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Psychology - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

Does it make you think of Love or hate? I am ugly but that is my own oppinion

2006-12-25 06:29:54 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

My ex-girlfriend recently told me that she likes to pee on her partner during sex. I'm just curious as to why anyone would want to do something like this? She told me she wanted to pee on my chest. It seems a little degrading and I think she may have issues with men. And please, only serious answers. Thank you.

2006-12-25 06:04:55 · 16 answers · asked by feedazombie 1

I know this question is very common in this column.but i lke to know some exact details from here.Suppose i had safe sex(using condon) with a women what is the possibility of getting HIV. ?If yes whats the possibility.Yes .! there might be a possibility like breaking condoms. Can we recognize that the condoms are broken.if there is a hole on it can we regognize.Why do condoms are not 100% safe ?? what abt anal sex and anal liking ?does it spreads. ?i still doubt abt the breaking of condoms. !! one of my friend said me i used condom and she got pregnant and now she got a baby.!!! how did that happen ??? !!!!

2006-12-25 05:49:19 · 6 answers · asked by shaje s 1

I recently got a camcorder for christmas and I was recording me and my family and when I played the tape back I noticed how odd my voice sounded to me. When I'm talking outload and I hear myself it sounds like a normal voice, but on the tape it sounded really raspy, deep, and sort had a stereotypical homosexual slur.
I was just wondering if this might be all in my head, obviously none of you know what my voice sounds like, but has anyone else experienced this?
I really hope I don't actually sound like this.

2006-12-25 05:35:48 · 4 answers · asked by bob seesk 2

2006-12-25 05:35:47 · 7 answers · asked by STORMY K 3

2006-12-25 05:22:28 · 10 answers · asked by STORMY K 3

Well, I've found lots of ways to make people feel better about themselves, but how do you actually make them feel bad?

Sometimes it feels like our messages don't get through to our target (especially men - sorry, nothing personal!), and they just seem to ignore what is important to you.

Except guilt trips, which are used to often to have a miraculous effect, what way - with examples - would you use to make someone feel bad about something they did?

2006-12-25 05:20:03 · 2 answers · asked by LoreCore 3

when you, a hearing person, thinks do you hear your thoughts in your head? if someone has never heard the sound of thier own voice or anyone elses, do they still think the same way? in movies for example, thoughts are often narrated....
and dreaming...when deaf people dream, do all the people they talk with sign...or simply "lip" things?

2006-12-25 05:13:51 · 6 answers · asked by ♥Pictsy♥ 4

2006-12-25 04:18:06 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

And what made it so moving? Why should everybody see it.

2006-12-25 04:12:03 · 5 answers · asked by Soundjata 5

I am concerned about my 13 year old son who is having trouble settling at night (signs of depression begin after the sun goes down - regardless of the day he has had). He is tearful and worried and has issues about growing older and about death generally. I know growing up is hard and as a single mother I am concerned that this is due to a negative relationship with his estranged father. I have taken him to a naturopath for a consultation but the herbal remedies do not seem to be working. Is this "normal" / to be expected for my boy ?

2006-12-25 04:05:32 · 11 answers · asked by square_dotzz 4

Give me your opinions.

2006-12-25 04:04:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

All year I was looking forward to having Dec. 26 off because my boss told me I would. Suddenly because of HER mismanagement of time she wants me to work and I am SOOOOO angry. She does this all the time but this time it interferes with CHRISTMAS! That's SO wrong. So, now I am all bitter and angry and it's Christmas Day, my favorite holiday and Im not enjoying it AT ALL. I just keep thinking, "I have to work tomorrow." Ugh. Im so unhappy about all this.

I understand that I should be thankful for things I have that others dont and all that but those thoughts really arent working for me today. I need something stronger. :( My boss ruined Christmas!!!

2006-12-25 04:01:15 · 5 answers · asked by jenniferaboston 5

On vacation like summer or Christmas I have dreams here and there that I'd miss class or be late. Or What am I doing here with family when I have classes to go to and I realized it's Christmas Break lol(in the dream)

Is that normal for a college student?

2006-12-25 03:57:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

...people who commit suicide.

2006-12-25 03:50:51 · 16 answers · asked by MaryBeth 7

Am I special, I cannot tell!
My heart is aching for no reason...
My mind is flowing free,
Why do I feel as if there's no end...
To the struggle within me?
I'm patient, But I wish things would hurry up,
And get better, My will is strong..
I'm trying to reach a point or acceptance,
In a town where I don't belong,
No jobs, No hope, No light at the end,
Of the tunnel in which I am caught,
Days passing by and I am no closer,
To the prosperity I have so long sought...
I'm sure Glad it's Christmas,
And not just another day,
The imminent Joy I have for Jesus,
Is helping me to see the way..
I must go to find my dreams,
Amidst an aura that claims I'll fail...
My question is this, If you were in a battle,
What would you do if you knew had to prevail?
Would you sit back and wait for oppurtunity,
Or would you tale hold of the reigns,
That controlled the Stallion you rode upon,
And kept you from going insane?

2006-12-25 03:35:03 · 10 answers · asked by 35 YEARS OF INTUITION 4

Hi, i am 37 and ive had this for years but it got worse 6 years ago. I went on the dystonia site and asked if someone had st but for some reason my post will not go through...i know other people have other parts of this focal dystonia , like the're voice, eyes, being affected but ive never talked to a person around my age with st. I would really like to talk to someone with this between the ages of 30 to 40.for people who dont know what it is. it starts off mild from like early 20's and is usually misdiagnosed as anxiety. the dystonia foudation are not sure if st actually causes anxiety and depression but i ended up with it..It is involuntary movement of the neck which causes head temors. any amount of stress makes it worse and then your brain is telling your head to turn right,left up or down telling you thats strait.they say its nerve damage to the basil ganglia. you really cant have any exitable emotions. basicly, fulfilling dreams, and living life to the fullest ,is out. rare dis.

2006-12-25 03:22:56 · 2 answers · asked by kelly961 1

My life is a joke. My girlfriend dumped me,my friends left me,i performed poorly in my grades,my mum lost her temper with me..

Really depressed on this year's Christmas..why am I trying to live when I know I will die eventually?

2006-12-25 03:16:38 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I try to make cookies today and screw them up so now I have nothing to take to my friends house? huh huh huh

2006-12-25 03:12:37 · 10 answers · asked by b 4

2006-12-25 03:10:52 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

First of all I had this college accounting instructor that was ogling me sexually and obviously right before finals and I decided to take the final test in the library.

The Dream:

I was in an advanced accounting class with another accounting instructor. I was in the classroom working on my assignments(a few people were there), and so he came in and decided to help me, I accepted and then he started to lay his hand on my very upper thigh(that connects to your pelvis or something)

I hit him and said that's it I'm reporting you, even though I respect you but I'm reporting you. He said don't report me I'm just having trouble with my marriage. I decided to listen to him and he was saying that the physical part fell apart. I told him to go to a marriage counselor or a doctor.


2006-12-25 02:18:40 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

You decided to run 60 miles from your college town to your hometown just for the fun of it. Everything looks the same as it does in real life, you stay out of the way for the vehicles, while you run on the shoulder of the highway. (I noticed in the dream that none of the cars were coming my way but always going past me the same direction I was going)

You also meet a really cute guy and you and him hold hands and you guys sprint across the highway.

Next thing you know you're doing a music video with him singing a pop song with him.

Before that you guys were talking to his agent on the phone whren you came to a dam with water below and a sandy road with rails.

What does this mean?>

Merry Christmas

Btw I'm a woman and 22

2006-12-25 02:12:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

even for normal & good thing, getting afraid of third persons openion-- --how to avaid this

2006-12-25 02:09:36 · 5 answers · asked by visu 1

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