My 18 month old son is going to give me a heart attack one day, if I feed him and give him the plate or bowl he will shove handfuls in his mouth, I watch him, like tonight he started off good, and then started taking handfuls of food but then dropping them back on his plate, figuring he was playing, until about the fourth time he tricked me and instead of dropping it shoved it all in his mouth. I try taking the stuff away and then he cries with a mouth full of food. I've tried only giving him one item at a time, but then he screams for the whole plate, I've tried hiding the plate-he's not fooled. I taught him "bite", which does no good, because then he just bites until it's all in his mouth. I taught him "one" and he puts one after another in his mouth. I've tried everything, and I just can't seem to get him to eat right, he wants to shove everything in his mouth, and when it gets bad is when he screams, because he usually has something in his mouth at that time. Any ideas? Thanks
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Toddler & Preschooler