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How many women pregnant or new moms ate instant soup or cup noodles during pregnancy. Some say i shouldnt eat it due to the MSG, and some have never heard of this. I'm about 17 weeks along. Thanks!

2006-11-15 11:48:23 · 13 answers · asked by Jessica S 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

13 answers

As I understand (hearsay), cravings for specific types of food is very common during pregnancy. However, I am aware there are adverse health affects relating to MSG--bluntly, is it is a food additive that makes one's mind think the food tastes good.

You may wish to refer to the following link for more information (un-citable of course), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monosodium_glutamate#Health_concerns

2006-11-15 12:10:17 · answer #1 · answered by Ishibishi 3 · 0 0

Sure, I ate some just today for lunch. Im 21 weeks. The doctor told me not to eat them because of all the sodium in them, and I sometimes have high blood pressure, but I didnt figure once would kill me. I think they are fine to eat as long as you dont eat tons. Because I do agree they have way too much sodium in them which can cause you to swell.

2006-11-15 11:53:08 · answer #2 · answered by Blondi 6 · 0 0

It's safe to eat as long as that isn't the only thing you are eating. I'm 18 weeks a long and I try to drink and eat healthy, but I also still crave certain foods and I indulge every once in awhile.

2006-11-15 13:35:04 · answer #3 · answered by Serena 5 · 0 0

When I was pregnant with my first child I had two packages of Chicken instant Top Ramen for lunch almost every single day, and he's fine, my doc never told me it was bad either. But if your truly concerned just ask your doctor if you should.

2006-11-15 11:51:31 · answer #4 · answered by caiforniapoppy 3 · 0 0

Man, my GF pounded those like there was no tomorrow. She was eating like 5 a day for the last few weeks of her pregnancy.
As long as you are still eating other healthy foods, I am sure it is ok. Our daughter came out fine!

2006-11-15 11:51:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

im 33 weeks along and still eat it. It has no harm to the baby. Just dont over do it. Good Luck

2006-11-15 19:55:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I ate it all the time before I was pregnant. I love 'em!! lol. Anyways, I coninued to eat it when I was pregnant, but I noticed when I did it made me sick, like I threw it up. I dont know if it had anything to do with the msg or not, but that was the only food that made me sick! My baby is perfectly healthy though. O yea, I ate it anyways, even though it made me sick( it is wierd but it is one of my fav foods!)lol

2006-11-15 12:41:18 · answer #7 · answered by Vennessa 2 · 0 1

I eat them and I am doing fine! 24 weeks! With my other kids I did as well and they are fine as well. I never heard of that before.

2006-11-15 11:51:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I ate it because I could afford little else. My kids and I turned out fine.
You notice all these new articles are saying this and that is bad for you, when the older generation did fine with it?

2006-11-15 11:50:58 · answer #9 · answered by thezaylady 7 · 2 1

I eat them and I am doing fine! 28 weeks

2006-11-15 12:01:22 · answer #10 · answered by Ms. Plummer 5 · 0 0

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