healed!

I will not make the mistake of saying "I know what you are going through", because I am just human and can't really know...

But GOD does know! He is with her every moment of life, and beyond. May He comfort her and you all.

Remember to rest and have something to eat. Take care to be healthy, so you can help others. Deep breaths sometimes are relaxing. I've been there.

I'm not a doctor, nor a prophet, so I will not comment on your mom's medical issue(s), except to say Dr Jesus knows all about it.

May He guide the surgeon's hand!

God bless you all!!!

2007-08-19 12:12:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

My Mom and I have underactive Thyroid. When my Mom's isn't treated with enough Thyroid hormone replacement my Mom's breathing becomes heavy. Also, your Mom's symptoms sound like my Mom's other symptoms and she has allergies and asthma! Have the doctors checked your Mom for either? Those could make it hard to breathe and swallow. I hope this information helps. I will pray for your Mom! God bless you both!

2007-08-19 12:46:52 · answer #4 · answered by compendious 5 · 1 1

Yes, yes, yes and yes again.

God is amazing, I can't tell you how many miracles I've experienced with the power of prayer.

But remember, you must have faith and believe in God... I don't have the exact quote and everything here with me, but "Those who walk with the Lord may stumble, but never fall because the Lord holds their hand." That's not it exactly but it's along those lines...

Everything happens for a reason though it may not always seem like it. Just remember that if things don't go your way, that it doesn't mean that God doesn't love you or anything like that, it means that God has chosen a different destiny than you anticipated. "God likes to be surrounded by angels."
But you'll be in my prayers, I hope everything goes well for you.

2007-08-19 10:57:06 · answer #5 · answered by Jo 3 · 3 1

Yes I will pray for you always.I know that God would do a miracle.Here is a wonderful quote"Before a problem there is soulution"In romans 8:28 it says (summary) That all things work together for good.Each family has a problem.
Like me I was born in Roman Catholic Me,mysisters and mom got saved but my dad did not.God gave this huge problem when I was 8!(im 10 now)Now my dad just needs to come.We have faith.
I have faith that God will heal!!keep on having faith(mathew 17:20 please read).

2007-08-19 11:32:37 · answer #6 · answered by 4ever <3 3 · 2 1

Honey, our Father promised that where two or three are gathered, He would be there also. I believe that we can unite in prayer using the technology that He has allowed us to develop. Please tell Diane that I believe in prayer, it's worked in my life so very many times! Also, that those of us who are believers will be praying for her,but also, for you and the family. You see, she needs support now, and some family support. Please keep us posted on how things go for ALL of you. God bless.

2007-08-19 10:51:16 · answer #7 · answered by MAGGIE MAE 4 · 4 1

Yes. Please agree with me according to Matt 18:19.
Father, I pray and agree with my brethren that you will heal
Diane every whit, from the crown of her head to the soles of
her feet and strengthen her by the power of the Holy Spirit.
By faith we declare her whole and well and command the
devil to cease his maneuverings against Diane and her family, In Jesus Name.
And all who agree said Amen.

I Cr 13;8a, Love never fails.

2007-08-19 20:07:08 · answer #8 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

Holy Father in heaven we come before you a needy people. We thank you for the blessings that you have given us. God we lift your servant Diane up to you this evening. God we know that you sent your son to die for us, and the stripes he bore upon his back will heal our wounds. I know that you took a stripe for Diane Lord. Lord we pray that you would heal Diane. I pray that the doctors would inspect her thyroid, and find nothing wrong. Lord above all I pray that your will be done. Lord we know that we are to give thanks to you in all things. And that is what we do right now, we thank you for all that you have done and all that you will do. God we thank you in advance for all that you are to do in your servant Diane. In Christ's Holy name we pray, Amen.

Now have faith and know that God will heal your mother. God Bless Andrea.

2007-08-19 14:25:51 · answer #9 · answered by Joel 2 5 · 1 0

I lift up Diane in Prayer. Your WORD O LORD does not return void, but accomplishes what You send it to do, therefore I speak Your WORD in Jesus Name. I speak Healing to Diane according to Your WORD, by Your Stripes we are Healed. I Pray LORD that You send Your Power to Diane, and grant her health.
In Jesus Name !

2007-08-20 00:02:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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