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Pregnancy & Parenting - 11 June 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

What are the earliest signs?

2007-06-11 09:52:35 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

He's 9 and unfortunately there are no children that he can play with in our neighbourhood. The ones there are, he doesn't "like". So, he's always mooping around. My husband and I take him places, play games with him, do whatever we can, but then everything else gets so out of whack I go nuts. There's not time to clean, because he wants to do something, not time to relax, because he won't let you..won't stay in his room fro any lenght of time..because..you guessed it..he's bored. He's got a PSP, a DVD player, tons of toys and crafts, but unless one of us is with him, he can't engage in doing things alone...I don't know what we're doing wrong..but my house and life is falling apart it seems..I can't even "pee" by myself it seems...HELP..

2007-06-11 09:51:35 · 30 answers · asked by Terry Ann 2 in Grade-Schooler

2007-06-11 09:51:07 · 4 answers · asked by childcareprovider 3 in Trying to Conceive

i kno that all of u arent doctors but it kinda comfortin to kno what other people went thru or is currently goin thru. i took an pregnancy test in april and it came back positive. but in may and june i got my "period" on time and it was a normal period.. i took another test but it came back negative. could i have had a miscarriage? with the "periods i didn't have any tissue pass. but i still feel pregnant.. im 110 pound 5'4 ... my tummy is gettin fat but not hard.... did this ever happen to anyone else and they were still pregnant?

2007-06-11 09:48:14 · 4 answers · asked by skyblue 2 in Pregnancy

I was thinking Gavin Wade for a boy
and Alissa Hayden for a girl . What do
you think? If you dont like these please
give some you think are cute!

2007-06-11 09:44:07 · 32 answers · asked by Brandie L 3 in Baby Names

2007-06-11 09:38:41 · 51 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

They make my tummy bubble...

Safe or Not?

2007-06-11 09:34:31 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My niece and nephew had been taken away from their mom three times and were given back all three times. Clearly, a cycle is being repeated. I'm afraid that my nephew will harm himself, beacause he's depressed. I'm not at all happy with the response that I was given, about the mother not losing her parental rights. What does it take for something to be done about this situation? The agency that was supposed to help my niece and nephew has failed them! Help! I do not want to see my loved ones on the 10:00 news!

2007-06-11 09:29:34 · 7 answers · asked by tameka g 1 in Parenting

My son is 27 months, about 37-38" tall and 40 pounds. I am finding it more and more difficult to get him in his car seat. I am looking for hands on experience with booster seats. What model do you have, why you like it or dont like it etc. Especially since most states are requiring booster seats until age 6 I want to make sure I make the right choice when investing in one of these.

2007-06-11 09:17:16 · 8 answers · asked by his temptress 5 in Toddler & Preschooler

im 16 have a 1 year old and my baby father in jail. hes 27 years old so im rasing the baby on my own. im in the 9th grade and have a boyfriend . im pregnant again. i want to keep it but what if hes not their when the baby is born what should i do?

2007-06-11 09:14:19 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Okay the father of my baby had left me in the beginning of my pregnancy and i have not talked ot him since. But recently i found out that he plans to come home a week after my due date because he wants to see her. I don't think we will have a court session to determine custody by that point. So do i have the right to tell him he cannot see her if he tries to?

2007-06-11 09:12:08 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

I'm due july 20th and my husband and I can't agree on any biys names. He wants it to be simple. We have 2 girls and there names are addyson and Kheira. We decided (well kind of) on 2 middle names Don (his grandfather), David (father) So please help me!! I'm going out of my mind!!

2007-06-11 09:08:59 · 32 answers · asked by tiffany g 2 in Baby Names

Last time I asked this, I was annoyed with a couple of the responses insulting me the way I handled the situation. I did what I had to in order to make my child feel better. The hospital would have done EXACTLY what I did. I am not an idiot. Even with doubts, I took my child to the doctor in the morning and he assured me that what I did was right. When I asked him about why it happened, he said it had to do with the abrupt change from regular to next step. I was not content with that question, so I came on here trying to get different points of view. So, here we go again.... What is the biggest difference between the regular formula and the next step formula? What is the main reason it was made?

2007-06-11 09:06:34 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

Discharge from virgin, cloudy white could this be ovulation?

2007-06-11 09:00:05 · 3 answers · asked by Mom of 2 w/ PCOS 6 in Trying to Conceive

My doctor prescribed me some iron pills since im anemic. once a day though a months worth of pills is $105 pretty expensive..

2007-06-11 08:52:26 · 6 answers · asked by efwisocap 3 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I am at a loss! My daughter is 4 and we have been in the potty training stage for months! If she wears regular underwear she will use her potty for #1 but she will just go #2 in her pants. If we go to town she will not tell me she needs to use the restroom, she will just go to the bathroom where she stands. It seems like I have tried every trick in the book to get her trained and nothing seems to click! Now it's summer and she can't be in any of the programs because she still wets her pants! Please help

2007-06-11 08:45:35 · 8 answers · asked by sisy_girl56 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

During my past pregnancies I have had pyelonephritis, moderate hydronephrosis due to the babies obstructing the right ureter. First pregnancy obstruction occured on both. In each time my perinatologist brought in a urologist and could not see the obstruction so a pyelogram was done that confirmed it. My lab test were always normal except for having pyelonephritis. This last pregnancy I have been having severe right flank pain and went to the er and they diagnosed Pyelonephritis. I was put on propholactic antibiotics and still the flank pain has been so unbearable I keep going back to triage. I spoke with nurses and my doctors and the perinatologist I was seen by this time said I did have signs of kidney problems but don't know what to do. My doctor wanted to do a c-section but amnio pg/PI test were negative. I saw him today and he said he will not deliver until 39 weeks. He has seen me screaming in pain at the hospital. He said he wants another amnio before he will deliver. why?

2007-06-11 08:44:21 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I am teaching VBS for 4 year-olds and we end up having a lot of time leftover. I have already played--
-Red Light, Green Light
-Simon Says
-the "Quiet Game"
-Duck, Duck Goose
-Freeze Dance
any other ideas (games or not) would be great. Keep in mind these need to be pretty simple. Thanks!

2007-06-11 08:41:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

I've been in the hospital twice now for preterm labor, once at 30 weeks, and again at 32. I'm on Brethine and my OB told me that he'd let me deliver if I made it to 35 weeks. However, I don't feel I'm going to make it another week but I don't want to go to the hospital and have my labor stopped, could I refuse stopping my labor? He said that "people" would look at my report and see I chose to NOT take the medication and they would see me as a bad person.. if he's talking CYS then is it possible they could take my chlid from me even though I've made it to the 34 week mark?

2007-06-11 08:36:25 · 17 answers · asked by Stephy 1 in Pregnancy

I'm 13 and think i'm pregnant.......but i've only ever had dry sex not actual proper sex.......so could i actually be pregnant??

2007-06-11 08:31:51 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Anyway, there's 3 of us. We are all going into 8th grade, and are working (teaching) 3 & 4 year olds. We have 10 kids in our class. 2 girls and 8 boys! Anyway so today we didn't have a teacher, or an adult in the room helping us. We didn't need one either. But at the end of VBS one of the head volunteers came up to us and told us that tommorow we would have a teacher. They think that one of us is going into 9th grade, and they let her be the teacher for today. Does anyone think that this is unfair??? I do!

2007-06-11 08:24:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

Okay, Im 29 weeks and my OB isn't too talkative or informative at my appt's lately. I have only gained about 10 lbs so far... my belly is still pretty small...I apparently measured correctly at my last appt (as he only said "good" to himself as he finished measuring my fundal height)
Has only one else experienced this little of weight gain?

2007-06-11 08:21:23 · 7 answers · asked by entyce68 2 in Pregnancy

Okay, my fiancee has been dad to my 3 children for a year and a half. I have a 14 year old son, and up until 2 months ago, things were fine. Now suddenly it seems my fiancee hates my son and verbally degrades him, TO ME. Calls him a "punk *** piece of ****", a loser, a **** up, you name it. I try to tell him how this hurts me, but he says "Well what about the total disrespect, lying and back-talk I get from him?" Note that my fiancee is 50 and very old school. He doesn't understand teenagers today. My son is going through a lot of up's and down's due to my divorce from his step-dad and being bounced from house to house throughout his life. When I try to mention these things to my fiancee, he says I am making excuses for my son and that I need to straighten him out or else. He expects me to back-hand him in the face when he "talks back", and I don't believe in doing that. He is trying to apply 1950's parenting principles on my children and it simply won't work in this day and age.

2007-06-11 08:19:28 · 14 answers · asked by Beach Girl 3 in Parenting

when i was younger i used to do this thing it used to look like i humped poles i think my mum said i was addicted yeah i said to her i stopped but when i was younger she said if you do that you cant have babies i wonder still could that be why i still havent started my periods

2007-06-11 08:18:53 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I'm 5 weeks pregnant and I was wondering when the heartbeat is audible through a doppler?

2007-06-11 08:17:45 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

along and I am 3 1/2 dia and 100% effaced my doctor said he doesn't expect to see me back for next week appt. The only thing is I am not having contractions but menstral cramps that are consitant and hurt really bad. Should I get excited? Have any of you stayed like this for more than a week?

2007-06-11 08:13:49 · 19 answers · asked by Mikki W 1 in Pregnancy

I red on the internet by the half way mark of pregnancy (about 20 weeks) it is more than likely that I should've gained about 10 lbs. I have only gained 4... is this bad? I have been being really careful not to eat horribly.

2007-06-11 08:00:14 · 5 answers · asked by Jennifer K 3 in Pregnancy

Without getting into a debate on Pro-Life and Abortion does this new push lead to more abortions. Do we continue to find more thinks to test for and then someday ensure no one is born with certain things that at the time are determined to be not wanted in our population. I see many downs syndrome children and adults and how many of them would be born if this test was given to all. Do we want to preselect all. Yes you don't want your child to have any disability or problem that makes there life harder but what is next - pre test for bipolar disorder, heart disease, etc.

2007-06-11 07:54:20 · 16 answers · asked by ALASPADA 6 in Pregnancy

To go along with my other question. I know they tell you to expect back pain while pregnant, but for the past few hours it has been throbbing. Is this just the baby or could it be contractions. But it is there and doesnt go away.

2007-06-11 07:51:50 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

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