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Law & Ethics - April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

2007-04-18 13:28:30 · 14 answers · asked by quaiz21 1

i was told 16. i live in New York State.
can somebody help me out?

2007-04-18 12:59:43 · 8 answers · asked by SiN 2

what is the costs for the death penalty and putting people in prison for life

2007-04-18 12:56:29 · 5 answers · asked by jguy1992 1

I just got layed off from a company a sales orgainization
i never signed any confedentailaty paper work
so my question can i sell names of companies that were my clients assets they had and assets they were thinking about buying to a competitor of my old company?
can i get in legal trouble?


2007-04-18 12:21:23 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Personally, I am relieved. How do you feel? If you disagree with the ruling, why do you disagree? Please, only adult and responsible answers.

2007-04-18 11:54:23 · 6 answers · asked by red 2

Alcohol and tobacco are more dangerous than some currently illegal drugs. It doesn't make sense to ban one kind of drug and allow another. The inconsistency leads to disrespect for law. Prohibition of alcohol in the twenties led to massive wealth and empowerment of criminals. (In any case it was only the sale of alcohol that was banned, not possession. ) Today, the same thing happens with drug-wealthy criminals. Legalizing and taxing the sale of drugs would give the government tax revenue which currently goes to criminals.
Drugs should be licensed and controlled. Therefore their quality and purity would be maintained. Drug users would not have to rob people and engage in prostitution to get money to pay for drugs, since the prices could be controlled. Since crime would diminish, there would be fewer people in prison and the prisons would be less crowded.

It's not the business of government to police the private behavior of consenting adults.

Look at Amsterdam: safe and friendly.

2007-04-18 11:53:19 · 9 answers · asked by 2kool4u 5

Personally, I am relieved. How do you feel? If you disagree with the ruling, why do you disagree? Please, only adult and responsible answers.

2007-04-18 11:52:38 · 6 answers · asked by red 2

Do you agree or disagree with the Court's decision???

2007-04-18 11:32:55 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was on the train and a pervy old man looked at my chest, then as he went to get off I am sure I felt his p***s brush against my back. Should I report him?

2007-04-18 11:32:23 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

In my town my Foot Doctor that has done surgery on my toe got arrested for molesting a young girl. I came foward because he done the same thing to me what should I do? DA will get involved and this is big I just don't want him to do this to anyone else? What will happen? 3 more people came foward as well.

2007-04-18 11:31:43 · 5 answers · asked by Pretty me :) 3


Why is killing infants just as legal today as it was 6 years ago??

2007-04-18 11:31:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do I sue the *** out of Yamaha motorcycles? I am mad at them because in one of their magazine advertisements they advertise their deadly quad bikes and dirt bikes to elementary school aged children. On the advertisement photo are displayed a girl about the age of 10 and a boy about the age of 12 standing hapilly next to their quad/dirt bikes that their irresponsible parents had purchased for them as if it's a toy. How could Americans be so retarded? Who in their right mind purchases a death machine for their school aged children? They may never live to be the age of 18. You may never ever see them grow up since the dirt bike you bought them killed them. Or paralized them for life which is even worse. I want to know why you parents do this sort of stuff and why you're not even arrested for such unethical behavior? Because every year many American children die on such deadly recreation vehicles.

I also what to know what is the process of Sueing Yamaha Motorcycles.

2007-04-18 11:31:08 · 8 answers · asked by Philladelphia 2

Do you think the government should be able to outlaw certain procedures that the doctor would do to protect you life? If the procedure is for the benefit of your health or your life, and the doctor tells you all the information as to the pros and cons of the procedure, do you think the government should be able to make that procedure illegal?

Secondary question, do you think the Partial Birth Abortion Ban was good or bad?

2007-04-18 11:15:03 · 8 answers · asked by Take it from Toby 7

2007-04-18 10:56:45 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

is an alarm system or a dog not enough? Gun owners scare me.

2007-04-18 10:56:25 · 30 answers · asked by ? 1

NRA members - Jerry Falwell's Liberty U, located in Virginia, is probably the most rightwing college in the US. Here's their policy:

"The possession, storage, display, or use of any kind of ammunition, firearms, replicas, fireworks, explosives, air rifles, air pistols, paintball guns, or any other potentially lethal instrument is prohibited on University property. ANY WATER GUN THAT IS SIMILAR TO ANY TYPE OF FIREARM FITS IN THIS CATEGORY. ANY WATER GUN THAT IS USED IN ANY WAY TO ANNOY ANOTHER PERSON WILL ALSO BE CONFISCATED."

Waterguns! LOL

2007-04-18 10:52:46 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i live in florida and i already know from an attorney if i sign over rights that i am no longer obligated to pay child support. i need to know though if this child is mine can i sign over rights? i told her already that i wanted nothing to do with it and haven't contacted her at all and i am just needing to know the same way if a woman doesn't want a child they can give it up no questions asked am i going to be able to just go to an attorney and say that i am not ready and don't want anything to do with this chile can i sign over my rights?


2007-04-18 10:44:01 · 7 answers · asked by rmt 1

Doctors deliberatly killing a baby is criminal and barbaraic. (Young girls who kill their baby are put in jail.) Women fighting to keep it (partial birth abortion) lawful and voting for polititians who rabidly fight for it makes me really fear for our (America's) future.

2007-04-18 10:40:38 · 20 answers · asked by WonderingWanderer 5

is he had not killed himself, this man would have been sent to a mental hospital for life, most likely, thanks to the liberals in america with bleeding hearts! he would get 3 meals a day, medical and dental, entertainment, and mental health checkups!! that is almost a reward!!! for killing 33 people! death penalty needs to be put back in some states! in middle east or china, he would get shot on sight!! no trials!!

2007-04-18 10:35:09 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

my cousins cousin(18,whose my friend)had a fight with her aunt.and in an act of revenge read up on mythbusters and found out if you put bleach in a cars oil tank it will mess up and eventually ruin a cars engine.Well guess what,she went to Wal Mart got the most expensive non generic tub of bleach she could find and emptied(not sure how much)but alot of bleach into her aunts 2007 Suburban.I dont know what happened yet cause this happened about 2 weeks ago.But if its true that bleach can ruin a cars engine.Could my cousins cousins be sued for ruining a car???

more technically I think she read this link.


2007-04-18 10:33:44 · 6 answers · asked by Aces747 2

I have been trying to contact this court appointed attorney that is assigned to my son's criminal case. It has been 3 days and he has not returned any of my calls. Should I hire an attorney to take over the case? How much do attorney's charge for felonies on first time offenders? What is the process? Please only honest responses; this is serious to me and my family.

2007-04-18 10:20:14 · 15 answers · asked by preciousmoments 1

2007-04-18 09:59:32 · 3 answers · asked by mel 1

After the shooting this week, can someone explain how it is possible in the US for an ex mental patient to legaly buy a handgun (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070418/ap_on_re_us/virginia_tech_shooting)?

Is it me or is there something very wrong in this system?

2007-04-18 09:06:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here is a question for all you Brits out there. After reading some of the forum posts in the BBC web site about the shooting at VT and getting through a myriad of the usual Anti-American posts there was some good ideas about gun control in America.
Some of my ideas would be as follows:
1 – Do not issue private citizens permits to carry concealed weapons! In fact not carrying guns around at all. If for example you go to a gun range for target practice you need to keep it in a locked case until you get to the range. I think this is how it is in Canada.
2 – As in certain European countries and in Canada you need to have permits for gun ownership. You need to have a valid reason: Hunting, target shooting at a gun club. Sorry fellow Americans it is not a god given right to own a gun, and none of that 2nd Amendment stuff ether its very out dated, I do not think the Brits are going to try to reclaim the colony’s any time soon.
3 – Make it harder to get guns. Being able to easily buy guns at stores like Wal-Mart does not help.
4 – Limit the amount of guns one can own. You do not need an arsenal.
5 – As in Britain, I believe if you are caught with a conceded weapon like a pistol it is a mandatory 5 year prison sentence.

I am not saying banning guns, but there needs to be changes to American gun laws to make it stringent and in lines with other countries. The gun free for all has gone on long enough in America.

A someone looking at the US what do you think should be reasonable gun law’s for the US?

2007-04-18 08:33:37 · 14 answers · asked by R M 3

FACT: The only one on the campus (besides the police, who did nothing) in VA Tech who had a gun was a criminally insane individual.

FACT: The law abiding had no guns.

Do not rely on the police. There job is not to protect and serve. There job is to investigate AFTER the shooting.

2007-04-18 08:31:06 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Before people make stupid comments or accuse me of trying to make light of the VT tragedy, let me say that is not the intent of my question. I have nothing but sympathy for the victimes and thier families.

After the US invaed Iraq, Rumsfeld in his infinite wisdom decided it would be a good idea to let each Iraqi keep one firearm. Had we taken all thier firearms would things in Iraq be as bleek as they are now?

And I'm not a liberal so don't think about calling me one either.

2007-04-18 08:22:48 · 22 answers · asked by evil_paul 4

Yahoo's legal should ask for help from Interpol.

Dear: Tomas Kenedi,
Congratulations from all the staff here in the British lottery department,you have been granted clarification as a winner of the BRITISH LOTTERY.
For the avoidance of doubt,:

Your e-mail address was attached to ticket number: 56475600545 188 with Serial number 5388/02 drew the lucky numbers:31-6-26-13-35-7 , which subsequently won you the lottery in the 2nd category i.e match 5 plus bonus. All participants (email addresses) for the online version of the national lottery,were selected randomly from World Wide Web sites through computer draw system and extracted from over 100,000 unions, associations,address database and corporate bodies that are listed online.

I hereby inform you that we have received the required information,and the services of a Certified Notary Public has been engaged to handle the Notarisation of your Papers/document.

2007-04-18 08:05:51 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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