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Pregnancy & Parenting - 15 October 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

A friend of mine is having a boy... Her hubby is a racer & I told her I'd post a question on here to see if anyone could give us names related to racing, cars or something related to those??? Thanks!!

2007-10-15 04:10:02 · 23 answers · asked by Tink's Mommy 3 in Baby Names

I am currently 20 weeks pregnant and living in China, I was just told today that the umbilical cord has wrapped around the baby's neck and I'm totally freaking out. I just lost my last baby at 36 weeks in April to the same thing. What can I do to either reverse it or survive this pregnancy without going mental. I can't lose this one too...I don't think I could stand losing two babies in one year. Where can I get some information about the umbilical cord wrapping around the neck...I need make sure that what they are doing for me is right. So far they have done nothing, and the last time they told me it was nothing to worry about. "It happens all the time and is no more dangerous then it wrapping around a arm or leg" is what they told me...2 days later my Violet was gone. Should I start looking into early delivery or is there other options. I just don't know what to do and I'm so afraid.

2007-10-15 04:09:52 · 8 answers · asked by Shiningami_Gurl 6 in Pregnancy

I really thought I was pregnant this time although first pg test was negative. Had sore nipples, nausae (morning, noon and night!!), slight cramps, headaches and total mood swings and crying spells. But now I feel like Af is definitely on it's way as the cramps have been for most of today. As I am very irregular and have come only jsut come off the pill completely, I don't know when I am meant to come on! Could this be AF or could is there still a chance that I am pregnant?

2007-10-15 04:08:36 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

he was hoping for a boy, but we found out we're having a girl. he doesn't think he'll be able to play with her or do any activities with her, since she's a girl (he's very good playing rough & tumble games with my friends' boys).

does anyone have any suggestions on what i could tell him to ease his mind? I'm certain that he'll be a great dad, but he's so anxious now! (he's not disappointed or anything, just worried about his role)


2007-10-15 04:04:16 · 27 answers · asked by Ember Halo 6 in Parenting

My husband and I are planning for a baby and if we have a girl we have agreed on one name only, Savannah.

Our last name is Essary and we'd like the middle name to sound good with both names.

I like the middle names:

My husband really doesn't like any of those middle names. He keeps saying he likes Joe as a middle name, I am sure he is joking but it is frustrating that we can't agree. We want the name to be good for a baby and a classy adult.

Other names I like are Catherine Elizabeth Essary (named after my mom and step mom).
Catherine Sue-ann Essary (after my mom and his mom).
Elizabeth Sue-ann Essary
Sue-ann Elizabeth Essary
and Lauren Sue Essary.

Do you think any of those names would be better then Savannah (insert middle name here) Essary?


2007-10-15 04:00:25 · 26 answers · asked by junebugbaby83 1 in Baby Names

What do you think about the idea of a pro circumcision website? Why did you circumcise? Feel free to comment or to join.


2007-10-15 03:54:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

okay heres the situation,,,,my period started on the 13th of august (lasted 5 days) i have a normal 28day cycle--- i had a one night stand on the 21st- then slept with husband on 23, 25th 26 and 27th (ovulation on 26th) i am now pregnant and ultrasound confirms conception closely to the 27th. although i was not ovulating at the time i cheated could it be possible the one nighter is the father?? he said he didnt ejaculate (he was intoxicated) and if he did thru pre-*** could it stay viable for 6 whole days in the body? ive heard that it could for up to 5 days, and then ive heard it could for only 48 hours,, please help,,,, not one to cheat,, please dont judge,, just need some sound advice

2007-10-15 03:52:36 · 46 answers · asked by kelly l 2 in Pregnancy

Ok everyone, please be real. Is sex different after vaginal birth? Just be honest i really need to know

2007-10-15 03:52:07 · 9 answers · asked by ash 3 in Pregnancy

your cycles are longer than 28 days long? Mine are all messed up. Sometimes I have 28 day cycles and sometimes 40 day cycles. How would they figure my due date then? I do track my temps and cervical mucus so I know when I ovulate. We aren't trying for baby #2 until December!

2007-10-15 03:46:24 · 10 answers · asked by blank 4 in Pregnancy

so i took some tests this weekend and it was positive,,i got to the doc today to confirm it. My question is for all those ladies with unplanned babies waht did you do/think when you found out . I have thoughts of both having and not having it .. i have no friends to relate that have been in the situation.. thoughts??

2007-10-15 03:37:35 · 23 answers · asked by girl 1 in Pregnancy

Just curious if anyone just went to the hospital when they were in labor without having had much or any prenatal care? If so what did you tell them at the hospital?

2007-10-15 03:37:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I am 19 and I want a baby very badly. I have been dating my b/f for almost 4 years. He is the love of my life. He is 22. We live together and both have good jobs. We could financially support a baby I know we could. I know its hard work and it would change my life forever. And as for us being at work I have 3 sisters that would be more than willing to watch my baby. In which 2 of them don't work cuz they are stay at home mothers. NO im not married but we will be someday I don't think a piece of paper has anything to do with this cuz if we were married he could leave me then to but I know he wouldn't leave me. He wants a baby with me hes told me so just not right now but he is 22 isn't that a decent age for him to have one? I am a very mature person Ive never been the one to go party and neither is he. I do believe we are capable responsible and financially stable to have one. I need advice on how to convince him to have one with me. Please no rude comments I don't need them thanks

2007-10-15 03:34:47 · 34 answers · asked by Samantha 1 in Pregnancy

I am 8 weeks pregnant and it has been a long journey with the babys father. We are not together and we are havin a tough time communicating. I recently found out that he has been talking behind my back and "tolerating" me so that I can be quiet and not remind me that he has a responsibility. I found this out through breaking into his emails and overtaking his myspace account. His myspace account now depicts a "sperm donor". His Mother had the audacity to call me mentally unstable an she is worried about her granchild because of my mental health. I am not crazy, just frustrated. He is not stepping up to the plate and refuses to speak with me. So I took it upon myself to send him a wakeup call. I refuse to give him back his email passwords. He cant break into them because I changed all his information. I am sick and tired of this game. I thought it would make me feel better but I still feel like crap. HIs Mom says Im punishing her by threatening he cant see his kid. I am drained!!!!

2007-10-15 03:33:29 · 13 answers · asked by Tha Jane 2 in Parenting

Please all have you say about this matter!

I have been suffering pretty bad lately with my tiredness and sickness (im 6 weeks pregnant) its my first pregnancy and im not used to it.
However, my boss who is male, just keeps having more and more time off, leaving me in charge of the office with one other male member of staff...working 8.30 till 5.30 every day sometimes without a full hour break

They are so inconsiderate and i have to keep reminding him to make sure he is in on 01.11.2007 as its my first midwifery appointment.

I am so mad!

Anyone else experienced this?

2007-10-15 03:31:16 · 11 answers · asked by babydust1982 1 in Pregnancy

and if my due date is feb 11 when will they do my c section ?

2007-10-15 03:29:18 · 3 answers · asked by Ashley L 1 in Pregnancy

Alright, so here's the thing....my husband and I want to have a baby. Although there's one problem that's been going on lately, he's been unable to "finish" when we do it, but can easily "finish" with BJ. My question is this:

If it gets on my hand during BJ, if I somehow got it inside me, could I get pregnant that way? OR does the stuff "die" when it hits air, as I've heard before? Thanks!!!

2007-10-15 03:18:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

If you have Gestational diabetes does that mean that the baby will come early? I am 32 weeks had and ultrasound last week they said her head was down and I was messureing. almost 34 weeks.

2007-10-15 03:18:04 · 10 answers · asked by Summer 1 in Pregnancy

I am 36 weeks 4 days and I have had a slow fluid like discharge sense last night, I have had this a few times before and went in and it was nothing, but sense last night it has a scent to it that is pretty strong on and off - it smells like maple syrup almost, like that sweet syrup smell. ???
My doc. is out of town on her vacation and will not be back for 3 more days so if I call in for something I have to call the oncall at the hospital.... Is it worth calling due to the new scent or is it nothing again ??

2007-10-15 03:13:14 · 6 answers · asked by Brandi 3 in Pregnancy


hi, i just wanted to know how soon can you have sex after having a baby.


2007-10-15 02:52:08 · 7 answers · asked by allielea 2 in Pregnancy

My baby is a 2 month old and breastfed.

On the recommendation of my doctor I put a drop of orange juice in some water for my baby who hadn't pooped in 6 days. It worked within about 15 minutes - she filled her nappy. The poop was soft and light brown.

Anyway - then she didn't go again for 7 days!! So I've put a small drop of orange in some water again and it cleared her out within minutes.

In those seven poopless days, I had done baby massage and 'taking the temperature' etc... nothing worked.

How long should I wait this time - I don't want to keep putting juice in her water to make her bowels move - but she was getting to the point of crying and straining all of the time because she was trying to poo.

On a side note: She is getting enough liquids because she's soaking her nappies many times a day. She's a very content baby other than the pooping issue - it's just when she's trying to poo that she gets crying and straining.

Your advice is appreciated!

2007-10-15 02:44:35 · 30 answers · asked by Feta Smurf 5 in Newborn & Baby

Think of the person that you love the most. How would you feel if that person ceased to exist? Isnt that what abortion does to the future - it removes precious people from life?

2007-10-15 02:19:02 · 23 answers · asked by pete the pirate 5 in Pregnancy

I've had two boys and with them i had no symptoms what so ever all thru each pregnancy, lucky me i know ;)

My last period was around the 20th Sept and that was 2 weeks early for some reason, it lasted 3 days an was very light. The last time we had sex was on the 27th as he left to go overseas.

Two weeks later i was getting very mild groin pain for 2 days, my nipples went into over drive tingling for about 4 days then it stopped. My mouth became very dry for a few days, then that changed and i had a wicked thirst on for about a day an half.

Now the last few days my boobs have become rather tender and i have this dry mouth thing back again.

I never normally get any period pains, sore boobs or anything like that when I'm due.. I know sometimes women can have all these symptoms when you really want to be pregnant but aren't.

Do you think I'm pregnant or is my body playing games with me? I'm going out later to get a test i think as its really starting to bug me

2007-10-15 02:16:46 · 11 answers · asked by pookie_baer 1 in Pregnancy

most stores only carry the bunting snowsuits up to size 12 months

2007-10-15 02:05:36 · 13 answers · asked by J C 1 in Newborn & Baby

Hey I have pcos and my dr perscribe metformin to me, could u plz help me out with these (?) and by telling me a few of your testomonies thank you.

Does ladies with Pcos ovulates on Metforming alone?

If metformin gave you a reguler 28day cycle did that means I ovulated with it?

What does metformin does in AID to pcos?

How soon can you conceive of a metformin?

Since I've start taking metformin (2nd month) my cycles have been 29 days long, my AF usually last 7-9 days now its 5 days the max, but since it's helping my cycle to get reguler I wanted to no if it'll also help me ovulate. I have cycts on both of my ovaries and its making it difficult for me to ovulate, the reason y my dr say I am not ovulating is because my eggs aren't getting mature and my hormones and cycles are wack, so since my cycles are somewhat normal now do you think there is a chance that I may ovulate on metformin alone? I did clomid for 4 cycles and it didn't work for me.

2007-10-15 02:03:46 · 1 answers · asked by Mom of 2 w/ PCOS 6 in Trying to Conceive

I was wondering if I can still get pregnant anytime of the month? Or just during my peak fertility days? I know there are two days in the cycle that are the best times to get pregnant, but can women still get pregnant anytime their cycle?

2007-10-15 02:01:47 · 6 answers · asked by Carrie P 3 in Pregnancy

What is blue balls?
does the balls of someone really look blue...can it be seen from outside?
why is it caused?
how can we heal it?

please take a look at this :


Thanks a lot.

2007-10-15 01:55:37 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

I have a 2 week old baby boy, he sleeps really good during the day, eating every 3-4 hours, but it seems at night, he gets fussy and doesn't sleep as good as I would like...does anyone have any suggestions on how I may be able to change this? Or is this something he will just grow out of?

2007-10-15 01:50:25 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

I am in the 5th grade and am a girl. I have a male teacher. He pinches my cheeks, chucks my chin, rubs my chin(places finger under chin and continually rubs back and forth), rubs his hand on my face, He places his thumb and index finger on my cheeks and squeezes and like kinda wipes my chin. I dont care but im kinda scared to tell my mother, is this harrassment?

2007-10-15 01:44:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Grade-Schooler

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