this is my situation..........
my husband and i have been trying to concieve and i have been taking the ovulation test and we are having intercourse when my surge is detected. well this month i truely thought i was pregnant.
i had almost all the signs! i was getting headaches, cramping almost a week before my missed period, i was nausious.....i never threw up but it's very unlikely for me to do that because i was never the one for throwing up even when i was little.......i've also been tired a lot more, my breasts have been pretty sore, and i've been peeing a heck of a lot.
sounds pretty good so far doesn't it? here's where the horror strikes!!!!
i got my period the day i was suposed to! (yesterday) and the first day was light and little on the pinkish brown side with a lot of cramping, but today it was heavier and more red with no cramping.
does this mean that i was never pregnant? or does it mean that i had a misscarage and just don't know it???
please help! thanks
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Trying to Conceive