Over her. Aspen has been riding the bus for 2 years. We know the bus driver she lives at the end of the street. Last year the bus drivers grandson dared another girl to scratch Aspen, when Aspen told the driver, she did nothing, I called and complained to the bus driver union, of course nothing was done that I know of( we are short on drivers in the district that's why) Today Aspen was being harrassed by another girl and was going to tell on her but the little girl told the driver first that Aspen was going to tell on her, the driver responded don't worry I wouldn't do anything anyway! I'm so upset, I really don't have another way to get her from school besides the bus!! If I call and complain(which I will) nothing will be done, this may be why the driver is against Aspen due to the issue last year! What should I do, What can I do? I will try to arrange some other way to get her but it won't be over night, any suggestions?
repost from gradeschool.. Not enough answers thnx
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