How many weeks are you? If you are early, 4 to 8 weeks it can be implantation. If this problem persists or is accompined by blood call your OB immediatly
2006-11-15 11:57:29
answer #1
answered by notAminiVANmama 6
Hang in there... your body is going through one of the BIGGEST changes its about to ever undergo! Depending on just how "Far" you are, i found that with my first pregnancy i had alot of cramping mainly from the fifth month which the Dr told me was the baby lying on the saiatic nerve which cramps like hell and/or your ligaments stretching all around the groin and abdominal muscles spreading round through to your back! They do ease up at times but is generally uncomfortable for the remainder of pregnancy,(hot water bottles become ur best friend) and especially during birth. If child bearing and child birth was meant to be so easy then it would come with an instruction manual and a remote control!!! Unfortunately it doesnt but hang in there it's all worth any pain you experience to see the Final outcome of a beautiful little soul that you created!
2006-11-15 20:11:44
answer #2
answered by Spanky the monkey !!! 6
When I was in early pregnancy with my first child, I had cramping so severe that I thought for sure I was having a miscarriage. My doctor told me that it wasn't uncommon. You're probably all right, but definitely check with your doctor just to be safe. Good luck!
2006-11-15 20:04:35
answer #3
answered by Jess H 7
It could be the stretching of your uterus. I had slight pinching when I was in my 2nd trimester but it went away. If you are in your 3rd I would let your doc know just so you can find out whats going on in there. Good luck!
2006-11-15 20:00:59
answer #4
answered by BigBrownEyez 2
Call your ob/gyn immediately...this is not normal and indicates...problems.....please call ASAP and leave a message for an immediate emergency appointment the next day!
2006-11-15 20:04:20
answer #5
answered by May I help You? 6
I had the same pain and the doc said that it was my tummy streching and growing for the baby. Good luck!!!
2006-11-15 19:59:34
answer #6
answered by Amanda K 2
yes it is normal to have cramps you may have them although your pregnancy although they are normal.
2006-11-15 19:59:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I would go see your doctor
it may be something little, but you shouldn't chance it
2006-11-15 19:58:19
answer #8
answered by Ms.BusyBody 4
go see your doctor
2006-11-15 19:59:37
answer #9
answered by Ms. Plummer 5