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Law & Ethics - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

I have recently written a book which I think could be the next Da Vinci code...maybe .. . :) But I just want to know.. How can I protect my book idea when I take it to different publishers to prevent them from just copying it?

Any help will be appreciated...


2007-08-15 01:46:24 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

a friend of mine is an assistant manager at walgreens. he has never been in any kind of trouble but he made a mistake and is about to be charged with carrying a conceiled weapon. is it possible that he will lose his job over this?

2007-08-15 01:43:59 · 3 answers · asked by Diamond Princess 313rd 2

My neighbor across the street CONTINUALLY parks his 18 wheeler in front of our house. Its ALL we can see when we look out of our front windows. And sometimes he leaves it run for hours on end (I dont know why), and it is so loud it rattles the pictures on our walls so they hang crooked.

We live in a quiet little mid-income suburb neighborhood, and this guy is turning it into a trucking yard. I have made anonymouse phone calls to the police, and every time they make him move the truck. But he keeps on bringing it back.

Does anyone know what I should do? I dont want to confront him, because I dont want trouble (he's really an unfriendly guy). It is actually against the law to park an 18-wheeler in a residential street, right?

2007-08-15 01:31:02 · 14 answers · asked by Brenda 4

My landlord sent me a 3 day eviction notice because i with held my rent per my attorney advice because he has failed to do repairs (major)and do the extermination.Now hes claiming I breached the lease.He has been given 2 oppurtunitys to do the repairs.My question is since he sent this 3 day notice can i legally terminate my lease?I want to move because of the infestation and i have 2 small children to worry about but i also dont want an eviction.If i pay him then i acknowledge the problems and are ok with them,but if i dont then hes going to evict.My lawyer wants another 1600 that i dont have,so its like im stuck in a hard place.Any info i would appreciate thanks.Im in Florida by the way

2007-08-15 01:28:51 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

If not why?
Honest genuine answers please

2007-08-15 01:15:19 · 39 answers · asked by angelrose0105 4

can we say that we actually have got rid of lot of problems and we have moved fast due to the effects of partition.has it been usefull for india.

2007-08-15 01:04:28 · 7 answers · asked by toploser 5

a landlady dies,she has a son and three grandchildren,after her can her son make a will or sell off the property on his own.he says he has a willmade by his mother giving him all authority but never shows it.he is a alcohoilc can he make a will or sell it on his own.

2007-08-15 01:01:25 · 5 answers · asked by toploser 5

Could she get her kids taken away?

okay i have been with my bf for 3 years. i have also lived with an alcoholic for 17 years. i have been through so much that it would take forever to tell about how bad it was at my house. when i lived with my mother i would never get any sleep and no privacy to do anything such as go to the bathroom, take a shower, or do homework. my mother is such a crazy person she never left me alone cause she was always drunk. well, i moved out into my boyfriends house. my mother always told me to go and also said ''do what u want'' i have been here a month. i have never been happier. but my boyfriend has a sister and his parents are divorced. we live with his mom. when his dad found out that i lived here, he wants to get custody of the kids and he knows is kids dont want to live with him. his mom has done nothing wrong, and my bf is 16. do u think that the stupid father could get custody? what if i moved out?i have

2007-08-15 00:56:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-15 00:23:27 · 6 answers · asked by Jan H 1

is this legal for a site to change the time if it is not in the terms and conditions

2007-08-15 00:00:34 · 2 answers · asked by lillbun2000 1

I have no any obligation but I just want to know if this is legal or illegal.

2007-08-14 23:51:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had a person tell me that he did this. He does not seemed to be worried.

2007-08-14 23:48:52 · 5 answers · asked by ? 6

Can i stil work and get unempolyment?
OK SO BACK IN july i got fired from a job i wk for for 3 yrs the new manager didnt like me and she found some way to fire me so than after that i filled for unempolyment but it took like a month for everything to get in place but by that time i had already found a new job so since than the unpolyment office has send me two checks i cashed them but i dont know what to do since im wking its not full time only part time and the checks where no more than 500$ so what do i do next? oh yea i live in ca.....

2007-08-14 23:48:23 · 7 answers · asked by lovely 1

2yr together, one year apart, he calls me back, I return because of his declining health, he's always been blind in left eye and wore two hearing aides, I've always tried to protect him because of the untrustworthy employees who maniplated him because of his handicap, he's 77 and I'm 61, and we've dated since befor the clinton inaugration. He's also in the early stages of parkinsons desease. I' a licensed practical nurse,and have been giving holistic care and working a weekend job which I lost in june.

2007-08-14 22:48:12 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I ate at a hospital and the woman behind counter made comment about eggs, but served them anyway.. Me, my sister, and grandmother have same symptoms. Went to ER tonight and I Have food poison. What can I do. Can I sue them. I have a hospital bill and missed 3 days of work over this./

2007-08-14 20:27:44 · 6 answers · asked by Nally25 3

My ex-sister in law grabbed my brothers cell while arguing in a bar and destroyed the phone. Unfortunately the phone was actually mine. Is there any kind of legal action I can take against her to get repayment to replace my personal property?

2007-08-14 20:26:34 · 5 answers · asked by youdontknowmebut... 2

I attended a Massage Therapy school, and had purchased the school books (Almost $400 total). Well, I withdrew from the school because I didn't like it in anyway, but was still charged for the books.

I wanted to sell them off to try and get a little bit of the money back from something I didn't really want. Is it illegal for me to do so, or since I paid and own them, are they now mine to do with what I want?

2007-08-14 20:22:22 · 7 answers · asked by kalistburg 2

Kia Vaughn, from the Rutgers basketball team which Imus referred to as "nappy-headed hoes" (for those of you who don't know, it is a common phrase in rap songs and usually is meant as a compliment), is suing him for defamation of character and slander. She says that this shock jock damaged her reputation by using a slang compliment from rap songs.

This comes on the heels of Imus settling his breach of contract lawsuit against CBS, which is now willing to give him his job back.

Is this new lawsuit the most ridiculous you've ever heard of or what?

2007-08-14 19:44:02 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay i have been with my bf for 3 years. i have also lived with an alcoholic for 17 years. i have been through so much that it would take forever to tell about how bad it was at my house. when i lived with my mother i would never get any sleep and no privacy to do anything such as go to the bathroom, take a shower, or do homework. my mother is such a crazy person she never left me alone cause she was always drunk. well, i moved out into my boyfriends house. my mother always told me to go and also said ''do what u want'' i have been here a month. i have never been happier. but my boyfriend has a sister and his parents are divorced. we live with his mom. when his dad found out that i lived here, he wants to get custody of the kids and he knows is kids dont want to live with him. his mom has done nothing wrong, and my bf is 16. do u think that the stupid father could get custody? what if i moved out?i have a job if that helps. i was so unhappy at my moms and never wanted to stay home HELP

2007-08-14 19:31:29 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

How does one change a Florida Conceal Weapons license to Louisiana. Louisiana reconizes the Florida license held by a Florida resident but I don't know if they will accept it being I have re-located to Louisiana. I have asked State Police, local Police, written emails that got no responce and no one seems to know the ends and outs of this particular situation, anyone got advice?

2007-08-14 17:59:26 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Laws and homeoner's rights

2007-08-14 17:50:54 · 1 answers · asked by mike a 1

I served my country Honorably, worked for a Gen. when I met my Ex we were married and divorced, I had a court order for the custody of the child we had together. His father was a retired Col.While I was fighting off Terrorist , they chose not to honor the court order and slander me and my good name. Now I can't find the child we had together and consider it a kidnapping , the FBI refuses to help. Is this unbelievable or what? There excuse is too much time has passed, but I think they just let them get away with kidnapping, while I was in the trenches. The money amount on the court order is worth 30.000 dollars , and I never received a dime. I would be willing to settle for information as to the whereabouts of my son. Tell me would you be angry or what?

2007-08-14 17:50:49 · 1 answers · asked by cynthia k 2

or, how do you find out the laws on that? since i'm guessing it depends on the state.

2007-08-14 17:31:25 · 3 answers · asked by Beemis 2

I need help. I ordered 2 DVDs from a seller on an auction site (which shall remain nameless). The seller stated that the discs were legit. But when I got them, they were obviously bootlegs. I complained and he agreed to refund my money. So I returned the DVDs and haven’t heard from him since. I tried emailing him, but his address isn’t working. The auction site where he was selling his discs has banned him after a few companies complained about him pirating their films. So I don’t think the site’s webmaster can help me. Someone advised me to pay with a money order from the post office, which is what I did. I still have the stub, but I’m unsure what to do next. Who should I contact for help?

2007-08-14 17:28:05 · 1 answers · asked by rabbit on the moon 3

Should the league suspend him forever if he is found guilty? Why? Does being an athlete make your behavior any more restrictive than others. For instance, would you say the same thing about a house painter? A carpenter? An architect?

2007-08-14 17:23:35 · 10 answers · asked by Chazman1347 4

This woman who lives in my neighborhood has a son that has been breaking into homes and now he has made friends with some of the other neighbor boys and they are breaking into peoples homes and finding handguns and basically randomly robbing homes in my area. A couple of them were busted today, but will most likely be out by tomorrow. How does the nuisance act work? Anyone know. I'm not sure if they rent or own.

2007-08-14 17:22:39 · 3 answers · asked by PolePopper 2

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