The terrorists at Gutanamo Bay are all guilty- If not, they wouldnt be there.They do NOT have the right to challenge their arrest, or demand trials. What they deserve is to rot in jail for life, or face execution. Liberals need to remember, these terrorst scum murdered 3000 Americans on 9/11, and they continue to shoot US soldiers. To suggest they should be allowed to challenge thier arrest, or sue the government would be alloting them power- it would be a threat to freedom. Personally, I think the terrorists at Guatnamo Bay should not be kept alive- all should be executed, so terrorists in Iraq will see what will happen to their kind- and the'll then be teeerified at the cery thohgt of attacking us again....If somehow a terrorist is able to get a lwyer to challenge his arrest, that laweyer should face arrest, and his firm closed down.
To give the rights such as so called 'due process' would be a threat to freedom.
How can moonbat liberals not see this
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