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please only answer if you believe in a God and human life (whether you believe that starts after birth or during a certain trimester)
if a pro lifer said:
"I don't claim to know whether or not, or even when the joining of a sperm and egg becomes a human life but while there is still the chance that it is a spiritual human life I don't think you should chance commiting that murder. If there is still the chance of there being a person in an abandoned building, even the slightest chance, why would you demolish it?"
What is your response?

2006-09-28 10:08:08 · 22 answers · asked by Syd L 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

to Almost Mommy,
you said,
"I think what your saying is a LOAD of crap...honestly!!"
Please explain why is it a load of crap? I really need an answer to this.

2006-09-28 10:15:43 · update #1

Please attack pro-life as an arguement and not the people who do stupid things and say stupid things that should not and do not represent the arguement well.
Example #1: the stereotype that prolifers support the war.
*This IS contradictory to the arguement of pro-life but not all prolifers support it. Attack that in a seperate debate about the war.
Ex #2: killing animals for meat and insects contradicts pro-life beliefs.
*Not if you believe that human life if sacred and takes presidence over animals. attack that in a seperate debate until the cows come home.
Ex #3: "If they were pro-life, they would not support "pro-lifers" who bomb abortion clinics, kill doctors who perform abortions, harass innocent employees at abortion clinics, nor would they do it themselves."
*No one in their right mind would support that kind of stupid, contradictory hatred. The debate is geared toward the fundamental arguements not the rash ways in which people try to get their point across

2006-09-28 11:05:58 · update #2

Ex #4: The death penalty contradicts pro life arguement because if there is a slight chance that the convict is innocent, why commit a possible murder on him/her
Not all pro-lifers are pro death penalty. Debate that somewhere else.
Ex #5: pro-lifers do not adopt
many do. more people of any group of opinion should!
That being said, attack in reasonable debate, from the stand point that there are some pro-lifers who are anti-war, believing that human life is sacred, anti-death penalty and that debate should be reasonable and thought out and intelligent...
...not clouded by anger and resentment.
Then after you've sifted through that, answer the question.
Again, my point is, attack the arguement not the stupid people who happen to believe in it.
Thanks for your answers!

2006-09-28 11:06:53 · update #3

22 answers

You need to separate the two types of abortion-

One is as a method of birth control, and in this case you are absolutely right. Better to preserve life. However,

The second case is when the baby will ruin or jeapordize the mother's life. In this case, how could you weigh a 'maybe' lifeform as equal to one already here, who needs help? That's rediculous.

Human beings are a breath away from death at any time anyway- and with people dying for every day for even more trivial reasons I feel that pro -lifers are greviously misplacing their compassion.

You want to preserve human life? Go get an AK and head to Darfur- or else STFU about how humane you are.

2006-09-28 10:13:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I would love to answer your question but it really makes no sense..

About the demolishing of a building... If it needs brought down.. it needs brought down.. when you bring the building down.. signs are up.. streets are closed... the building is gone through.. the entire 9 yards.. It's required to bring it down.. I'm sorry if someone couldn't read or didn't see the signs and entered the building... I don't see how this can be a proper analogy to abortion...

If someone said that to me personally.. I would tell them that I don't understand the question.. it really makes no sense to me.

As for abortion.. I am prochoice.. Why am I prochoice? The blood is not on my hands.. I'm not the woman making the choice. I'm not the abortion doctor performing the abortion. It does not affect MY life in any instance when someone has an abortion. I don't have to live with the feelings that follow having an abortion.

Many don't believe in birthcontrol.. Why? Because they feel that life begins at sperm/egg fertilization.. Some birthcontrol inhibits ovulation.. some just make the uterus an unfit environment for the fertilized egg to implant... So are prolifers also trying to ban birthcontrol?

I think a woman should have the choice over her own reproductive health.. Although i've never had an abortion.. (I have 2 kids) I would be pretty upset if I was denied the option if I wanted it.. And I feel every woman should have that option..

Again... The blood is not on my hands. I would rather a woman have the freedom to go into a sanitary environment and have this done then some back alley or diy...

2006-09-28 18:12:52 · answer #2 · answered by SassySista 3 · 0 0

A long time ago I was in a Hallmark store that sold gifty-type items, and spotted a sign with a phrase that has stuck with me for more than 20 years:

A baby is God's opinion that life should go on...

I take a very literal definition of 'life' .. something without life cannot grow, and once the egg and sperm are united, growth begins. Therefore life exists at this point, and abortion is the deliberate act of ending that life. That's not our choice to make (excluding cases where the mother's life is endangered by the pregnancy).

Now here's my struggle... I believe that in many criminal cases the death penalty is warranted. The difference in my beliefs on these two issues has caused me a lot of confusion.

Thanks for a thought-provoking question.

2006-09-28 17:17:42 · answer #3 · answered by princessmeltdown 7 · 1 0

People love having choices. Freedom of choice is supposed to be one of the great freedoms of our society..

The reason you're posting this question is because organized religion has been turned into a political force complete with lobbyists and an agenda of its own =) If they had their way then the only choices that you would have in life would be whatever they let you have.

For me, living in a theocracy doesn't sound too peachy. If I wanted that, I would move to Iran.

Now there is always the argument that if the person doing the aborting is not hurting you directly then why are you trying to stick your nose into their life? Maybe they have decided this is the only way out of a mistake that they have committed. Maybe they feel that this is more financially feasable than raising a baby.

People have their own reasons for doing things. What is important is that it is not up to you or anybody to tell them what is right or wrong. Their conscience will do that for them..

As far as the spiritual content goes..that really is going to apply to those who believe in God..and even then there is the whole issue of proving that there is a spiritual human life. And if there is, then does the abortion really destroy that spirit? Or would it return to wherever it came from?

lol, nobody can answer that so that is why it shouldn't be asked.

Remember, the Nazi's thought that they were right when they built human furnaces to burn jews alive in. Christians thought they were right when they followed the orders of the pope and priests to rape, pillage and murder during the crusades. Muslims think they are right today by fighting and dying for allah..

I mention all of that because I do not want for you to confuse your beliefs with absolute truth for everyone. It's ok for you to love god and all that.. and if you agree with that statement then it is also ok for people to get abortions, for people to not believe in god, and for people to adopt other peoples kids (which promotes parents giving their kids to foster care..)

Anyways, g'luck to ya.

2006-09-28 17:29:25 · answer #4 · answered by La Voce 4 · 1 0

I would say, how can you compare the two? Chosing to abort a fetus is not the same as chosing to not save someone from an abandoned building. Religion has no place in this debate. And...FYI... I am a Christian and no, I've never had an abortion. But, I do have my own brain and I prefer being able to use it to make choices that effect my life and the lives of those I care about.

2006-09-28 17:32:02 · answer #5 · answered by Shelley L 6 · 0 0

It's not a question of pro-life vs anti-life. Pro-choice is exactly what the term implies: it a question of personal choice. Terminating a pregnancy is never an easy decision for anyone and definately not a pleasant process. Pro-life and pro-choice advocates are arguing about two completely different topics. I am pro-choice, but that does not mean that I am pro-abortion. I would not want to end a life, regardless of when I believe life begins, but I don't want anyone, especially the government, dictating to me how I can or cannot make choices regarding my own body.

2006-09-28 17:14:23 · answer #6 · answered by djsugarmuffin 2 · 3 0

I believe in choice. I believe that both women and men have a choice in pregnancy.

That choice was made when both chose to have sex with one another. If you do A and know you could possibly get B and still choose to do A then you are accepting the consequences of possibly getting B.

There you are, choice made and baby created. After this point there is no choice.

The human body was not meant to allow for the purposeful removal of this past choice. It is dangerous and often emotionally as well as physically scaring. The human body creates thickened muscles and linings to protect against any eventuality that could harm this past choice and means to protect it until it is time for this choice to begin a life of its own. To forcefully remove this past choice causes more harm to the psyche and physical body than allowing for a 9 month gestation and future adoption. The only individuals who win when the past choice is forcibly removed are the pharmaceuticals, doctors, and other individuals who are desperately attempting to remove damage to their own psyche from having their own past choice forcibly removed.

One last thought:
It is often surprising to me to see so many men in this debate. After all we are talking about the woman's body and what she thinks with regard to this situation. It is so strange to see so many men all for abortion and the same men will fight tooth and nail to prove no paternity for their own choices.

It certainly does seem like a convenient way out for all those guys who like to play with fire and cause pregnancies and then walk away claiming pro-choice. If they knew that a pregnancy caused by them would be their responsibility for life including monetary and time then they would not be so willing to choose so many women to have sex with. That would be quite expensive.

2006-09-28 17:18:00 · answer #7 · answered by r_k_winters 2 · 1 0

You want answers only from Pro-Lifers who believe in God and who also believe in "human life" ? Arent you narrowing your field of potential answers by putting so many limitations on your answerers?

2006-09-28 17:13:18 · answer #8 · answered by Clarkie 6 · 1 1

There are many Secular Pro Life organizations


Have a look at all these SECULAR PRO LIFE LINKS!

pro choice people hate these organizations btw and want
to pretend they dont exist : )
but they do and they are growing larger...

2006-09-28 17:10:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i believe it is every persons choice to chose upon their own beliefs.they should have that right. i believe in god and i believe in human life, at one point i believed for myself in prochoice, i was pregnant and was trying to decide what was best, i went with prolife and at 20weeks delivered a perfect baby girl. she lived for 25minutes and was gone. when i think you could end a life at 20weeks it does saddened me, a perfect little angel god sent me and let me have her for such a short time. i never knew at just 20 weeks what a perfect baby could be. i wish everyone would know. but i still believe every one should have that choice.

2006-09-28 17:26:49 · answer #10 · answered by wisdom 3 · 0 0

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