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Pregnancy & Parenting - 6 June 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

ok here I am 9 days over due and we have tried everything...rasberry leaf, pineapple, sex, bouncing on a ball, walking, even castor oil and this baby will not come out. They let you go 14 days over here in the UK but i dont think i can handle another 5 days. Has anyone got anything we have not tried?

2007-06-06 23:59:14 · 6 answers · asked by sarah_north06 1 in Pregnancy


2007-06-06 23:21:15 · 42 answers · asked by •°•°•°•° 1 in Baby Names

2007-06-06 22:47:02 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

My husband just started this job in october and i am having a c section on a friday and we were wandering how long the paternity leave for him is because i have two other young children that will need care while i am recooperating? He has not yet been there for a year so is not covered by the FLMA and has no vacation or sick leave either but how long can he stay home without getting fired.

2007-06-06 22:30:02 · 4 answers · asked by best step mommy in the world 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

2007-06-06 22:07:47 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

Mine is happening right now. He is at the table declaring he will not eat tea. I am over his fussiness (he is 8). He has been sitting for 30 minutes so far. He has even volunteered to have his mouth washed out with soap to get out of eating. he has offered up giving up all his after school activities(which he loves). Havn't had a time like this with him since he was little. He has always been fussy but he had gotten better, or so I thought. So this screaming fit of his has prompted me to ask....what is the biggest battle you have had with your child and at what age?

2007-06-06 21:27:24 · 8 answers · asked by Rachel 7 in Parenting

OK, for future reference we'd like some suggestions for a boys first name who's second name would be Jonathan and last name Watson. We like the idea of being able to call him JJ or AJ for short. Cannot have Andrew, as its already in the family.

Suggestions welcome obvioulsy. We'd consider uncommon names so long as the name as a whole wasn't overly long and they're unknown all together kind of thing. If you think of any other names starting a different letter, but would create a good nickname, please let us know.

We once thought of Oliver, what are your thoughts on this name?

Thanks in advance.

2007-06-06 21:21:51 · 72 answers · asked by Need_to_know 5 in Baby Names

I and my girlfriend had sex last month(9/6). She is 18. Sex is not getting periods for the past 60 days. She says her periods are generally irregular, but not as irregular as now.We want to avoid pregnancy. Till when is it safe to abort with out any signs. Is there any cure taking tablets. Suggest any other safe method.

2007-06-06 21:16:56 · 19 answers · asked by om 2 in Adolescent

Ok so I got caught taking pictures of the girl next door while she was laying out by the pool, and now her dad is telling me he's going to have me arrested. And I told him it was perfectly legal and to screw off, and he claims it's not legal because she's 15

so whose right?

2007-06-06 20:02:07 · 15 answers · asked by steve e 1 in Adolescent

so i know i may be young but i really want to get pregnant.i have a boyfriend working a pretty decent job.he gets payed bout 12 dollars an hour working more than 80hours in 2weeks.i was recently pregnant but i miscarried after 8weeks.we were both devastated by the whole situation.and we have been talking about me getting pregnant.we want to try but the problem is im on the depo shot.it wont b over till july 17.well we can wait till then but the problem is my mom will make me get my next shot.but i dont want to.if i refuse i know she will get my boyfriend in rouble because he is older than me.although she is ok with the whole thing with us being together right now.before that we did go behind her back,me skipping school and lying.then i got caught.when i got caught we decided that was the day to tell her i was pregnant.i love this guy and he loves me and we are ready to take our relationship farther with a child and get married.WHAT SHOULD I DO.PLEASE HELP.

2007-06-06 19:25:39 · 24 answers · asked by Alyssa D 2 in Trying to Conceive

Ok, I need to know if my soon to be Ex-Brother-In-Law is messing with my sister to get more money from her. He says that their son has just been diagnosed with Stage 2 Autism with ADD. I try to look up info on that on the web to try to see if there was anything I could do to help.......And could find nothing. Is there really Stage 2 Autism with ADD?? or is her soon to be Ex once again trying to get even more money from her??

2007-06-06 19:21:44 · 8 answers · asked by pg/13 3 in Parenting

would it be possible to feel movement at this time
& if so - externally as well??

2007-06-06 19:16:32 · 7 answers · asked by LittleOne 1 in Pregnancy

My partner had a one night stand with one of his friends 2months before he and I started dating. ONe month into our relationship I found out she was pregnant and I decided to support him when he told me she was going to keep the baby and he wanted to be apart of the childs life. It has taken awhile for the reality of the situation to sink in and now I am freaking out! I'm not sure my partner realises what he is getting in to either and I wonder how the four of us (baby, mother, my man and myself) will work it all out. Are there any books about theses types of situations? All the book I have found are about divorced parenting or raising your child when you are in a happy relationship... I can't find anything relevant to our situation. Does anyone have any advice??? (PS We are all in our early 20s)

2007-06-06 19:15:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

i had unprotected sex last month my period is on the 15 of this month i been feeling really dizzy full of nauseas backaches not hungry at all i took 2 pregnacy tests 3 days ago but said negative but i been feeling really sick could i be pregnant or its just my mind?

2007-06-06 19:09:30 · 5 answers · asked by St@r 2 in Pregnancy

I know this might sound stupid but i was wondering if it matters what time of the day i take a pregnancy test. I know its better in the morning with the first urine, but does it have to be the morning. I work late and sleep until between 12 and 2 pm. Will that make a difference? Should i test in the morning even if i have only been sleeping a couple hours?

2007-06-06 18:55:28 · 13 answers · asked by nikki k 2 in Trying to Conceive

Hey i just wanted to know how many teens are on here that have kids or are pregnant.I'm 19 and i have a 2 month old son.And to all the people that say that teens are stupid or not good parents.Your wrong.I'm a very good parent and have everything my son could ever want.I have my own house with my husband who is 22.I stay at home with my son and my husband works.And i did graduate highschool And i'm in collage only 1 year to go to get my bachelors dagree.( I graduated high school early)So do not doubt teens who have kids i know a lot of teens who are very good parents and i know mothers in there 20s and 30s who could be come better parents

2007-06-06 18:53:56 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I am open to different options at this point. We have been trying to conceive for 14 months now with no luck. I used to be on birth control and 5 pills of metformin/day from 17-21/22 years old. Since I have hypoglycemia I had to take an additional medication because the metformin was taking my sugar levels too low. Obviously taking birth control isn't my first choice since we are still trying to conceive. What other options are out there. Someone told me to drink spearmint tea, that it would help, I have also been told to drink green tea.

2007-06-06 18:49:18 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

I had sex on the the 31st of may an my fertile days are 2, 3, 4, an 5 can i become pregnant if i had sex on the 31st of may?

2007-06-06 18:48:42 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My partner knows that I want to have kids and that I am ready now.. but I am waiting until he is also ready.. but I have recently missed a couple of my pills as i was away and didnt take them with me and i also realised that some medication i was taking affects the pill also.

The pill is the only contraceptive we are using at the moment and he has always told me that if i do get pregnant unexpectedly he will stick by me and be happy about it.

What do i do if i turn out to be pregnant? (I cant test for another 10 days or so) but i really dont want him to think i was going behind his back because i wasnt!

What do I do?

..I'm really nervous..

2007-06-06 18:42:48 · 8 answers · asked by *edb* 2 in Pregnancy

I have heard that there is something to do that can determine the sex of your baby. obviousely it isnt medically true etc. but more or less fun to see what it says and what it actually is! i cannot remember what it is called, im thinking something chinese or japanese. i believe it is something on the internet that you can do. i know im not explaining this very well, but if anyone out there has any clue to what i am talking about, please help me out! what is this called?? i'd like to find it and see what it says! Thanks in advance to everyone!!

2007-06-06 17:40:26 · 10 answers · asked by annom2 2 in Pregnancy

My husband and I have one son:

Ian (after my father in law) Carle (after my father)

we are expecting our second son this coming september and we are naming him:

Shaun (after a dear friend who passed away) Forsythe (after my husband's Scottish clan).

We have had the name Shaun picked out before I even became pregnant. My father in law recently called to tell me he would prefer it if I would choose a different name for our new son because he already knows too many Shauns and he would like something new. Then he told me he strongly recommends we name the baby "Andrew Stewart" (Stewart after his brother!!) Now every time I see him, he pulls me aside and tries to convince me to change names! I have kindly told him that we are very settled on the name Shaun and it holds special significance to both my husband and myself, but it just doesn't seem to sink in!

Since when does the grandparent name the child??

2007-06-06 17:32:27 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

my friend is writing her name is maria- hi am 18 and am pregnant my bf wants me to abort but am against abortion i have no moneyy nothing but am so sccared of raising this by mmyself what do i do?

2007-06-06 17:29:54 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

2007-06-06 17:27:35 · 33 answers · asked by DIANA 2 in Baby Names

My husband and I have been TTC for over 3 years now with no success. We've seen a RE and tried drugs, tests, procedures, BBT, OPK's, fertility monitors, herbs, etc. We have done what is within our financial scope to have a baby. At what point do you say enough and stop trying? How do you make the choice to live childfree?

2007-06-06 17:20:39 · 17 answers · asked by jilldaniel_wv 7 in Trying to Conceive

I have always thought you ovulate around 14 days after you start your period....but i have seen on several websites and things that it is less than that. Is there really any way to know or does it jus depend on the person?!

2007-06-06 16:57:13 · 10 answers · asked by cutewon 2 in Trying to Conceive

I am pregnant and am just a teen i would like to know if there are any other teen moms or moms to be or even adult moms or moms to be on here that could give me any advice on how to tell my parents {the dad already knows} or what to do about the baby i am really confused!!Any help will be greatly appriciated!Guys can answer too!

2007-06-06 16:53:51 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I seen on a baby story a lady drank 2 oz of caster oil, 6 oz orange juice and a scoop of vanilla ice cream and she said the diarreha makes your contractions come??? Anyone who has experienced it?

2007-06-06 16:49:11 · 17 answers · asked by mrs.dyess 1 in Pregnancy

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