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i have taken everything away from him he still continues his bad behavior at home and at school they are threating to kick him out of school due to his terrible behavior and health hazards to others.....like i said he found a book of matches and was lighting them in his room and lied about it......whipping doesnt help but if thats what it takes thats what will happen

2006-09-28 08:57:43 · 15 answers · asked by april 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

15 answers

Take him to a shrink

2006-09-28 09:04:50 · answer #1 · answered by ChemGeek 4 · 0 0

My 13 yr old grandson has be diagnoses as ADHD all his life. Nothing was working. After attending a Conference on Child Behavioral problems he decided to have my Grandson checked for Ansbarger Syndrome (a mild form of Autism). He was taken to a specialist and this week he started treatment for this.

I am in no way telling you to ignore ADHD. I am only suggesting you might consider this other Syndrome since the behavioral symptoms are very simular.

2006-09-28 09:35:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am not a huge proponent of medication but your son may need some to help him along. I have a six-year old who is extremely difficult too -- although not bad, just busy. Medication may be your only option until he gets older.

At home, you should be using positive reinforcement behavior modification techniques. If you don't know of any, please seek help from a medical provider. There are services available in most cities and counties that would provide you with a counselor or therapist who may be able to help you with these things. Also, the school should be attempting to assist you in finding out if he meets the requirements for special help. If he does, the school will need to provide him with special accommodations. Unless you are in a catholic school, then they will probably just throw him out. That's what happened to us. The public schools are better for some things because they have no choice but to deal with the "bad" kids.

Good luck.

2006-09-28 09:05:48 · answer #3 · answered by hbennett76 3 · 0 0

I am a 37 yo mom with a13 yo son with adhd. It has been my experience that "punishing" him for negative behaviors, made matters worse. I found my my son had a form of adhd that was almost "Turret Syndrome" like.By this I mean, the more emphasis put on "dont do" behavior the less control he had over that behavior.A spanking is sure to escalate the undesired behavior. Try not to emphasize the negative comments and actions. If possible nonverbally redirect attention to desired behavior and Praise Praise Praise. This has been helpful beyond measure for me and my little guy.

2006-09-28 09:16:45 · answer #4 · answered by JEWELL S 2 · 0 0

My son was diagnosed with ADHD at 4 and is now 11 years old. I have been through it all, tried everything...It takes a strict behavior plan, behavior modification, counseling and sometimes medication. We tried everything before we put Ty on meds and in the end decided it was better to have him on medication to regulate his moods and behavior, than to have him be social outcast. What worked well was 1, 2, 3 magic, strict rules, consistency, and routine. I am in no way telling you to medicate your 7 year old, just look at all of the options available and seek counseling to help with his uncontrollable behavior.

2006-09-28 09:12:06 · answer #5 · answered by **KELLEY** 6 · 0 0

I grew up with siblings that were pains. I was diagnosed with ADD and the medicine doesn't work, it caused some minor problems for me when I grew older. My mother had us throw all of our things (but the bare necessities) when we continued to ignore her, You don't have to go that extreme, but have you tried to show the child what he's doing wrong, or explained to him. He's old enough to understand talk to him (no yelling or screaming) explain to him what he's doing wrong, give him discipline and go through it completely. think about how you approach him when he does something wrong, do you just spank him or grab and yell at him? If you don't talk to him and just go straight to punishment, he's not going to understand why he's being punished and what he did wrong. If you yell and scream at him, he's tuning you out. Have you tried a reward system? (make a bulletin with a small list of deeds, and use stars or triangles as marks for the board. When he does something that is good that's on the board have him put the mark in the correct spot. If he has X amount (determined by you) take him for a treat) When I babysat for kids I did that . Don't forget to make it interesting for a 7 year old.)

2006-09-28 09:16:32 · answer #6 · answered by bbrose85 2 · 0 0

be sure your dr.s arent just labeling him. 9 times out of ten hes being bad to get attention or things he wants. adhd is a learning disability not a behavioral one. try discussing the reasons why he does what he does and be sure to express how he hurts yours and others' feelings when he does that. spankings dont work, infact they make problems worse.child nor animal doesnt learn that way, it just confuses them. besides wouldnt you want the child to not f*** up because he doesnt want to hurt others, rather than "oh im not gonna do this because ill get spanked" toys are earned, i say clear the room of EVERYTHING except the bed (maybe even replace it with a crib!). see how the little booger likes it. it hes gonna be acting like a baby he should be treated like one. i feel your grief, ive often nannied, and in homes where spanking was permitted. but ive learnt that if you do try enough, you can connect with them. best of luck to the both of you!

2006-09-28 09:12:51 · answer #7 · answered by Meeowf 3 · 0 0

Whipping is out of the question. Would you whip a child who has diabetes or cancer? You must look at his condition for what it is, a disorder, or disease that needs treatment. You need counseling by a professional to help you deal with your son. He is not a bad boy. Get that out of your head. He is compelled to act strangely and wildly by his dis-ease. Help him, but don't beat him. Beating him is totally counterproductive.

As a special education teacher, I have taught children with that disorder. Medication and educating yourself as to how to deal with your son is key here. If you have a bad temper, you better start behaving yourself and getting help. I know it is a big challenge, but these kids are special and if guided properly can be great and successful people. All the best to you.

2006-09-28 10:26:37 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Is he medicated? This sound like he should be. Take him to your family doctor. Talk to his school counselors. Is he looking for attention, even if its attention for the wrong behaviour? I have a 9 year old in my daycare that I've had for the last 5 years and he was diagnosed 2 years ago. His medication definitely helped with his aggressiveness, and he is not a zomby. He is just nicer, more thoughtful and calmer now.

2006-09-28 09:08:24 · answer #9 · answered by talula 2 · 0 0

a friend of mine has a 8 year old with the same condition he uses Ritalin which helps but she has also started using omega 3 fish oils. you can get these in capsule form or liquid form. my friend uses liquid form, she puts it in his juice.

researchers have been linking omega 3 to help calm children down and they also say that it works petty well for children with adhd
just in case you are wondering omega 3 is a fish oil and you should be available at your chemist.
please try it you will see a difference but it does take time to work, my friend didn't see a difference for about three months of daily use :) it also works for children with poor concentration

2006-09-28 09:13:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Have you brought him to a psychiatrist? Your child is in need of professional help. You child may need to be stabilized on medication. Start keeping a diary of your son's daily activities. I wish you the bext of luck!

2006-09-28 09:05:44 · answer #11 · answered by Aine14 3 · 0 0

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