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Pregnancy & Parenting - 6 June 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

2007-06-06 04:51:49 · 25 answers · asked by Danielle V 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

I had a tubal pregnancy last yr in May which after treatment resulted in my loosen part of my right tube.But I also concieved again last yr and lost my baby in Jan at 19 weeks due to a fall at work.After the d&c I notice I was'nt feeling right so come to find out they did'nt get everything and they had to put me back under.Me and my husband are ready to try again but we are so scared because I only have this one tube due to the tubal,do you think because I was put under twice that it caused any scar tissue or should I be fine?

2007-06-06 04:48:38 · 10 answers · asked by dccuttie75 6 in Trying to Conceive

I'm am freaking out, she said my baby's head is dented (flatened) on his right side, but get this, this is not the side he lyes on, he actually perfers his left which is not affected. Can it be bc my baby was in the birth canal on his right side for a long time and this is the consequence? He is 4 months old and I don't know what to expect, will he have to wear a helmet?

2007-06-06 04:46:32 · 5 answers · asked by lissette 4 in Newborn & Baby

If someone is restricting themselves to a 1500 calorie diet, will this affect the development of the fetus?

2007-06-06 04:43:41 · 22 answers · asked by Lucky 2 in Pregnancy

My blood pressure today was 136/78 but my dr seemed really happy with this. I thought it seemed a bit high but obviously if my dr is pleased so am I. Anyone else around this and their dr is happy?

FYI - I was pulled out of work at 19 weeks (now almost 30 weeks) bc my blood pressure was high 150's/90...and since then it has been in the 120-130/70-80 for the most part...A few times its been in the 130 and the dr was pleased. One time it was in the 140's/80 but I was really nervous for a few reasons so i just think stressed had to do with it.

2007-06-06 04:27:35 · 11 answers · asked by baby1august 3 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting


2007-06-06 04:17:59 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

I know its an educational movie, but could this affect her in the ways of watching too much t.v? I put it in for the music but she sat down and started watching it. Should i be worried or not?

2007-06-06 04:14:48 · 14 answers · asked by sarah 5 in Parenting

I am unsure of what I'm having, but hopefully I will find out tomorrow! But anyways, I am really stuck on 2 names..I love them both, and I really want to use one of them either way..Do you guys think that Salem or Presley would be good as unisex names?? Thanks for the advice!

2007-06-06 04:13:30 · 20 answers · asked by Michelle 1 in Baby Names

its like this......its my first time having sex with my boyfriend..and we didnt use condoms..sorry because im sooo paranoid in that sex things...but his sperm did not come inside me..after we do that sex thing..it bleeds,,then my abdomen starts to hurt..but after 2 days no bleeding occurs..in the morning..when i wake up,,my head feels like bursting..and 5 days past seens we had sex..my abdomen still hurts..please help!! im soo scared..i always think about what happen..! i regret it alot..i dont want to be pregnant..!! and if my parents know about this...for sure they will kill me..! please i need help....is this symptoms of pregnancy or its just normal when its your first time having sex..? what will i do!! please i need help!!

2007-06-06 03:54:57 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Hi, just wondering about ppl's views on this, when do u think u r too young to have a baby (+ i don't mean the obvious) i'm 20 and think i would be too young, even tho me + my fiance have our own place and r financially stable. and if u spend too long thinking ur too young, when will you be too old? I know thats a bit of a confusing question sorry!

2007-06-06 03:52:04 · 22 answers · asked by Nikita R 2 in Pregnancy

Why would you want to induce if there are no complications? I mean I know we all want to be comfortable again and we want to hold our little bundle of joy, but isnt it expected to be uncomfortable when your pregnant? As for inducing before you are ready that tends to lead to a long hard labor...why would you WANT to do that to yourself when you can just suffer a little bit longer and let baby come when it is ready? Does this make sense to anyone else or does everyone just want to be induced?

2007-06-06 03:47:44 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

from a non spanker why they think spanking is abuse. Sorry, for that. But i want to know.

2007-06-06 03:47:17 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I have really bad heart burn or acid indegestion whatever you wanna call it and i cant get my prescription till next week is there anything i can do in the mean time becuase ive had it like all day everyday for 3 days now and it hurtttsss!! Thanks

2007-06-06 03:36:45 · 19 answers · asked by aricaevelyn8707 1 in Pregnancy

just wondering how long it take to toilet train 2yr old boys..by son has the hole concept of peeing in the potty but has his mistakes and wont do poos in the potty

2007-06-06 03:31:09 · 9 answers · asked by loopy_elmo69 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

I am not pregnant right now but was curious.

2007-06-06 03:29:15 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

Just wondering what some of the best things to do when trying to concieve?

2007-06-06 03:13:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

What are the signs of being pregnant? I have been gagging on like nothing!! And almost every morning when I get up I feel like I have to puke!! I this a sign or and I just over reacting??

2007-06-06 03:10:10 · 8 answers · asked by Shannah 2 in Pregnancy

Tilly, Poppy or Milly for a girl. Ryan or Rhys for a boy.

Thank you!

2007-06-06 03:02:19 · 68 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

And who is blue in the face?
What i want to know from the bleeding hearts is WHY do you think spankings are abuse? How did you get this in your heads? I can't believe you think they are one in the same. Abuse is: beating your child black and blue, not feeding them, leaving them unattended, and so much more i couldn't name them all. A spanking is a pop on the bottom. How the hell is that abuse? Can't you see how taking paddles out of schools has changed kids these days? What is wrong with you? A spank gets their attention and is over very quickly and effectivly. Taking a toy away, please, my kids are smarter than that. I would have to take every single toy away in the house for that to be effective. They just play with something else. You can't tell me spankings make them scared of you, or makes them abuse other children. That is such crap!
So tell me, what makes spankings abuse in your eyes?

2007-06-06 02:59:49 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

A friend of mine was asking whether its healthy to continue breastfeeding her 6 months old daughter after having an arbortin.
i told her to consult a doctor, now i feel i didnt help much.
do you think its healthy to continue the breastfeeding?

2007-06-06 02:55:00 · 9 answers · asked by Lee 2 in Newborn & Baby

Mercy Rayanna
Aubree Jaydia
Mercedes Alexus
Cheyenna Cate
Layla Jayne
Haylee Jade

2007-06-06 02:51:53 · 43 answers · asked by crash28349 3 in Baby Names

and my last period was may 9. I had intercourse on the highest ovulation date. am i pregnant

2007-06-06 02:43:05 · 9 answers · asked by MQQN 1 in Pregnancy

I was abused as a child, and my parents were poor and overextended with a HUGE family.I am very vigilante about being a good mom.
I am a single Mom, and get No financial,emotional,or other help fom my sons' daddy. He is a bi polar addict, and Ive given up hope of any normal life with him as a co parent.
My question deals with my stress. Sometimes in the mornings, I wake up, give my 2 year old his bottle, put in a video, and relax on the couch while he plays. I have a hard time being chipper, and I dont like the toddler rough play that early.I wish i could be Judy homemaker...but, I do snap at him sometimes, and I discipline him strictly, because I know if I dont it will hurt him more in the long run to be bratty and unmanageable. .

2007-06-06 02:16:07 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

Unbroken hymen, no penetration, but was messing around and it could be possible that some of his ejaculate flowed down from my thigh. I'm not sure whether any got inside me.

Could I still get pregnant from this?

My cycle's irregular, and my last period started on 25th Apr. No period since then. In my worried state, I took a test last night and it was a negative. What should I do?

2007-06-06 02:11:54 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

She was born with a cleft lip/palate, so we're dealing with speech issues. She's doing very well with ST, has made such progress.

How do I go about lessening my anxiety over her starting school? I know that she'll do great, she's so very sociable and intelligent. But inside, I get so anxious about her speech being a problem with the other children.

The teacher has assured me, the principal has assured me... that my daughter will be fine. How do I reassure myself? LOL.

2007-06-06 02:04:05 · 10 answers · asked by AV 6 in Toddler & Preschooler

tampon? I realize that I am going to bleed and have discharge for awhile after giving birth. I'm also not talking about wearing one all day. However I would like to be able to get into my swimming pool as soon as possible since it will be August and extremely hot. Sitting in water with a pad on is not going to work LOL. Heck, id' even consider adult Huggies Swimmer's if they make them. If it was just me that used the pool I wouldn't care if I couldn't wear a tampon in the pool but hubby would be just too grossed out thinking I was leaking in there. Any suggestions ?

2007-06-06 01:50:13 · 14 answers · asked by babybugs1980 6 in Newborn & Baby

I have an 8 day old baby girl who is healthy in every way other than constant stomach cramps. The midwife first thought it was colic but I've researched colic and she is not constantly screaming or suffering other symptoms associated with colic. Whilst sleeping and waking, she is suffering spasms, causing her to bring her knees up to her chest and holding her breath in short spurts to get through the pain. We've tried winding but this has no effect. Any advice? Please don't tell me just to visit my midwife or doctor! Cheers

2007-06-06 01:45:53 · 15 answers · asked by Buffy 2 in Newborn & Baby

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