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Pregnancy & Parenting - 15 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

My husband and I both work two jobs and I got pregnant. We were stupid, i'll admit, and didn't have health insurance. We applied for Medicaid and they said that the only way they would help us is if I quit both my jobs and he quit one of his and cut back on his hours on his other one. Meanwhile, there are people out there without any job at all and they keep popping kids out left and right because they know that someone elses tax dollars are going to pay for it. Whatever happened to helping those that help themselves?

2006-11-15 12:17:17 · 11 answers · asked by tinakay_83 3 in Pregnancy

I recently got a job at Target in the back room/stock room. My job consists of lifting heavy boxes up to 50 lbs and climbing 15 foot ladders while lifting heavy boxes. We have been trying to concieve now for months. If I were to get pregnant they would find another job for me that would be less stressful on me and the baby. The thing is, what if I am pregnant now and dont know it for sure yet? I have a gut feeling that I am. I wont really know until around the 18th. If I am pregnant, is it harmful to me and the baby working such a physically demanding job? Is it too early for it to even cause any harm? Thank you!!!

2006-11-15 12:17:09 · 12 answers · asked by angel l 3 in Trying to Conceive

Should i wear all my clothes to bed?
Boxers, undershirt, socks combo?
Just boxers?
Or completly naked?

what would be the typical reaction to each of these.
Like if i sleep naked and my parents find out will they think im crazy or something. tell me what you think ok.

What did you wear to sleep when you were 15?

Also you think it wierd is I like sleep naked?

To get the best answer please answer all of the these question throughly and completely

I am a guy FYI

2006-11-15 12:16:46 · 21 answers · asked by Sebastian 2 in Adolescent

what test do you think is the best?

2006-11-15 12:12:17 · 8 answers · asked by winter_marla 1 in Pregnancy

It says im supposed to ovulate on the 25-29 of november (im going to buy the ovulating predictors...) but if i got pregnant..then would it show up on a test by christmas??!?!??!!?

2006-11-15 12:11:18 · 3 answers · asked by cutenwild1769 5 in Pregnancy

Tell me your story.

2006-11-15 12:11:12 · 10 answers · asked by CatTech 3 in Newborn & Baby

Since new babies are sometimes allergic to diapers and other fabrics.

2006-11-15 12:10:33 · 13 answers · asked by Dot 2 in Newborn & Baby

she will go hide some were or if you see her she will say she is not done. I will tell her to get in the bathroom and she will not go in there. I have told her i will get her what ever she wants . I have tried taking away something nothing seems to work

2006-11-15 12:10:23 · 7 answers · asked by annie 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

My seven year old had a fainting episode at school. The Dr. said she had an "elevated" white blood cell count. (20,000)

2006-11-15 12:09:31 · 5 answers · asked by William V 1 in Grade-Schooler

My sister and her husband drive 60 miles every weekend to visit my husband and I. We have no children and we wanted to know what kind of activities we can do with the kids.

2006-11-15 12:08:19 · 8 answers · asked by moaehahi1979 4 in Grade-Schooler

Ckuck-E-Cheese Birthday?
Does anyone know how much it would cost to do a birthday party at a chuck-e-cheese for a 3 year old and with about 60 invites. I have a huge family all with little kids and thought that chuck-e-chesee would be a good place to make my daughters birthday, but just the amount of people is huge and have no idea how much it would cost. Do you know aprox. thanks.

2006-11-15 12:07:41 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

Does anyone know or have any ideas about medical payment help durring and after pregnancy?I have no insurance at this point in time.Before i found out about the pergnancy i was planning to go back to school for nurseing and my boyfriend who I live with has a good job but I just dont know how we will be able to make it with new medical bills thrown in the mix!

2006-11-15 12:04:51 · 11 answers · asked by jill@doodle 5 in Pregnancy

and i am sooooo uncomfortable, i have been getting really bad cramps in my lower belly which come with back pain as well for the past 3 weeks and has never progressed into labour. i have tried suggestions from family and friends to try and get comfortable but nothing so far has helped!
all i want is to go into labour ( i know its unlikely my baby will actually be born on the due date). i have been told to try sex but thats out of the question its way to uncomfortable no matter what way we try it! and obviously hasn't worked, walking is also out of the question because, well i just dont have the energy!.
does anyone have any suggestions on how i could get comfortable? or maybe something that could help hurry things up safely? the hospital won't induce me unless i am ten days over! :(. im sorry for being such a cry baby i am just so uncomfortable and its really hard to take care of my son while my partner is at work because i cannot bend down now!!!!.... any advice would be great!

2006-11-15 12:04:17 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

i have 4 children 12yrs 11yrs 5yrs and 4yrs..they are allways fighting!! all day long it's "he has this ,she get's to do this" i have tried everything to get them to get along...anyone have any ideals?

2006-11-15 12:02:23 · 8 answers · asked by momandkids_2006 1 in Parenting

I took a home pregnancy test on the day i was supposed to have my period. it said negative. But its been 3 days since then. Should i take another one or am i just late? Can sexual activity cause you to be late?

2006-11-15 11:59:22 · 7 answers · asked by Wow! I have a pig nose! 4 in Pregnancy

p. I don't want to shout and smack but it is sooo frustrating. Any suggestions?

2006-11-15 11:57:02 · 15 answers · asked by JosieWills 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

does working out help?

2006-11-15 11:56:43 · 11 answers · asked by winter_marla 1 in Pregnancy

I go and see my boyfriend soon and we have been talking about things we wanna do when i see him....what im worried about is what we would do at night .... sometimes i feel im ready ..other times i dont....what does this mean??? Im 15 by the way so should this be a bad thing?

2006-11-15 11:53:40 · 15 answers · asked by Ikemefuna s 2 in Adolescent

I'm pregnant with quads- 2 boys and 2 girls, and I don't want to give them conventional names, but I also don't want them to be "too out there" so I was wondering what you think of these:



2006-11-15 11:53:08 · 88 answers · asked by kkgray88 2 in Baby Names

im 5 weeks pregnant and i still havent had any morning sickness, i feel fine ,well only my breast are killing me...even though i havent felt sick....i have this terrible diarrhea every time i eat..is this part of being pregnant....:/

2006-11-15 11:51:55 · 20 answers · asked by jaymama21 1 in Pregnancy

Ive read a few other questions on midwives and they seem like a good option.But how much do you pay a midwive?How bad is the pain of natural childbirth(no meds)?And have anyone of you had a water birth?

2006-11-15 11:50:33 · 8 answers · asked by jill@doodle 5 in Pregnancy

about 2 months ago, i tried to have sex. he put it in but then i decided i did not want to do it so he took it out, it was my first time and i havent gotten my period since, do you think that i am pregnant?

2006-11-15 11:48:30 · 6 answers · asked by winter_marla 1 in Pregnancy

How many women pregnant or new moms ate instant soup or cup noodles during pregnancy. Some say i shouldnt eat it due to the MSG, and some have never heard of this. I'm about 17 weeks along. Thanks!

2006-11-15 11:48:23 · 13 answers · asked by Jessica S 1 in Pregnancy

when you buy one of those...and it turns postive are you ovulating right then? so you need to have sex that day..or have you already started ovulating?

2006-11-15 11:44:41 · 3 answers · asked by cutenwild1769 5 in Trying to Conceive

I had a miscarriage in September and had to have a d&c. Well my period started back again October 6 and lasted a long time, like 11 days when it normally lasts only 6. But anyway me and my partner started havin sex after my period stopped and we were tryin to have another baby, which the doctor said was okay to do. Well I guess I missed my ovulation date in October and started my period on the first of November, Well I did some calculations with the help of the internet to see how long it is in between my periods which came to 27 days. According to the ovulation calendar I ovulated today and me and my partner have been havin sex all week the last time being around 11 pm yesterday. What are the chances you think I could be pregnant. my next period is supposed to start on the 28 and my next doctor appointment is on the 27. Implantion is supposed to be between the 21-24 and i cant wait to tell. I read that some people can tell when they are ovulating because they get a pain in their side

2006-11-15 11:42:45 · 1 answers · asked by Ilovehim 1 in Pregnancy

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