oh, you poor thing, i know exactly what you're going through!!! My 1st was 8 days over, and those 8 days were HELL! i'm pregnant again, for the 4th time!! and due in 3 weeks, and i'm experiencing the same discomforts as you. I already want to go into labour! NOTHING has helped.
have you tried hot baths? sometimes that helps to get baby moving. or maybe eat something spicy, like indian curry. i've heard the castor oil trick, but i don't think that's really very safe. Is there anyone that could possibly look after your son while you get some much needed rest?
Also, i find that sometimes when you're talking to the hospital staff, you have to exaggerate a little bit so they'll actually do something that helps. Just rock up to the hospital and tell them you feel like a bowling ball is about to fall out of you!!! And say that when you pee, you sort of feel like pushing something out! that gets their attention!
I don't know if there's much more i can say. Good luck, hopefully you'll be holding your baby soon. And remember: It's pain with purpose, it does end, and you get the most precious reward when it's all over!
2006-11-15 12:24:32
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Oh I feel for you, Ican not believe there are hospitals still out there that won't induce at full term under your condition. You are not being a cry baby, we have all been right where you are. My Ob advised to take a warm bath, try to cover your tummy w/ water if possible, it takes the pressure of the baby of you hips & back. Try sleeping w/ pillows between your legs. And make sure you are still doing some walking. But if I were you I would be on the phone 1st thing in the morning demanding to speek w/ my OB, tell them that your body can no longer handle the dicomfort & that you are unable to take care of your child properly, also add that you are past your doue date (over do it, cry if you want) I understand a baby comes when ready (however that is most of the time) some require a bit of coaxing~ Good Luck
2006-11-15 20:12:17
answer #2
answered by notAminiVANmama 6
The end is the worst part. I was induced 11 days after my sons due date. Sex and walking can help speed up the process to go into labor but wont help with the discomfort. I would soak in a bath for a long period of time, usually 30 minutes or more. The water helped relax my muscles and eased off the pressure of all the weight i was carrying. When i would get out, I would lie on my side, which helped with the cramping and would put a heating pad under my stomach. nothing completely eases the pain because you're just so big, but it helps for awhile. Sleeping was also difficult and i would need to sit up to sleep so i put a whole bunch of pillows under under my back and head. If you're looking for something to speed up the process, try spicy food. I think it only works if you dont eat a lot of it to begin with. Hope I could be of some help.
2006-11-15 20:11:47
answer #3
answered by j_ace84 2
Oh I know how you feel. I am also pregnant and in the same boat as you. I can't get comfortable and nothing works to go into labor. Although I am being induced Sunday night, if I make it that far. I hate to tell you but there really isn't any certain way of getting comfortable at this point. I also have a son at home and it is exhausting to do everything that's needed to get done. Hang in there...just know you are not the only one :)
2006-11-15 20:13:45
answer #4
answered by lebowers8099 2
My first one was late 13 days. As long as baby is doing well you shouldn't induce. My doctor was monitoring me every other day and then I went into labor without any drugs.
Just relax, take it easy. I'm 8 months pregnant now and have 2 toddlers at home so I know how you feel and how uncomfortable you are. Just let nature do its thing, wait till your body is ready. Try to walk a lot and go up and down stairs.
That should help (if you have energy for it).
Good luck.
2006-11-15 20:43:03
answer #5
answered by TATAAAAAH 3
i'm sure you arevery miserible by now my doctor will not allow you to go a week over. Sucks they won't induce untill 10 days over. I can't think of anything to help you. Just hope it happens SOON if not you got 9 days left that's not too bad. cal your doctor and left them know how bad things are getting 4 you they might decide to help ya out,
2006-11-15 20:09:06
answer #6
answered by ally'smom 5
i am in the same boat....but 3 weeks behind..i am 37 weeks, and dying to get this baby out of me. Have you tried mineral oil? have you check the web site www. baby center.com they have some ideas.... have you tried nipple stimulation? i feel for you i reall really do. I have a 2 and 3 year old and my hubby works away from hom 10 days ata time....i AM DONE!!!!!
2006-11-15 20:16:51
answer #7
answered by bangbanks72 3
It sounds like you are in the begining stages of labor. You may want to go see your doctor or go to the hospital and get checked.
2006-11-15 20:51:38
answer #8
answered by Char 3
you can try milk of magnesia or something that will give you the poops. You use the same muscles for that as in labor. That can stimulate the muscles to get going
2006-11-15 20:25:30
answer #9
answered by ? 2
Well go to the hospital or to your doctor, they sometimes neglect and dont understand the pain one is feeling, maybe this time you are going into labor.
2006-11-15 20:07:32
answer #10
answered by sadgrl26 1