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you know im getting good advice but my son has been on several medications and different doses of each and still no improvement, im tired of his behavior, mouthyness, pyro attitude and im tired of being afraid that he will burn my house down while we sleep. he gets plenty of attention especially when he's had a good day at school..but still unimproved....just visited the doctor again today and again they say to give it time even though their not the ones afraid of his dangerous acts........they think its not as bad as it seems so they just tell me to keep trying this medication.....so what am i supposed to do now i have tried EVERYTHING AND I MEAN EVERYTHING.......................................

2006-09-28 09:16:04 · 13 answers · asked by april 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

13 answers

Have you tried changing his diet? I know of a few families that change the diet to lessen the behaviors. I am not sure what the diet change includes but try asking your doctor.

2006-09-28 09:25:05 · answer #1 · answered by AggieBelle07 1 · 1 0

At this point a few years of Military school will straighten him up... I know a few people that it did...

I know it scared the hell out of me... My parents only took me there to see the school they were going to send me too... Well techinically it was a boarding school but you know...

Or you need to go about teaching him the difference between right and wrong in a different way... remember the reason why he has this is because it's like half of his brain is asleep and the meds are suspose to wake up that part of the brain... a good med that they have out now is Strattera... Don't know if you have tried it but that is what I have been on for a while...

The way that a persons brain works when they have ADD makes it very very hard to focus... so lecturing won't work... one thing to do is to make sure that he expresses him self... maybe in a martial arts from then he will learn disapline too... also I would suggest home schooling for a little while too... and find ways that he easily learns things well..

I know it's hard I didn't make it easy on my mom... but when I was young and I would act out a lot of times it was for attention... and make sure that a DR explains to him what is going on in his body so that he can understand. I mean I was angery a lot of the time because I didn't understand Why I was different from the other kids... why I had a hard time communicateing and why I had a hard time learning... That's a kids perspective. Try asking him why he does thing and don't get fustrated if he doesn't want to answer you right a way it could be embarassing...

2006-09-28 16:47:20 · answer #2 · answered by A_Soldiers_Wife 3 · 0 0

I know what you're going through. I know it's frustrating but you really just have to keep working on finding the right medication when you find it your son will have a whole new personality.
As for being worried about burning the house down, I would recommend taking everything out of his room except his bed, if necc. search the bedroom every eve and put an alarm on his door so you know if he leaves his room at night. Also don't keep any matches or lighters in the house or if you must, keep them only on high shelves in places he doesn't go i.e. your bedroom closet.
As much as the attitude can be frustrating just remember to keep calm. Don't yell back or show that you are getting frustrated, it will just make the situation escalate. Have a time out space for both of you...When you are getting to overwhelmed just go to your own separate corners of the house for a while and calm down, you need to be able to talk to an added child rationally and calmly to get the best reactions from them.

2006-09-28 16:32:06 · answer #3 · answered by Tess 3 · 0 0

Are you able to keep him home from school for a while? Perhaps he is suffering from anxiety or something stress related? Sometimes kids with ADHD are not able to express their feelings properly and turn to other venues to do so. He obviously knows playing with matches can burn the house down. Maybe he is angry and doesn't know how to tell you but he is getting your attention. My son did not tell me, until I pulled him from school, how much he hated his teacher. The stress alone from school made him very mouthy (he has asperger syndrome, not adhd). He is not perfect now but the improvement is unbelievable. He just needs to be in a very positive cycle and that was not happening at school. I know these kids will do anything for attention which makes it really tough. Did you see any improvement in his behaviour over the summer? Can he get involved in something else (eg. scouts, sports team) to keep him busy. Or maybe he just needs some serious GUIDED downtime. Something or someone may be bugging him (these guys are often victims of being bullied)? I hope things work out for you both!

2006-09-28 16:32:05 · answer #4 · answered by boredin'shwa 2 · 0 0

Lecture a 7 yo? You might as well talk to yourself about it b/c thats how much he'll take in on this "lecture". Honestly, beat the kids ***. Dont be afraid to use violence. Fear is the best motivator, think about it. He will stop doing things if he knows he'll pay a consequence. How many children touch a hot stove more than once? If they do they are just retarded. Why dont they? Fear of being burned. If he in a sense fears that he will get in trouble for his actions, he'll stop. Also, alot of ADHD can be calmed if you just find something he is interested in. If he sits down and does ANYTHING for more than 20 min. he doesnt have ADHD. Take him off the meds...they will only screw him up. Just make him aware that you arent gonna take that kind of behavior (not by lectures or timeouts though, by using a belt) and find something that he is truly interested in and participate in it with him...something constructive.

2006-09-28 16:28:15 · answer #5 · answered by wcbaseball4 4 · 0 1

First of all, clear your house of anything flammable that he can use to start fires...you need to watch him closely. I absolutely understand how frustrating it is and how endless it seems...believe me!! There are times when you just want to run away...but you have to keep trying. Medication is not a cure all, it is mainly a piece to the puzzle. you need to put all the pieces together for the puzzle to work together..like therapy(switch again if u need to), behavior modification, consistency....etc. Hitting him will do absolutely nothing, I know from research and experience. Children with ADHD are extremely unpredictable, hyper and impulsive...they act before they think and sometimes have no remorse. I also suggest you seek counseling for yourself to learn helpful ways to manage the stress of his disorder, I know this helped me greatly! If you should like to chat I am always willing to listen!

2006-09-28 16:29:19 · answer #6 · answered by **KELLEY** 6 · 0 0

he is starting fires and they are calling it ADHD? That is not ADHD. My son is ADHD, and that is not ADHD. I don't know who diagnosed him but go to someone else. He needs therapy, he is exhibiting very dangerous behavior.
If your employer has an IEP program go to them or call the county department of mental health, get some names of some child psychologists and take him ASAP. Tell them exactly what is going on. The arson is serious. You might be looking at an anger management problem or oppositional defiance disorder or any number of things.

Get on the phone Immediately. Do not wait!

2006-09-28 16:28:42 · answer #7 · answered by starting over 6 · 0 0

my son is 7 and he has adhd and i know what you going through my son is they same way i don't worry about him burning down the house but about fighting and hurting his self and others in fact my sons meds have been changed alot to and it seems not to be working for us either i am just like u at a witts end for real honestly i don't know what to tell you because like i said i am going through the same thing it has gotten to the point i was thinking about sending him to boot camp but then ddidn't know what i would do with out him i am at the point now when we go back to doctor i am going to tell her to do something or admitt him into the hospital so they can get his meds right email me any time u wanna talk and please email me if you find something that works lol i think your son has more going on than adhd also and that could be why the meds don't work

2006-09-28 16:26:20 · answer #8 · answered by heather f 3 · 0 1

Get him off the meds. He will become much easier to work with. I think your messing him up more. Meds are not the answer. There is something deeper that is bothering him. Ask him why he is so angry. Was there any trauma in his past that had some effect on him? You need to get to the bottom of this quickly. Good luck and stay safe!

2006-09-28 16:26:19 · answer #9 · answered by aimstir31 5 · 0 1

have you tried taken him to reflex ology its suppose to calm the muscels amd relax the mind there is something out there that dosent mean taking pills ask your gp

2006-10-02 14:19:30 · answer #10 · answered by icemadan 2 · 0 0

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