Please don't give any mean answers, I just want some supportive answers, and help on how to feel better, or love my baby more. I know it sounds horrible it was an unplanned pregnancy, and I'm sure i will love my baby, but i don't think i do yet. Is this normal? I would never neglect my second baby, I just don't see how i could possibly love him or her as much as i already love my son. I loved my son since i found out i was pregnant with him. This pregnancy just doesn't feel real. I guess maybe I am worried about how this one will turn out because i am so sick and haven't gained any weight yet, but shouldn't i still feel something? I don't want to lose my baby, but I don't think it would devastate me, because i already have one wonderful kid. What is wrong with me? Have you ever felt this way?
14 answers
asked by
Cyndi Storm
Other - Pregnancy & Parenting