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Law & Ethics - April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

The only way to stop these shootings is to make the public realize that "Manchurian Candidates" do exist, and the kids who are committing these tragic crimes are victims of government mind control. The purpose of the shootings is to inflame the public against guns so that they force Congress to pass restrictive gun laws.

Once the guns are out of the hands of the American public, another twist in random mayhem will begin. More programmed "Manchurian Candidates" will begin anarchistic attacks on the public using bombs, knives, fires, Molotov cocktails, baseball bats and any other item that can be used as a weapon. Anarchy will sweep the streets of the United States.

The public will be disarmed and unable to protect themselves. Therefore, the government will step in and become everyone�s protector and Big Brother! The government will do this by suspending the last threads of our barely surviving Constitution, declaring martial law, rounding up the dissidents, patrolling our streets with armed United Nations or NATO military, instituting curfew, and shooting anyone who disobeys any of the newly imposed laws. In other words, a totalitarian government will take control, and if you oppose them, you will be sent to the Gulags.

2007-04-18 07:39:32 · 7 answers · asked by mograbbinfilms 2

i am a law school student and i want to know what would be the best way to plan out my retirement. Such as what i would be doing at what age. i am 26 now.

2007-04-18 07:38:52 · 5 answers · asked by gooftroop_843 1

At 16, I never had the time to get my license cuz I was busy going to school and working 2 jobs to support my dying grandma. When she died, I was 18, forced to live in her car, and was unable to get my license due to the time I didn't have. I was soon pulled over after my grandma's registration expired. I was given a ticket for driving w/o a license, not being insured, and not having registration, but let me keep my car due to my situation. I went to court, and was given a fine that I couldn't pay. I asked for community service but the gal at the window told me it would be better to just pay it. Within that time, I was unable to get my license because I owed the court the fine, but I continued to drive. Soon, some1 hit my car, and the cops came. The cops asked for my license and registration, and my car was towed away, and I received another ticket as I moved on to the street. I'm 22 now, still struggling, have 2 warrants because I couldn't pay the fine or get the 2nd notice.

2007-04-18 07:23:52 · 6 answers · asked by n_harros 2

Or is this really strictly just a religious issue?

Just curious.

2007-04-18 06:58:26 · 10 answers · asked by Martin L 5

She had a will that she had someone else appointed over. How will I know if I am actually going to get what she verbally told me while living?

2007-04-18 06:52:43 · 3 answers · asked by WANDERER 2

i live in nyc and i 'm 23

2007-04-18 06:28:40 · 4 answers · asked by nylotto5k 1

if you can give me a list of pro and cons or a mixture, anything would be nice you can even direct me to any source and i will check it out thank you

2007-04-18 06:23:19 · 6 answers · asked by Austin 2

2007-04-18 06:16:55 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Criminals are going to carry guns regardless of the laws, so in turn we should be allowed to carry guns every where. If only one of those students at VA TECH had a consealed weapons permit the death toll could have been a whole lot less. Guns Don't Kill People, People DO!


2007-04-18 06:14:23 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

This law went into effect in Georgia approximately a year ago. Sad to say, I rarely see it enforced. I'm an EMT and I drive an ambulance. I can't even begin to say how many times people do NOT yield the right of way to me when I am at code 3 status (emergency). It's so simple...when approached by an emergency vehicle at code 3, you are supposed to move to the RIGHT by one lane to clear a path. What can we do to make people aware that we need them to obey this law? To me, people who do not obey this law are indirectly affecting a patient's care. It's dangerous enough to run an emergency without having to negotiate an obstacle course. I'd like to know the opinions of other EMTs...not just Georgia but all over. What do you think? What can we do?

2007-04-18 05:53:51 · 6 answers · asked by emt_me911 7

when I heard the top stairstep make it squeek, for a few seconds I frose up,waiting..waiting for another step. I opened my bedside drawer slowly..and silently I had my firearm in my hand I turned on its lazer and waited for the next step,which came surely. not to scare him, I got up slow then walked for my bedroom door. the lazer poked out first,then the intruder flew down the staircase i had a lock on his head and hestitated to pull the trigger, I instead walked swiftly making a quick check of each room as I went to the staircase. I again caught sights of the right shoulder then out the door he went. he had something in his hand. Was it within my rights to shoot him?

2007-04-18 05:52:14 · 9 answers · asked by BONES 4

I live in Texas and each time I call my attorney's office to speak with him they tell me that I need to set up an appointment to see him. Is that true? I mean i know thats probably their office policy but is it legal?

2007-04-18 05:49:25 · 8 answers · asked by Annal 3


As a pro-choice democrat, I am not in favor of partial-birth abortion unless the mother is in some sort of danger. It's my understanding that the new ban that came through today allows for life-threatening emergencies. So, for those of you who oppose the ban please explain to me why. I guess I don't really understand why it should be allowed, even though I am pro-choice.

I am not asking people to try to convince me to be pro-life. I do not believe abortions should be performed willy nilly....I actually oppose abortion but believe that women should have choices about their bodies, so please do not use this as a forum to spout your pro-life propaganda. Really, I just want to know the facts on this.

2007-04-18 05:40:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I heard that just saying "yes" when you get your license doesn't make you an organ donor. What else must you do? Do they just mean your family makes the decision after you're gone, and you must discuss it with them? Are there legal documents you must sign first?

2007-04-18 05:29:12 · 10 answers · asked by kiko 3

Just want to see what you guys think is coming next to the ballot as the slightly-conservatite court takes its next steps...

2007-04-18 05:28:19 · 22 answers · asked by xrionx 4

The ban by the supreme court does not eliminate abortions, it just eliminates one medical procedure that is cruel.

Do you realize that if a woman's life is threatened, there are still other alternative abortion methods available?

What about the fact that this method is very cruel to that baby. At 24 weeks, a baby can be placed in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. All this does is to eliminate one method?

Or are a woman's rights more important that any method should be allowed, even if it is inhumane to the other life that's about to be terminated?

2007-04-18 05:25:22 · 3 answers · asked by Searcher 7

I Recently Watched Farenheit 9/11 Followed by FarenHYPE 9/11. The former was an interesting movie, until the latter seemed to give A whole bunch more perspective to Moore's version of the truth. (Which, according to the movie, Moore doesn't seem to know what the truth is... or worse doesn't want the American Public to know the truth). Has Moore responded publicly to Farenhype 9/11? Is he really that much of a dishonest jackass?? I Highly reccomend anyone who watches Farenheit 9/11 also watch Farenhype 9/11. It appears to debunk just about all of the positions Michael Moore espouses in his movie, and it certainly puts context back in where Moore has removed it (certainly not for Documentary reasons, but to promote his adgenda)

2007-04-18 05:18:41 · 8 answers · asked by Brando Calrissian 3

In the trial of Joan of Arc Philip, duke of burgundy is on the side of the prosecution. If the trial was run today_ instead of telling stories everyone would either ask or answer questions. I have a few answers ready for the questions I made. We are setting up the trial for class. I want to know what other questions you think are good to use.

2007-04-18 05:13:10 · 1 answers · asked by ruthvon11 2

(Note, this question is NOT about whether the law is right or wrong ethically - that's a different question). But instead, I'm asking about the new Supreme Court Ruling about the ban on partial birth abortions: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070418/ap_on_go_su_co/scotus_abortion

It appears that certain states have previously ruled on whether this this procedure is constitutional or not. So, in light of the supreme court decision, will it be thrown back to the states to make decisions or will federal law supercede any state issues?

2007-04-18 05:04:01 · 8 answers · asked by Searcher 7

And do you know the laws in your state regarding guns?

Has anyone taken steps down this road recently?

I'm just curious what people think.


2007-04-18 04:50:58 · 25 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7

What comes to mind? Guns? Abortion? Something else?

Seems like the two issues I mentioned are similar, in that there are deeply held beliefs on each side of both. And each side can't possibly fathom the thinking of the other, on each issue. (The old "red-state/blue state" divide, I suppose.)

So what do we do? Is there a solution to either issue? Should either or both be decided state-by-state? Are any constitutional amendments necessary?

And when is the argument in the title valid, if ever?

I'd appreciate any thoughts. Thanks.

2007-04-18 04:49:42 · 12 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7

I want to change my daughter's last name. Can I do that even though her father is still, technically, in her life? He does not contribute in any way, financially or otherwise, and sees her when and how often (which is not often) he wants to. I am trying now to get sole custody of my daughter.Can I change her last name?

2007-04-18 04:48:58 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I consider myself to be prochoice, but now this can be defined as "within reason". I suppose it is because I have given birth to a baby and watched it develop, I don't know, but reading about abortions in the second trimester and partial births, I find them pretty disgusting. Dismembering a fetus in the uterus and the partial birth - removing the fetus and then crushing its skull, etc...doesn't that seem particularly heinous? The only reason this can be explained away is if the mother's health is directly at risk, not simply because the fetus has "something seriously wrong with it". I know that it is not an easy choice for a woman to have an abortion at all - I've had one myself - but I do agree that there has to be a fine line drawn and crushing a fetus's skull in my opinion is truly "killing". What do you think?

2007-04-18 04:46:07 · 13 answers · asked by MomofOneSpnkyGrl 2

My brother in-law lived with his nan for many years, but in her will she left the house to her 2 great grandchildren. Her will was made null and void, so he then got into debt and had a charging order placed on the property. He is now homeless and selling the house to pay off the debt, and hoping for some cash back. Is this legal?

2007-04-18 04:16:03 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does it come under Hindu Succession Act or Indian Succession Act ? Whats the difference as far as the Court is concerned, while disposing the matter ? Will appreciate serious answers. Thanks.

2007-04-18 04:15:01 · 6 answers · asked by ? 4

I asked how stupid is it to claim Catholics are not Christians and got a violation notice. Does anyone else get violation notices without violating guidelines? Does anyonre else start violating guidelines intentionally as a result?

2007-04-18 03:59:17 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Then it is saying "Flinchum said Wednesday that the gunman, Cho Seung-Hui, had been accused of stalking two female student in 2005 and had been taken to a mental health facility that year." Doesn't the Brady Law say it is illegal to purchase a gun if you are mentally imcompetant by being sent to a mental health facility?

2007-04-18 03:36:38 · 14 answers · asked by Daniel D 2

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