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Pregnancy & Parenting - 26 July 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

I am 13 weeks pregnant and got into a very heated argument with my b/f. We both said things that we shouldn't have, however, I think that he really made some really cruel personal jabs that have really got me worried. Up until this fight we have had a super loving relationship barring a few minor spats here and there. I do realize that being pregnant can cause a woman to be more sensitive, though the hurtful things that were said have changed the relationship overnight! This will be my first child and his second....I am feeling so lost at the moment not knowing what to do. If I weren't pregnant, I would certainly consider his words to be break-up material. The fact is in spite of what he said, I know deep down that he loves me, but what should I do if he actually thinks that little of me (as suggested by his comments)? We have been basically living together for over a year now. Being pregnant, I feel trapped. I don't feel I have any other options than to stay with him. please help.

2007-07-26 03:39:50 · 8 answers · asked by Linus' Momma 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Any help will be appreciated.

2007-07-26 03:35:42 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

i have a 4 month old baby and we are moving house, should we use smooth laminate or carpet for the house? please tell us y you chose the flooring we should have, help us stop our arguments about it

2007-07-26 03:28:14 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

in the mornings when i wake up i have an extremely funny smell especially from my vagina and i have heavy heavy discharge that doesnt really have a bad odor but a funny one and thats throughtout the entire day.is that normal?

2007-07-26 03:26:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

2007-07-26 03:23:54 · 14 answers · asked by Chinedu o 1 in Newborn & Baby

Hi everyone! I have a daughter who is 26 months old & she is a very intelligent little girl when she wants to be, she's very stubborn & does things when she wants to. She potty trained at 19 months old, she can get up & turn her Barney DVD on by herself & she knows most of her basic colors. She doesn't seem to be talking like she should though. I mean she talks some but I hear some parents talk to their kids at two & carry on conversations with them. She's been having a lot of tantrums lately too & it's so weird because she was like the most perfect baby you could have imagined. I'm starting to worry about autism. She's very anti-social & she lines things up & like blocks or bottles but if one of them falls over she freaks out. I'm not exactly sure what's wrong & is there anything that I can do to help with her speech so maybe she doesn't always feels so frustrated?

2007-07-26 03:23:21 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

because of what you have gone though.

Do know it can be done after some time, but do want to know about this issue still.

Thank you.

2007-07-26 03:21:57 · 10 answers · asked by Jessica A Bruno 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

My 5 year old loves cartoon dont get me wrong like any other kid... But he rather watch cartoon 24/7... My husband and I have brought him outside to play and that last for like 15-30 minutes,we have got him toys and wants nothing to do with them,we play family board games and that last 15 minutes with him, also at night before he go to bed he has the TV on cartoons.. If we set the sleep on the TV he just turns it back on and we have told him when it go off its off for the night... Last night it went off and my husband got up to go to the bathroom and our son told him that he was scared to be in there because cartoons where not on... SOMEONE PLEASE HELP US!!!!!

2007-07-26 03:19:29 · 26 answers · asked by ivy12231981 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

My HV has just been and noticed my 2 wk old has talipes/club foot.

Has any one got any experiences of this or advice?

2007-07-26 03:19:19 · 3 answers · asked by knomi_uk 2 in Newborn & Baby

Can anyone tell me about their not so good experiences during and after pregnancy...thanks

2007-07-26 03:14:30 · 10 answers · asked by Steven's Mommy 5 in Pregnancy

maybe preggy experts have calculators on normal conceptions. this one's normal and i'm very proud of it. it's just that we had a very wonderful evening before i left for my work abroad and would just like to verify.

2007-07-26 03:12:39 · 11 answers · asked by restynpiece 1 in Pregnancy

Zahara Renai
Avery Kate
Sophia Brooklyn
Skylar Chase
Stella Bryn
Jolie Delilah
Mallorie Raine

2007-07-26 03:04:42 · 30 answers · asked by MoRgAn<3 2 in Baby Names

Do you think a boy named
Magnus Rylan G______son or
Magnus Aiden G______son
would get picked on?

2007-07-26 02:56:32 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

i took it for all my previous pregnancies & just want to make sure its still ok as it was over 6 years ago?

2007-07-26 02:54:59 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My son got a new LittlePeoples firetruck for his b-day. Most of our Little People stuff is cousin handme downs and rummage sale buys. And they're always changing the base of the people! ARRRGH. They must figure they'll sell more toys when one set doesnt fit with the next.

2007-07-26 02:54:37 · 4 answers · asked by lillilou 7 in Toddler & Preschooler

I checked with the Department of Family and Children Services, and they couldn't help me. So who else can I contact? I am in the state of Georgia, in the metro Atlanta area.

2007-07-26 02:51:59 · 7 answers · asked by Video_Production 6 in Toddler & Preschooler

My daughter will be 9 months in two weeks. She started sleeping through the night at about 8 weeks. At about 4 months, she began crying for a bottle in the middle of the night. She doesn't actually wake up unless I don't answer her need fairly soon, but she cries very loudly in a plaintive way. She sucks down the bottle and then puts her pacifier back in her mouth and sleeps the rest of the night.

I'm not so bothered about getting up in the middle of the night, but I'm afraid it is going to ruin her teeth. She only has two on the bottom, but she has had them for about 3 months so I'm expecting the top ones pretty soon. My husband thinks the bottom ones are already yellow, but I think he's imagining it. However, I know the sugars in the milk will eventually damage her teeth.

What can I do? She is obviously very hungry. I've tried giving her just water, but she rejects it. I've tried feeding her a lot of rice cereal before she goes to bed, but she still cries for that bottle.

2007-07-26 02:42:56 · 12 answers · asked by tianjingabi 5 in Newborn & Baby

I would like to volenteer to sanitize my daugter's daycare. I'm very upset that I've lost some jobs because she gets sick constantly at this daycare. I just re-enrolled her into the same daycare center again because it's the only near my home, but after the 3rd day, she's been throwing up all night.

Do I have any legal rights to complain about this? I've seen workers not wash their hands after helping kids use the bathroom! I want to volenteer my time to help clean up this daycare. Has anyone else done this? Are there any legal options I have if they dont start cleaning the place?

2007-07-26 02:34:11 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

To go to sleep I have to sleep on my stomach but lately it has been really uncomfortable, and I have been having trouble sleeping along with nausea in the morning, lower back paing, and sore nipples. My last period was on July 4th and I didn't not miss my period yet cause its suppose to come on the 1st of August, but I just wanted to know if anyone has being feeling this also, and what could it be???

2007-07-26 02:28:38 · 5 answers · asked by The_One_And_Only 1 in Trying to Conceive

I cannot decide where I want my baby to go after he is born. I will have to go back to work full time as s/o and I can't really afford not to with a new car payment, school etc.

Getting a babysitter would actually be more expensive than daycare. My choices are between a facility and in home.

I use to work at a daycare which is 20 mins away from where I live/ work now. I really trust them with infants and the rest of the kids and I personally know most of the staff.

Would that be totally crazy to drive out of my commute just to make sure I can have the satisfaction of knowing my baby is in good hands. I also know that they are relatively cheaper than most facility daycares..

2007-07-26 02:25:24 · 7 answers · asked by babysteaks3 2 in Parenting

my son is not going to the potty even when he is beside it,he sits on it ok but wont go to it if he is away from it and needs the potty,he is 3yrs and 4 mths can anybody help?

2007-07-26 02:21:31 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

I am so TIRED... i excercise in the morning and have no trouble falling asleep.. it's staying aslep. i'm getting up every hour to pee, and then am up from aboput 3 a.m.-5:00.. then have todller to take care of all day. I am also drinking lots of h20 ( 32 oz or more) but cut myself off at 7:00. Also i only have one cup of coffee a day in the morning. I take a very very, short "nap" about 20 minutes to refresh. i've also been having episodes of contractions 10 minutes apart for 2-3 hours but then they go away.(for about 2 weeks now)

2007-07-26 02:15:12 · 14 answers · asked by lisa k 3 in Pregnancy

i was on clomid for the last 4 months, this month i'd tried clomid with evening primrose gel tablets and during ovulation i used lubricant called (Silken Secret) it worked!!! Thank GOD!!
please be aware that clomid get rid of the mucous and the sperms are unavailable to swim to the egg!! girls ensure you use a lubricant.....so that it helps the sperm to swim..it worked for me this month!!

2007-07-26 02:04:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

I'm day 13 post ovulation. I just took my second early response test. Yesterdays was negative. This morning there is a faint but definitive pink line with a dark line. According to the test that means pregnant but we have been trying to conceive #1 for a while so I don't believe it! If it was negative yesterday and positive day should I take another before I get get excited?? I'm shaking!

2007-07-26 02:02:55 · 11 answers · asked by sarah 2 in Trying to Conceive

My partner and I have discussed having children.He said he wants another kid.But he actually said we should wait a couple of years because he is afraid his 2 kids ( aged 7 and 9) from his previous marriage will feel that they have been replaced.Is this normal?
I do not agree with this and I do not want to wait at least 2 more years before conceiving.How do I tell him this.??
Please give me advice on how should I discuss this with him without spoiling the relationship we have.On the other hand I would not continue to be in a relationship with him if he sais that he will not change his mind.It si not fair to me.

2007-07-26 01:57:01 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

our surname is attwater if this helps plus we have 6 other children which there names are will,calvin,megan,kieron,allyshia,holly-jane
many thanx kaye & darren

2007-07-26 01:56:06 · 62 answers · asked by KAYE A 1 in Baby Names

her and provide stability to the children. She works for me part time where she can work at home and she has another job parttime.
She pays the mortgage under a lease to own contract. My problem is for the past 3 weeks she has not been doing the work I have given her. I have had to do it at the risk of losing the business. I asked her about it and she always comes up with excuses why she hasn't done it. I asked her if she didn't want to do the work for me anymore and she said she does want to do it. I have assisted her in the past when the children were sick by just doing the work and paying her anyway. This is different - she has had ample opportunity. What do I do?

2007-07-26 01:54:03 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

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