so you think the pillow is silly but want Janis playing ?
2007-08-19 11:01:12
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The Pillow tilts your Head forward, so you don't look like you are on a Morgue Table. The Silks and all are to make the Viewers Happy that it looks so Peaceful, rather than Hard and Cold.
We're you Egyptian in your Past Lives? Pillow is Silly, but I want to Take my Headphones? BTW-The Ears, Eardrums, and Nerves die too.
The Funeral Home/Directors would be GLAD to do whatever you Arrange, and PAY for! Your Priest is more likely going to want to follow a more Conservative line.
2007-08-19 11:08:11
answer #2
answered by wonderland.alyson 4
You could probably talk to your priest about this, but this is clearly a joke question because in the beginnign you say that the pillow is pointless yet you suggest that putting some rock muysic or a dolby sourrround system in which is clearly more pointless then a friggan pillow. Case closed.
2007-08-19 11:03:09
answer #3
answered by Fred M. 2
Actually, it is more a case of you don't exist as a
conscious entity anymore, period.
With that in mind, your surround Dolby sound sounds
like a waste of a good sound system. Want to make
a real impression? Have yourself stuffed and mounted,
donate your remains to a frat house at then nearest
university, and you can be dragged out of the closet
on Halloween or whatever...
(That being said, you're too young to be thinking about
crap like this.)
2007-08-19 11:05:52
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Why are you worried about headphones and music when it doesn't matter about a pillow? You are not being consistent in your discussion. To quote the movie Pulp Fiction, "Dead's dead".
Personally, I think burial is a horrific waste of money. (try $15K MINIMUM!) Mom didn't have a funeral. Dad has requested no funeral. Hub and I have requested no funeral.
Even though it is against my religion (Baha'i), I am having the family cremate me and save the money for a nice dinner out in my memory.
2007-08-19 11:14:17
answer #5
answered by jjudijo 6
The Bible says we will stay in the ground until Jesus returns. So we are down there. I am sure it is to make the dead person look more comfy and charge all the more money.
It use to be that six pieces of wood were nailed together and that was all that was needed. Unless you were on the Wagon Trail, then one was buried right in the dirt.
2007-08-19 11:09:05
answer #6
answered by geessewereabove 7
For the same reason they don't dump a naked corpse into a pit, I suppose.
To make the people who are still alive feel better about things.
In fact I've never understood why people say things like "out of respect for the dead". Why not just be honest and replace the phrase with "in order to make me feel better"?
2007-08-19 11:06:56
answer #7
answered by Blender 2
You could get that done. I have seen caskets with drawers for personal effects. The pillow is decoration. I guess that a pillow and material looks better than a plain pine box.
2007-08-19 11:02:51
answer #8
answered by RB 7
The pillow is there so your chin doesn't point up at the viewers. Ugh!
But I'm sure you could get a Wakeman stereo player put in with you. Just make sure it has dead batteries, or you won't be hearing ANYTHING out of them for a few years.
2007-08-19 11:05:52
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I wondered about this myself. It is a marketing strategy in the funeral business. It plays on the emotions of the bereaved, so they will pay more money for all those pretty little extras. For profit.
A pine box works for me.
You are dead. Won't be hearing any music. Remember the guy who was buried in his Cadillac? He wanted to prove, you can take it with you.
2007-08-19 11:04:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
For the same reason they line coffins in satin, or make them big, shiny & make the grieving families feel better. It's easier to see someone lying in what appears to be a comfortable sort of bed than in a plain wooden box.
2007-08-19 11:04:21
answer #11
answered by OhKatie! 6