They wouldn't even let me go to sleep the whole time. I had no food and limited water. They came into my room while I was sleeping, handcuffed me, took me to the station, unhandcuffed me, searched me, made me give them my socks and pajama top, and handcuffed me again. I spent the next day and a half handcuffed and freezing to death in a camisole and pajama bottoms.
I wasn't even "guilty" of anything, they were asking me questions about my dad that I could not answer. I wasn't even officially arrested. ALSO, they were telling me blatant lies in an attempt to get me to answer. When I begged them to take the cuffs off, they said they only would if I would make a written statement incriminating my father.
I'm an honor student, in the United States, and my dad is an executive at a fairly large energy company. How can this happen? My dad is still being questioned... I have no idea where to go to find out my rights (my dad usually handles this), but this MUST be illegal, right?
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