I'm not trying to start a fight here, but more like trying to make sense out of something that totally doesn't. Besides, I'm just really curious now, being on the pregnancy board and all. I used to be like you all and judge them, but then I learned my lesson after people started insulting me again and again. I just was curious you know? And then they insult me. Why?? Either way, I guess I shouldn't be looking for a pity thing here on Yahoo answers, but I notice that questions like there http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AgbbEp235oBDWVltAlhe848ezKIX?qid=20061130172055AAy4xoJ&r=wEJFyD3bpPmOeos7BmMCx6UR1ARsfedKr98a7B8qIfRF5YTi6vv2aw0yb.Wl85647ceioo1zfBMI0EyiwPRZGVyPXkA--&paid=delete_comment&cp=2&tp=2#all-answers get bashed, but questions like from people pregnant at "17" don't get judged as much?? What's the deal? Could you imagine getting these dumb remarks if you were this person?? Geez! Some people are just plain cruel!
27 answers
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