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Society & Culture - 3 June 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

if he's cute?


2007-06-03 18:49:21 · 13 answers · asked by Summertime 3 in Etiquette

. . . in the Dark?

2007-06-03 18:48:20 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

The scientific evidence for a genetic and prenatal hormonal influence on the determination of human sexual orientation just grows stronger every year.

When science finally identifies the genetic and prenatal factors causing homosexuality, will the Christian religion change its stance on homosexuality?

After all, it would seem that if it's genetically based then God must have a purpose for it, right?

And clearly homosexuality isn't a disease or harmful mutation since when practiced monogamously there's no appreciable difference between it and heterosexuality other than reproduction, so that can't be an objection.

So will Christianity change its stance once it's confronted with the scientific evidence?

2007-06-03 18:47:02 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I'm designing a fictional "Museum of Pattern" for a design class and I'm locating it in Barcelona. My dictionary translates "museum of pattern" into "museo del modelo". I would like to make sure this is correct and to also find out if the term "modelo" limits me to only decorative/design meanings or if it could also incorporate patterns of behavior/structure. I would greatly appreciate your expertise!

2007-06-03 18:46:26 · 4 answers · asked by akikopico 1 in Languages

I'm trying to discover how people write a story (taking place in like say the 17th or 18th century) without confusing the reader.

Do you know any authors or books that are currently written but taken place in earlier times???

I really need help with the language and things of earlier times

2007-06-03 18:45:54 · 2 answers · asked by jay 2 in Languages

I distinctly remember when I was a kid having very strong attractions toward males and never ever having any bit of attraction to another girl. When I was a little bit older I had an experience with a girl and at first didn't think anything of it and was still attracted to men. But as time went on I found myself being more and more attracted to females and less to men. Now I am only attracted to females and not males at all. Do you think I am not a true lesbian? I am 100 percent positive when I was born and as I grew up I was attracted to men, now I am not at all.

Also there are many many many people, some that I know that have changed sexual preferences. One of my cousins never was attracted to girls and actually had a husband but after she went away to an all girl prison she divorced her husband and now has a girlfriend.

Just wondering how you explain this?

2007-06-03 18:45:51 · 11 answers · asked by imaqtpai 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

The parents of my mom's employer sent me a very generous gift this weekend. Unfortunately I've never met them, nor do I know their names. But I'd like to show them I appreciate their kindness by writing a thank you note. How would I start the note? Would Dear Mr. and Mrs., suffice? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

2007-06-03 18:45:00 · 5 answers · asked by GlitzNGlam 5 in Etiquette


I never truly got it. I am not a deeply religious person, haven't been to church since cathloic bible school when I was 12, and I am an aspiring psychological researcher, but I never understood why people cannot fathom the idea of a god.

I believe in God, and I don't have to undergo a deep religious experience to do so. I think not having a little bit of childlike wonder is a little sad. I can believe in evolution and god, and any other scientific idea. Maybe its just me.Believing in god does not mean I have the hindrance of organized religion on my shoulders.

What do you think.

2007-06-03 18:42:05 · 28 answers · asked by had438 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I've been incessantly thinking for several months about whether there is an afterlife. I've had two or three incidents in my life that may have been supernatural or spiritual, but I'm not sure. I am a Christian, and at first response I believe that that there is...but its the proverbial "seeing is believing" mentality that makes me still have some doubt.

Has anyone out there had an undeniable experience that makes him/her confident in an afterlife? With all due respect...please don't respond with Bible scripture, I simply want to know if anyone has had any personal experiences that add to their belief of an afterlife. Serious answers only please!!!

2007-06-03 18:41:38 · 14 answers · asked by Scott W 2 in Religion & Spirituality

How does that one work out? Really, what were those things doing before The Fall?

2007-06-03 18:40:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

And what does it mean?

2007-06-03 18:38:39 · 8 answers · asked by omygosh 4 in Languages

If many Christians believe that they should vote for what they believe is morally correct.

Then why not propose legislation to make Adultery a capital offence?

“Thou shalt not commit adultery”

There is noting wrong, in fact it can be admirable, for a person to have moral standards that go above and beyond the basic minimum of the law.

But at the end of the day you have do decide what is more important. To have a legal system based on your morality, or to have laws that give the most freedom possible to all.

2007-06-03 18:37:21 · 13 answers · asked by Gamla Joe 7 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-06-03 18:36:47 · 7 answers · asked by Mi 3 in Other - Holidays

All those tribulations I understand they will be awful. People getting shot for steeling a turnop out of someones field. Dont you think it would be best just to die a normal death and skip the end times all together. BB

2007-06-03 18:32:28 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

. . . Aren't you constantly creating your Future's past?

2007-06-03 18:32:28 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

1. Evolution is a fact because we're here

2. The proof that we came from monkeys is human's existence

3. I know God is fake because I feel it in my heart

4. Christians have to be evil because they need a book to tell them not to be evil

5. How could you believe in God? IT'S JUST A THEORY
(This is what Christians say about evolution)

6. You may not believe in the tooth fairy but she still loves you

7. I know the tooth fairy's real. Someone smacked me in the mouth and my teeth didn't fall out. She saved me

2007-06-03 18:31:39 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Thank You

2007-06-03 18:31:11 · 5 answers · asked by sarahwang 2 in Languages

It's easy to be flippant and say you won't care because god will make everything bearable, but unless you are fond of mind-control, there will be memories. There will be the knowledge that people you loved and cared for, people who may have been exceptional, kind compassionate human beings in life will forever be suffering.

Some of you claim you won't care. Some of you are so certain that the intoxicating effects of heaven and the potency of being with your maker will alleviate the sorrow you'd normally feel, but lets be honest... this would be a sham. A self-deception. A way to rationalize an ugly truth about your religion.

A truly evolved person wouldn't deceive themselves like this.

A truly evolved creator wouldn't anesthetize its creations like this.

What an interesting place this heaven... where you go to give up who and what you are.

2007-06-03 18:27:18 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

A continuation from my last question...In my religion being homosexual is grave sin actually it's unacceptable. I think its that way across the board for most religions I don't know correct me if I'm wrong.....I guess we commit so many sins that we just accept things... So do you consider being gay a sin?

2007-06-03 18:26:47 · 20 answers · asked by rey1101 3 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

That is, isn't it more mystical and silly to think that everything just BOOMED into existence than it is to think there was some intellectual design and creator?

I mean, come on! It's not like, BOOM! and we have a supercomputer.

It seems more like an easy way out to say "God doesn't exist" than it is saying that things can happen at random (i.e. the universe).

You can't prove the existence of nothing, can you?

2007-06-03 18:24:11 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I'm looking for a LDS perspective on whether on the "The History of the Church" by Joseph Smith is considered doctrine or scripture or something else by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. That's it. I'm not interested in general views on the Church, just on this specific question.

2007-06-03 18:22:45 · 14 answers · asked by Miraculous 1 in Religion & Spirituality

In times of loss, some will say, "It's all part of God's plan." I don't think I believe this anymore. Why would He need a plan?

2007-06-03 18:21:19 · 12 answers · asked by St. Dave 5 in Religion & Spirituality

The publishing of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party in November 2004, on the Epoch Times website, aroused and inspired a great spiritual awakening in the Chinese community around the world. The evil spirits of Communism in other dimensions appear as evil red blood-sucking dragons. These evil spirits have possessed the Chinese Communist Party for nearly a century, utilizing violence, class struggle, lies and political movements to brainwash and poison Chinese peoples' minds and bodies, one generation after another, causing them to lose their minds and senses. Under the Chinese Communist regime, as long as you are a member of the Communist Party, Communist Youth League, or the Young Pioneers, you are at the very least supporting the evil with your good and valuable life, You are their source of energy, supporting their existence. Unfortunately, people are still unaware that they are supporting the evil that possesses the Chinese Communist Party.

2007-06-03 18:19:49 · 4 answers · asked by walawala 3 in Other - Society & Culture

I really have nothing against homosexual people do what you do. My question is do you honestly believe that when you are born you are born homosexual? In my opinion I believe that it is a learned nature something that is created within your environment. And don't get all defensive it's a question.

2007-06-03 18:17:38 · 50 answers · asked by rey1101 3 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I would like to speak English fluently, I was held in the city of Riyadh in Saudi Arabia

2007-06-03 18:16:49 · 8 answers · asked by imsh_99 1 in Languages

. . . wouldn't Everyone be thinking the Same Thing?

2007-06-03 18:16:44 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Im american.
I was taught a pre trib, but i looked at the bible, and studied it, not 1 true prophet believes in a pre trib rapture.

Its going to be worse then ww2 and the holocost combined. Jesus said it will be the worst time mankind has ever seen.

Did you hear about HAARP? These mind control waves they inflect tourtue via satelittes and/OR Via mark of the beast?

They make u kill people who dont have the mark, or u be toruted and drop dead.

Patriot act 2, false flags, 911 inside jobs, now they can come into your homes and exucute you.

There going to round people up, and touture them all tied up, and then chop ur head off, after you watch it happen to other people. ww3, 3 billion dead

I think The Mark will look like this:

Were going to starve, econmic collpase, neighbors trying to kill u, no law, no order, no rules, police will kill christians.

It is much worse then that, im outta room, but u get the idea, im scared

2007-06-03 18:16:32 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Consider the possibility, christian can lie, Stone cannot lie.

2007-06-03 18:16:08 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

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