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If abortion is compassionate because it spares an unborn child a life of misery because its parents cannot or will not take care of it, why does the same logic not apply to newborns?

If the pro-choice crowd is not willing to go for this, aren't they being hypocritical?

Don't assume you know my views. Check my other open question.

2007-02-23 06:36:56 · 25 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

25 answers

Less than 1% of the abortions performed in the US are for medical reason, rape or incest. My wife and I went through that "not a viable pregnancy" garbage and never- NEVER considered abortion as an alternative. Doctors told her that her life was in danger and we NEVER even discussed abortion. That little "not a viable pregnancy" is at kindergarten right now and will be 6 years old in May. I'm still in favor of not terminating him even after the mess he made in the kitchen last night.

Thanks goes out the the mother who had me despite 3 separate doctors who told her they'd only take her as a patient if she aborted me because her life was at risk. And thanks to Dr. #4 that did what had to be done.

2007-02-23 06:51:46 · answer #1 · answered by penhead72 5 · 5 1

Abortion is a tragic event brought about by tragic circumstance. If the mother resorts to abortion the sooner it is performed the less trauma results to both the mother and the child and the entire society as a whole.
It is for the mother to decide and none other than the mother.
Regardless of extenuating circumstances regarding health of the mother ,the cause of the pregnancy, or the mothers ability to support the child, late term abortions are highly controversial, highly objectionable and uniformly discouraged by all sides whenever possible short of saving the life of the mother. To propose that supporters of a women’s right to chose should extend to fully developed infants is tantamount to wallowing in the tragedy for the sake of grand standing the controversy.

There is adequate public assistance available for parents of new borns who cannot afford basic care and if the parent(s) fail to utilize these resources the state must intervene for the welfare of the child.
Murder is not an option it is a crime.
Perhaps the only recourse for some is to place the child for adoption and this can be done easily enough if only the mother can be reached in time to bring her to her senses and deal with the situation she is in and take rational responsible action before depression, and fear drive her into an irrational and tragic crime.
Hope this helps

2007-02-23 07:59:09 · answer #2 · answered by Daniel O 3 · 1 0

No. There is a physiological between a fetus and a newborn. A newborn, barring birth defects, is a viable human being, capable of breathing and moving on its own. A fetus, especially in the first trimester, cannot live independently outside the womb.

Personally, I have never heard the term "compassionate" used in regards to abortion. It is a medical procedure whose implementation is between the woman and her doctor. That CHOICE should be made without government interference, imho.
Precisely because I am pro-CHOICE, the argument about murdering newborns is not a valid argument--I do not advocate that abortion must be performed--I advocate that a woman should be able to choose--and I will strongly support a woman who chooses to have a baby even if it means an economic or emotional hardship as much as I strongly support a woman who chooses to terminate a pregnancy for the same reasons.

One thing that is implied in many arguments about women choosing abortions is that it is an easy choice, taking no more thought than deciding to change your hair color. Any woman I know who has had to face this choice has taken it seriously, and they never forget what they have done.

2007-02-23 06:44:47 · answer #3 · answered by KCBA 5 · 2 2

I think that depends. Just because two people are married, doesn't mean they aren't living in a trailor park and can barely afford the basic necessities. I don't think abortion is as common for two married people. If they do it, it's probably for medical reasons for the mother.

And, just because one is pro-choice doesn't mean there shouldn't be limits to abortion. I don't believe women should abort by the beginning of the second trimester. Besides, at that time, it requires real surgery...that disturbs me more.

Er, nevermind, you are talking about infanticide. No, the baby is alive and breathing. There is no just cause to kill a baby that has been born. That is definitely murder and it's not hypocritical.

2007-02-23 06:39:57 · answer #4 · answered by Groovy 6 · 1 1

I lost 3 toddlers to miscarriage. growing to be up I knew i wanted to be a mom. i tried dealing with the Foster-undertake equipment or perhaps notwithstanding i became approved, we were no longer presented any toddlers for over 2 years. once you could't have your own toddlers, waiting is terrible! Adoptive moms and dads pick toddlers soooo badly. i became fortunate to have a private adoption ensue. i did not pass searching for it. I loved having the flexibility to have my baby from start. To journey all the adolescents issues that as a mom i'm able to say bear in thoughts at the same time as... The Foster Care equipment does no longer make it ordinary to undertake. Their workplace artwork and interviews are extremly intrusive. i comprehend they attempt to guard the toddlers, yet until eventually you've been by this procedure you do not comprehend what it really is like. so a recommendations as deepest businesses, maximum of them, it really is all about the almighty dollar and not at all truly about the youngster. I favor the adoption procedure became less demanding and a lot less intense priced.

2016-12-04 20:40:33 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Abortion is NOT compassionate. Every newborn is wanted by SOMEONE, even if it isn't the selfish, skank of a birth-mother. People who have any morals, class, knowledge of biology know that abortion kills a human life. If they deny it, they are liars. Killing a newborn is no worse or better in the eyes of God, it just gets treated differently in the penal code.

Btw, do you notice how if a 3rd party kills a baby (fetus) that a woman WANTED (like the Peterson case) then it is a crime, but if the same party kills the same baby (fetus) at the woman's request it is PERFECTLY LEGAL. This basically saying that whether the bio mom wants the kid is the determining factor for whether it qualifies as a human in-utero. A pretty fallacious argument, imo.

2007-02-23 06:43:57 · answer #6 · answered by Ryah B 2 · 4 3

Parents of newborn children are more than welcome to terminate their relationship with the child, they can put it up for adoption.

The law recognized a person's legal status at birth. It is unlawful to take a human life with the exception of self defense and a few others. Before birth, a fetus is classified as a group of cells within the mother's body. It has as much legal status as a tumor. As an extension of her body, the mother has all legal say.

There is no hypocrisy here.

What Pro-Lifers should REALLY be looking for, is a procedure that would remove and sustain the fetus outside of the mother's body over the course of the gestation period. The surgical removal of a child is already established as it's day of birth in the case of Cesarean section births. Everyone wins (except those who wish to force parenthood on others as a punishment for casual sex. Shame on you.).

2007-02-23 07:00:45 · answer #7 · answered by Michael E 5 · 1 3

Regardless of what your views are, a fertilized egg is not recognized to be an individual, but a part of the mothers body (by the government and a good portion of the population). Where as a birthed newborn baby is. It is absurd to compare a first trimester fetus to a newborn baby. That would be like have a funeral any time someone miscarried. You make no point with this question.

2007-02-23 06:48:17 · answer #8 · answered by ☼Pleasant☼ 5 · 1 4

Well, certainly I don't support infanticide -- but clearly Bible-god does -- so for fundamentalists its a conundrum. I'm glad I'm not a fundamentalist.

(I Samuel 15: 2, 3 and 8; Numbers 31: 17-18 and etc.)



2007-02-23 06:47:20 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

First of all, i would like you to understand difference between unborn child and infants, infants has already taken breath on this planet, it is not on mothers womb. You must think about unwanted infants at the beginning of pregnancy, may be god also give you nine months to think over it. So termination of unwanted child (abortion) may be ok. (my opinion is that should also be banned as life come into existance with formation of embryo, but its my personal opinion). termination of unwanted infants(although after birth its useless to think whether child is wanted or unwanted) should not be permissible.

2007-02-23 07:02:01 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

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