Why do we as moms feel the need to bash each other? I mean, someone says they don't want to breastfeed, for whatever reason, and OMG! I mean honestly, shouldn't we be supportive of each other? I know "breast is best", whatever. The the fact of the matter is, it's not for everyone, and someone who chooses not to is not putting their baby in harm's way. Someone asks what kind of formula, or bottle. then that's what they want to know, if you're going to say "breast", then do it if you feel the NEED to, but don't bash! So, why can't we just respect each others views. I mean if you answer a question to help someone, that's what you should try to do. If you're not trying to help, then DON'T ANSWER! Someone says they spank their kids (not beat, or abuse, just spank) and you get all these people bashing them. Why can't we just be supportive of each other. Realize that parenting is hard work, and that most parents (not all) are trying their hardest to do the best they can?
8 answers
asked by
Amanda D