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Pregnancy & Parenting - 27 November 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

I can't ever see myself loving a child that i did not give birth to. Or a foster child. I have thought of adopting when im older (im 14). But i wouldn't do it, if i'm not sure that I could love the child. Please give me stories if you have them. Thanks

2007-11-27 09:02:54 · 21 answers · asked by ipod 3 in Adoption

I just want a ball park number of how much one kid would cost on average throughout their life?

2007-11-27 09:02:46 · 12 answers · asked by H S 2 in Parenting

the name Cheyenne. I love this name! but I cannot decide if I would like my baby girl to have it as a middle name or first name. can you help?

2007-11-27 09:00:47 · 12 answers · asked by Kaylee Grace's Mommy 2 in Baby Names

My son who is a few months shy of 4 years old is having problems with a bully at his daycare. The other boy is constantly ridiculing him and berating everything about him. From the color of his skin (my son is white the other boy is black) to the clothes on his back. We have talked to the daycare provider and the other child's parents and they basically told our son to suck it up. The daycare provider's hands are tied and she has taken privledges away from the other boy when he begins his taunts but there is only so much she can do. We've told our son to ignore the other child and tried to explain the other boy is jealous because he has nice things. But they are 4 and don't quite understand it all. Any advice?

2007-11-27 09:00:29 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I am a 17 year old mother of a 2 month old daughter. I need advice on my situation. My boyfriends mother is so protective of him. (Hes also 17) She has said to me that she feels like I am taking her son away from her and that she has a problem with letting him go. She only lets him come over to my house when she says its ok to see his daughter. I let our daughter go to his house every other weekend and whatever days out of the week his parents would like to see her. But his mother is basically trying to keep a leash on her son. And I think it's a little ridiculous that shes taking her envy out on us. And I think its really ridiculous that he has to ask permission to come see his daughter at my house. He tells me he would rather be here than at his house because his house is crazy. And me and him like to have time together. And we like to have bonding time as a family.. But does anyone see where im coming from? Because his mother always makes me out to be the bad one.

2007-11-27 08:59:07 · 13 answers · asked by yummy♥mummy 4 in Parenting

will my mom and dad get something that tells them what i went to the doctors for?? because im still on their insurance?? please help me out... its super important!

2007-11-27 08:54:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I am about 6 weeks pregnant and have been experiencing sharp pains on both my sides but mostly above or on my right hip that come and go. I have slight cramping and feel like someone is pulling at my uterus. I have back aches too and a lot of gas. My question is is this a sign of ectopic? or could it be just gas? Oh yeah I should probably say this is my 4th pregnancy (had a miscarrige with the 3rd in August 2006) and am extremely worried. I would think as long as I'm not bleeding I should be fine right? Please help thanks in advance!

2007-11-27 08:54:21 · 7 answers · asked by mommyto5 3 in Pregnancy

He wasn't sick yesterday but today his nose started getting runny and now it is just stuffed up. We breastfeed, so I'm hoping my milk has enough antibodies to lessen the severity of the cold. In the meantime, what medicine, if any, can I give him? He is 5 months old tomorrow. My doc isn't in and the message they have on their machine doesn't give me an on-call number....I'm not sure what to do. I want to relieve his stuffy nose so he can breath nurse.

2007-11-27 08:51:21 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

My son is 20 months old, he wears size 4 shoes, well the shoes he has now are 3, but I think he's gonna need size 4. I can't find any winter boots in his size. The smallest I can find are size 5. I've found girl's boots but none for boys. I've tried, wal-mart, k-mart, old navy, gap, and payless. Has anyone found baby winter boots anywhere? I really don't want to order them online, my son is kinda hard to fit.

2007-11-27 08:50:52 · 10 answers · asked by misty_dawn1100 3 in Toddler & Preschooler

My 5 and a half month old goes down to sleep at the same time every night. We feed him his solids, then bottle, then bed. He use to sleep from 9pm to about 6 or 7 am, but just a few days ago he started this thing where he wakes up at 3:30am on the dot and doesn't go back to sleep till about 10am. Nothing has changed in his schedule we are feeding him the same and putting him down the same. I can't figure out why he has started this up or what I can do to make him go back to sleeping through the night......

2007-11-27 08:48:42 · 7 answers · asked by tracytlctc 2 in Newborn & Baby

Im 40 weeks and scheduled for induction in 8 days if spontaneous labor does not begin by then. The reason for only witing until 41 weeks is that my original due date was on the 20th and was pushed back after a 10wk ultrasound. Since the risk of fetal death grows the longer you wait and using my LMP numbers waiting could be riskier they scheduled an induction at 41(dec.5) which may more accurately be more like 43 weeks. I can back out if I want, my midwife has me taking 1500 mg evening primrose oil to help me continue to soften and dilatate, Im 60% effaced and about a centimeter and a half, but have been for about 3 weeks.
What would you do? Anyone have a similar situation? And did the oil help you prepare for labor?

2007-11-27 08:46:07 · 19 answers · asked by kaseysospacey 3 in Pregnancy

2007-11-27 08:41:26 · 10 answers · asked by Momof2 6 in Newborn & Baby


I am only 16 and alot of people will think i am stupid and immature and i dont know what im getting my self into but thats not what i am asking!! my boyfriend is 23 and has 2 children from previous relationships we have both recently been tested for std's and we are both clean, how ever we have had unprotected sex on many occasions a few i was ovulationg and i havent become pregnant?? please help


2007-11-27 08:37:02 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

I read somewhere that in the US 52% of babies born are male and by the age of 20, the population is 48% male, 52% female (because the males engage in more high risk activities).

But I just Googled it and this is what I found: "In the U.S., the proportion of boys dropped from 105.5 per 100 girls in 1970 to 104.6 in 2001."

If all this is true, then there really are more baby boys being born than girls. Then why is it that it seems like 80% of the time at least you hear about a baby GIRL being born? Or is this just me?

What do you think? Does anyone have anymore facts on this? Or does anyone else feel like most babies being born are girls?

I have my 19 wk ultrasound Fri. where they should be able to tell us the sex so that's why I'm a little curious about this :)

2007-11-27 08:27:05 · 5 answers · asked by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 4 in Pregnancy

My neice is five foot 8 - she is taller than me and my husband and towers her mother.
She has just turned 12. Is this normal?
Her father is very tall, but I didn't think you could be this tall at 12.
She could pass for an 18 year old woman.
Could she keep growing?

2007-11-27 08:26:28 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

My last period started November 17th & it lasted 5 days as usual Yesterday I had cm and it was clearish/yellowish kina stretchy/sticky, my husband & I also had sex last night Today I'm way dryer than I was yesterday. My cycles on average last about 26 days. One cycle was 26, the next 31, & my last one was 24 days. Based on mymonthlycycles.com my fertile time started yesterday or today. I refuse to buy ovulation kits, It's too late to chart my temps. I don't want to try that hard. I want to base timing off of my body signals. Also, that "ovulation pain" doesn't come at the time of my ovulation. Last cycle we had sex the day before & the day of "my ovulation pain" & well my period started 4 days later. I guess it was a period pain
Ok, so I guess my questions are, does cm change a little the day after sex? Does the color of cm matter at all with fertility time? Should we just have sex every other day this for the next week or so? FYI I'm on cycle day 11 today.

2007-11-27 08:20:11 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

I am going for my first pap test in a couple weeks. I am 25 and I know that seems old but my husband and I were abstinent before marriage and I was told (by my doctor) that I did not need one until I became sexually active.

We are talking about starting to try to get pregnant and I am wondering if there are any certain questions I should be asking my doctor before she does the pap? Are there certain things she needs to check for? Can she tell if we will have a hard time conceiving or would I have to see a gynaecologist for that?

2007-11-27 08:18:17 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

Many people say they want their kids circumcised so his penis will look the same as his fathers.

I don't know about you guys, but I never spent much time looking at my parents private parts. I only saw them on accident and didn't want to get a good look.

Is there something I am missing?

2007-11-27 08:15:10 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

Hi folks. My period is due Dec. 11th, 2007. Do you think I can take a test before the 11th and it be accurate? I'm like dying to find out if my daughter is going to have a brother or sister. Any advice? Did you get a positive early?? Thanks!

2007-11-27 08:14:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive


I know you have heard those women talking about how women having girls comes in a wave.. then women having boys comes in a wave... What are you having and how many people do you know that is having the same thing? And how many weeks are you?

2007-11-27 08:09:48 · 20 answers · asked by *Saved by God's grace* 2 in Pregnancy

My husband and I have been discussing baby names, mostly boy names. A while ago, I told him my family tradition of giving the daughter the mom's first name as a middle. After a long process of finding a first name that sounded okay with 'Kristin' right after it, I decided on Eleanor Kristin for a girl (Eleanor was my grandmother). Joyfully, he agreed to it.

Now since I picked both the first and middle for a girl, I told him he had free reign of middles for a boy and we could choose a first together. He chose 'Danger' as a boy middle name. Yes, exactly because he can say "Danger is my middle name."

We had quite a few laughs trying to agree on a first to go with it (and you think 'Danger' was bad!? ) but agreed on 'Alexander', probably called Xander as a nick.

Since I don't really know many people's middle names (and really, who does?), I'm not fighting it, but still...

Thoughts? And please, no snotty responses, let's not waste each other's time. Thanks.

2007-11-27 08:08:33 · 31 answers · asked by kckli 5 in Baby Names

How can i keep the healthy stuff down?

2007-11-27 08:07:57 · 6 answers · asked by nataliya 1 in Trying to Conceive

She will only go to sleep if I rock her. She used to allow me to just put her down in her crib drowsy, but at about 7 months she began becoming more needy, and always wanting to be rocked. I tried the crying thing when she was 7 months, but I couldn't do it. I'm thinking about trying it again now because I am so exhausted! She still wakes during the night also. Sometimes she's up 2 or 3 times! I just feel so bad letting her cry! But, I'm running on empty here and I feel like I spend the majority of my day tending to her sleeping issues. Any opinions?

2007-11-27 08:05:59 · 14 answers · asked by tiredbutwiredlove 4 in Newborn & Baby

Like ages 13-18...

2007-11-27 08:04:24 · 16 answers · asked by Mariah♥ 3 in Adolescent

Hello, I have very irregular periods. Me and hubby have been ttc for 11 yrs. now with no success. My last good period was on Oct. 27 through Nov. 2. But this month my temps have been up and down all month. I spotted on the 9th of Nov. and cramped all day.I have been cramping on and off every other day. I have also cramped all day today. I still haven't started my period, and my breast have been really sore just like they do before I start. I have been having headaches and very tired. I am assuming the ovulex is working because I never have a period 2 months in a row. My temps have really been acting weird this month cause they have spiked 2 times already and my temp goes right back down. I just don't have a clue what is going on. Please help. Serious answers only.

2007-11-27 08:03:43 · 7 answers · asked by daisy 2 in Trying to Conceive

When do you think the right age to get your child/teen a cell phone is?

2007-11-27 08:01:58 · 20 answers · asked by ♫♪♥♫♪♥♫♪♥ Emililily 4 in Parenting

I'm 36 weeks and 3 days pregnant with our first baby. I've not lost my sex drive at all, if nothing else, it has picked up in the last week or so. Last night during sex I was propped up on my back at the edge of the bed since it is getting a little more difficult these days. It honestly felt like there was pressure on my anus/perinium, almost like I had to go to the bathroom. There was just alot of pressure all together in the general vecinity. It isn't the first time we've done this position, just did last week and it didn't feel like this. I want to have sex with my husband and I still feel the drive, but not if it feels like this. Did anyone else experience anything like this?

2007-11-27 08:01:17 · 8 answers · asked by mommy2b 3 in Pregnancy

2007-11-27 08:00:08 · 8 answers · asked by ashbrew 1 in Pregnancy

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