I had a miscarriage in September and had to have a d&c. Well my period started back again October 6 and lasted a long time, like 11 days when it normally lasts only 6. But anyway me and my partner started havin sex after my period stopped and we were tryin to have another baby, which the doctor said was okay to do. Well I guess I missed my ovulation date in October and started my period on the first of November, Well I did some calculations with the help of the internet to see how long it is in between my periods which came to 27 days. According to the ovulation calendar I ovulated today and me and my partner have been havin sex all week the last time being around 11 pm yesterday. What are the chances you think I could be pregnant. my next period is supposed to start on the 28 and my next doctor appointment is on the 27. Implantion is supposed to be between the 21-24 and i cant wait to tell. I read that some people can tell when they are ovulating because they get a pain in their side
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