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Pregnancy & Parenting - 10 October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

I am supposed to hav got it last week but havnt got till now n i discharge a lil muddy color liquidy thing? am i ok? Plzz Helpppp!!!

2006-10-10 04:25:00 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

the clinic will contac the people who belong the egg..

2006-10-10 04:24:30 · 7 answers · asked by tunny 4 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

2006-10-10 04:24:20 · 15 answers · asked by Becky Jane 1 in Grade-Schooler

Here lately my baby has been spitting up (comes out like a fountain) after every feeding it varies on how much, it looks like a lot but I would guess its less then 1/2 an ounce. Is it okay to put 1tsp of rice cereal in her bottle for every feeding?? I have tried it for her night feeding and she doesn't spit up. I know they have enfamil formula called A.R. that already has the rice starch added in the mixture. My baby is using enfamil lipil lactosefree currently. At first she was on enfamil lipil w/ iron but it was really not agreeing with her she was so gassy.

Also: Anyone else putting 1tsp in their baby's bottle every feeding, and how is it working for your little one??

To the ones that say don't put cereal in bottle I already asked my ped. and she said it was fine to do so (even tho she said I didn't hear it from her..lol)

2006-10-10 04:24:00 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

Would like to know which week of the pregnancy the Baby formed in the Uterus? I would like to know what are all the possibilities in this case. What is the chance or percentage for this kind of bebavious and what is the reason for this?

2006-10-10 04:23:28 · 2 answers · asked by rock 1 in Pregnancy

I'm 19 years old and I'm about 10 weeks pregnant with my first child. I went to my obgyn this morning for a check up and she decided she'd do my first ultrasound today. I was excited because I heard that they usually don't do them that early. In the ultrasound, she could only see the birthing sac. She told me I might not be as far a long as we thought, or that I'm going to have a spontaenous abortion. She went ahead and took my blood for another pregnancy test, and I'm waiting for the lab to call me with the results. I haven't experienced any abnormal symptoms, but I'm worried sick. Has anyone else ever had this problem?

2006-10-10 04:22:19 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My baby is due on November 15th, how do i work out the date of conception not the date of my last period??

2006-10-10 04:21:48 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Let me start by saying that Rogue is somewhat of a coward, IMV. He asked a question about wanting unselfish reasons for having children. I answered the question, and then added that IMO having selfish motives didn't always mean that something was bad. I was very pleasant to him and even prefaced it with, "I'm not trying to bait or inflame you, I'm serious about this question." Which was something like, "why is it always assumed that a selfish thing is a bad thing." I then went on to add that having children actually required comple

He added to his question a really condescending version of, "that's not the point." So, I added back into my answer that he had conveniently ignored my point that parenting was actually the antithesis of "selfish." He then removed his question apparently.

So he emailed me: Message: You're pretty snotty. How old are you, maybe sixteen? And you have kids? I feel sorry for them.

Now stop playing on the computer and go pay attention to your brats.

2006-10-10 04:20:14 · 6 answers · asked by tagi_65 5 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I'm 27 years old, married and pregnant with my second child. This pregnancy has been astoundingly different than the pregnancy with my first.

My problem is that I am getting rather bad varicose veins in both my legs; some of them have even burst and left behind nasty spiderweb like black marks (bruises). To start with... I don't have time to sit back and relax at many times during the day -- I'm a stay-at-home Mom with my 10 month old who recently started walking. I get rest time when she gets nap time and when my husband comes home from work (an hour before baby's bedtime) -- he goes to work before she gets up to start her day.

My question is ... Have any other Moms out there had this problem or similar to it? Are there any suggestions to reducing the vericose veins that I already have or to preventing more later on as this pregnancy progresses?

Any help would be appreciated.

2006-10-10 04:20:07 · 4 answers · asked by Kalika 1 in Pregnancy

he has a ringworm and we wanted the cream to stay on so my husband wrapped the are, and when he woke up his leg was a little swollen. He is scared it will fall off because it has not had blood to it. My mom said it should be ok., but he wants me to take him to a doctor, I don't think it is that serious.

2006-10-10 04:15:13 · 8 answers · asked by Valarie M 1 in Parenting

I could have sworn I was pregnant (7 Weeks roughly). The last test I took was still negative. But I had intercourse when I was supposedly ovulating and have been experiencing headaches, frequent urination, irritability, crying, abdominal bloating, nausea, cramping, nasal congestion, blueish/purplish vaginal coloring, sore, heavy, breasts with blue veins and blue veins on abdomen. Now all I have is some mild nausea, mild headaches, extreme emotions, and heavy breasts with blue veins. The soreness has gone away, but the bumps on the areola, the veins, and the extra breast weight are still there. What do you think? Still pregnant? Never pregnant? I'm seeing the doctor in a week, but I'm anxious for some opinions/experiences.

2006-10-10 04:14:40 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Is there any first time moms to be due anywhere from weeks to just a few months who would like to talk. I am 18 years old and due by the end of this month, just wanted to know if anyone would like to just talk about how things been going and how they feel about becoming a mom. If you would like you can im me at fineztmami06 or just post your s/n and ill im you....

2006-10-10 04:14:19 · 8 answers · asked by VaLeRieZ_MaMii 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

How do I tell her I need a ..bra?
Im 13 and i need one soon, but you can't really see I have U-know-what but I know, and i don't how to tell her as i feel embarassed.
I told her I have a girly 'problem' but I can't tell her everything..........=(

2006-10-10 04:13:43 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

My son is 20 mths old and he still takes a bottle. He has never liked the pacifier so that is not an issue, but I am not sure when is a good time to take the bottle away. When he goes to sleep at night he wants his bottle and if he wakes up he will cry until he gets it...I think it became a security blanket for him.

I just want to know when he shouldn't have it anymore...?


2006-10-10 04:12:53 · 29 answers · asked by tiffany m 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

24 years old ttc for 4 years no luck. Periods have recently been what i consider irregular. Some months it comes 28 days and 25 and sometimes 31. Which makes it hard to determine when i ovulate. Any help would be appreciated.

2006-10-10 04:10:48 · 6 answers · asked by nicole 2 in Trying to Conceive

We've been having "..." a-lot of times, without condoms, and now
she dosent want to. Shes been in a bad mood and i heard her throw up the other day. I've been getting sick thoughts of killing her or throwing her down the stairs. what should i do?

2006-10-10 04:09:39 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I am planning to have a homebirth, with a midwife and my sister attending. I am due in 40 days. Any good advice from anyone who has been there? I have everything on the supply list the midwife gave me, but would like advice from someone who has actually experienced this. Anything that helped you, or you would have done differently, etc. Thank you!

2006-10-10 04:09:37 · 12 answers · asked by zowi420 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

He is here a few times a week and everyother weekend. Yesterday,after bullying his younger brother he kicked his brothers homework project (destroying it) punched the dor, went outside and threw stuff. He says it was because he was so upset that we were "lying" about what he did to his brother.But we watched him put his hand on his neck and squeeze hard( he learned that from his dad) and put his fist in his face and threaten him.My husband didn't kow what to do so he grabbed the younger two boys and left. He was trying to keep them safe.Now my husband refuses to watch him, his dad believes him.Apparently he doesnt' act like that at his dads house. At his dads house his step sister and him are the same age. I think she'd kill him.This is how his dad acted when we were married.How so I stop it, i cant ground him,if I send him to his room he destroys it.What do I do?How do I keep my younger two safe?Ihave no support from hsi dad.I need serious anwsers I am so upset by this.

2006-10-10 04:08:17 · 18 answers · asked by loladoreen 3 in Parenting

me and my husband have been trying for a baby for a year.
I have miscarried twice and had an etopic pregancy.
The docs say i am perfectly healthy and everything is working perfectly with me.
My husband thinks it may be his sperm.

We have tried when i am ovulating , we have tried herbal remedies but now its been 6 months since my last miscarriage and nothing at all is happening.

Does any one have any advice , we have so much love to give and cant wait to be parents.The docs wont do anything untill we been trying for 2 years.

2006-10-10 04:06:51 · 7 answers · asked by bradderswifey 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

It took me and my boyfriend a few days off being a year. Just wanted to know how long it takes others.

2006-10-10 04:02:45 · 20 answers · asked by x Danielle x 3 in Trying to Conceive

I have been off the pill that i have been on for 10 years for about a month. I should be starting my first period off the pills next sunday or monday. Normally I would already have some slight cramps by now, but I don't have any. I've heard of people getting pregnant real quick after getting off the pill. I want to try and take a pregnancy test just to see but I don't want to jump the gun.

2 Questions:
Could it be possible that I already got pregnant?
I've heard the best time to take a pregnancy test is with your first bathroom visit in the morning, is that true?

2006-10-10 04:01:33 · 17 answers · asked by wired31578 1 in Trying to Conceive

i'm 18 about to be 19 in february..i just started college and my mother has no idea (well she might but hasn't said anything to me about it) that i'm not a virgin, and i don't know how i could tell her without her being upset or disappointed at me

2006-10-10 04:01:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My daughter will go to bed at 9 or 10 pm and she will sleep until about 1 or 2 am and wake up and come get in my bed, she does this every night. Any suggestions would be helpful.

2006-10-10 03:57:37 · 12 answers · asked by Crystal 4 in Toddler & Preschooler

My daughter waits for the bus and rides the bus with this 9 yr old girl, among other children. Her mom also stands and waits for her for the bus and meets her out when the bus returns. The problem is, this little girl HAS to have my daughters attention ALL the time. As soon as she sees my daughter she runs up and repeats her name over and over and over untill my daughter eventually has to stop what she is doing (ususally talking to another kid or playing) and either talk to her or walk away. My daughter has gotten to the point where it seems like she is trying to ignore her. My daughter used to be excited to see her, but now she just tries to avoid her, with no prevail. It's not like my daughter doesn't give her attention, its that this girl has to have ALL her attention ALL THE TIME, and if she don't get it she gets mad and yells and my daughter. The problem is, her mom is out there when this happens and won't say anything when her daughter does this. Should I talk to the mom?

2006-10-10 03:55:01 · 15 answers · asked by MiZmeL 4 in Grade-Schooler

My daughter is 15 months old, she is absolutely gorgeous, sooooooo smart, and sweet. I just cant get enough of her. I kiss her every chance I get, I tell her I love her a hundred times a day, I tell her shes beautiful and smart all the time.

Im afraid of making her conceited, and I dont want her to think shes better than anyone else, but I cant stop telling her these things. Is that just a moms job? or should I be conservative with the compliments so that she doesnt let them go to her head.

Is it possible that I can desensitize her to love by telling her I love her so much, could it get to where those words dont mean anything to her because shes heard them so many times?

Please tell me what you think. Thanks.

2006-10-10 03:54:22 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

My boyfriend asked me to post this question. He found a double dvd case outside the other morning and inside it was marijuana and ... I don't know what it is called... "something to smoke it with". He was very upset especially when he learned that it belonged to his 17 year old son. His son admitted that it was his. He refused to say how long he has been doing it. He lived with his dad until he started high school and then decided he wanted to live with his mom. She is more lax when it comes to rules but, a good mama. He thinks the solution is to have him move back with him but doesn't know if that is the right solution. This is his son's senior year and he fears his son will rebel more if the move is made. He wants what is best for his son and doesn't quite know how to handle the situation. If you've been in a similar situation please help him/us know what to do. He is a good kid. We don't want him headed down a path of doom. Thanks for your sincere answers.

2006-10-10 03:53:51 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I've had 2, on time, but irregular periods. 2 neg. blood tests and many neg. hpt's (the last taken Oct. 9/06). If pregnant I would be 2 months. I'm on the pill and never miss. Was told to keep taking it by my Dr. However, I want to be sure that I am not pregnant. I've been refused a ultrasound due to all the neg. tests. The only symptoms that I think I have are slightly larger breasts, a little belly starting, and up 4lbs. What's the likelyhood of being pregnant? And how do I get a Dr. to approve an ultrasound given the past results? Thanks for any info.

2006-10-10 03:52:54 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My husband and I have already been thinking about what type of car I should trade my Toyota RAV4 in for after we have children. I love my car but it's already getting small just with our black lab taking up the whole back seat. I would like a minivan, hubby likes wagons. Anyone have an experiences in this area? Thanks! :)

2006-10-10 03:49:18 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

My wife and i have 4 kids. We both grew up with parents who hit us and we are sure there are ways of disciplining our kids without violence ( we are haveing trouble with figuring out how ) our oldest daughter (8), 3rd grade, keeps lieing..we have been putting her in the corner, grounding her, takeing TV away for a week at a time, no video games and , yelling at the top of out lungs <( we hate that one ) but we just dont know what else to try..does anyone else have an idea..we have done slapps on the palm with a wooden spoon but not very often. please send us some ways you have tryed that worked..thank you from my wife and I

2006-10-10 03:46:48 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

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