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Law & Ethics - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

2007-02-02 16:03:29 · 19 answers · asked by mkranthi79 1

$30K owed in back child support. Man is self employed showing not much income but is about to marry someone who makes good wages.

2007-02-02 15:58:23 · 16 answers · asked by foxywire 1

I am a recovering drug addict and made many poor decisions during my addiction which resulted in five felony convictions. I was sentenced to 15 months in prison and while incarcerated, I completed six months of inpatient rehabilitation. Today, I live by a different set of values and try to be humble. The struggle that I am facing is whether I need to disclose this information to an employer if they do not ask. Your input is appreciated.

2007-02-02 15:57:35 · 12 answers · asked by Ryley M 1

I put in 5 years of hard work for my former employer but we got a new boss last year and I often heard him make jokes around the water cooler about 'that damned Home Sapien and his 'mitochondria'.

Well first off I have been tested and I am ONE HUNDRED PERCENT mitochondria free, and secondly it really isn't any of that jerk's business whether I am a homo sapien or not.

I am not one of those greedy people who just sues to get rich, but I would like to know if I have any legal options to put this big monkey in his place???

2007-02-02 15:50:44 · 13 answers · asked by ? 4

Why is there no education system in our parliament?

2007-02-02 15:46:08 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Went and filed an order of execution, still he is exempt from paying me back. He works at Fort Bragg, can I get his wages garnished?

2007-02-02 15:44:57 · 2 answers · asked by stainedglass 1

2007-02-02 15:42:17 · 29 answers · asked by howardpbaker 1

I am working on a website and i need to use software names like spywear doctors and windows do i need to get permision to use the names?

2007-02-02 15:27:36 · 3 answers · asked by launchp624 1

...a previous court-appointed guardian predeceased my parent? Is it any different from applying for original guardianship? They said you need to submit a petition and a chronology of the original guardianship. Any help is appreciated.

2007-02-02 15:26:36 · 2 answers · asked by Wyatt B 2

The Jehovah's Witness parents of the four surviving sextuplets born in B.C. Women and Children's Hospital are accusing the B.C. Ministry of Children and Families of violating their parental rights by seizing three of their children in order to administer blood transfusions.
Which out weighs the other, The parents religious rights or the health and saftey of the children.

Their belief is based on an understanding of the biblical admonition to "keep abstaining from blood" based on Acts 15:28, 29 (NWT).

Govenment following guidlines and procedures from the Child and Family Services Act of Canada?

2007-02-02 15:25:42 · 9 answers · asked by Jojo 3

Isn't it hard to believe that he has magical powers and all that? I was raised athiest so Its impossible for me to imagine believing in him but I just wish I can understand what is going through your minds.

2007-02-02 15:22:50 · 13 answers · asked by Male16 3

This case is the primarily reason why I want to aspire to become a lawyer. In my opinion, the husband did it for money otherwise he would have kept his wife on the feeding-tube and I believe that the parents were right and the husband was wrong. But I'm a feminist so that probably adds to the reason why becoming a lawyer is my top three career choices.

2007-02-02 15:21:29 · 17 answers · asked by ? 5

2007-02-02 15:04:45 · 11 answers · asked by RSO454 1

That is why I would never in my natural born life live in California. Oh ya, don't smoke in the car with kids. But those idiots allow gay marriages. Why a sad state.

2007-02-02 14:56:44 · 13 answers · asked by thunderbomb90 3

2007-02-02 14:42:24 · 6 answers · asked by Enver 1

There is this guy that keeps calling me and insulting me and saying I should commit suicide.He calls me fat and makes fun of my family.I have'nt even seen him in like 3 months and I dont even go to his school but he just keeps haseling me.He says I egged his house but I didnt.The guy is crazy and my family is afraid of what he might do.He called me over and over again today but I only answered it once.How do I get a retraining order?

2007-02-02 14:37:26 · 6 answers · asked by Crysta 2

I in know way think that smoking is a good thing nor do i approve of people doing it but if the tobacco companies are not allowed to advertise on telivision why are anti tobacco companies allowed?

2007-02-02 14:19:31 · 13 answers · asked by dodgedifferent01 3

My employer forces me to buy our own uniforms. I owe my boss for a shirt I bought one week ago. I told them I would pay asap, but they are now refusing to give me my whole paycheck. I am still employed and in good standing with them. They are just doing this for spite. Is this legal or aganist the law.

2007-02-02 13:57:05 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do they think American women aren't smart enough to choose for themselves the right choice?
You dont know if she needs an abortion due to a health issue or psych issue. THATS between her and her doctor. Thats a medical issue. Since when was a stranger allowed to look through someone else's medical records? Do you want someone looking through your medical records?
Why dont Americans have faith in their women?

And if killing is killing...what about the innocent iraqi babies and people being killed?

2007-02-02 13:56:18 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am an American who wants to help some Tibetans in China establish an orphanage. They need just $100,000 to build an orphanage for 120 children. They are currently applying for an NGO/NPO (non-profit organization), but this will take time. The local government has given them a 1 year time limit (until 12/31/07) to construct the orphanage. Could foundations provide funding before the Tibetans establish their NGO/NPO? Is it legal to ask American individuals to donate money without an NGO/NPO? What would be the best way to get funding for this very worthy cause?

2007-02-02 13:42:21 · 2 answers · asked by Skip 1

Easter, Christmas, public holidays our paycheck is delayed going into the bank at least 3 days. No warning.
My husband is employed by a small business. When I asked the owner, he said 'plan ahead'.
Sometimes it is difficult with direct debits, mortgage etc
Is it legal for our pay to be so late? Does anyone know where I can check this out?
Thanks. Any advice appreciated.

2007-02-02 13:31:15 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son is 7, and I was never married to his father. I've heard that in CA, custody automatically defaults to 50/50 in these situations. My son has lived with me every day of his life--the father does not even pay support, though he does visit occasionally.

My son needs and wants to talk with a therapist, which I support. My son's father is not keen on the idea. Now, one of the therapists that I've talked to is saying that she will probably need the dad to sign an agreement for the therapy before my son can go. Is this true? Do I have to get his permission? He has nothing to do with the raising of our child, and is the source of my son's problems and the reason my son wants to go to therapy in the first place!

While I could begin a custody battle, that will take a long time. I need some answers now.

2007-02-02 13:29:00 · 2 answers · asked by Rach 1

Let's say you were pregnant. And there were major complications going on. The doc says there is 99% chance you and the baby will die if you carry the baby to full term. Let's say you were a single mom with 2 other kids and no husband because the husband died of cancer a few months ago. The doc gives you an option to abort or not. You are going through a lot of stress at this time.
Do you want a stranger butting into you and your docs conversation, going through your medical records, telling you what you can or cant do with yourself? As a woman wouldn't you feel insulted to know that the govt doesnt trust your judgement as to whether or not you will make the right choice?

2007-02-02 13:28:58 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

What's a thirdparty law suit???

2007-02-02 13:18:18 · 2 answers · asked by foxeintx 1

i was sued and i lost the case .i had too refinance my house to pay off the settlement. can i write this amount off as a loss ? if i can how

2007-02-02 13:12:57 · 3 answers · asked by eldogg83 1

I have a written agreement to say she will pay me back so much a month, but she has also borrowed more "off the record" since that was written up. Now she refuses to pay anything. Where do I stand. Can I take legal action?

2007-02-02 13:05:09 · 24 answers · asked by doodlenatty 4

I got a research about censorship. and i have to argue whether or not i am for or against it ....can i get some of you opinions for why you are for or against censorship


2007-02-02 13:04:26 · 5 answers · asked by tink 2

i went to a local pool company to finance a pool , two days after going they sent it to their finance office and they wanted a payment , equity one ... i had no pool installed and told the finance comp. they said i signed the contract it was binding ., i called pool comp. they came out to my house three weeks later installed the pool when i was not home damged my yard, and then walked off the job when i asked them to fix it , i called the finance com, who tried to get the pool com. to come out and fix it , the finance com , then went on to say the pool was mine free and clear... i did not hear from any of them for over a month and hired someone else to finish the pool . the finance com. has since filed suit, i retained an attorney who has not been much helpful. my credit has since been ruined . i offered to pay for the work that was performed but the finance com, wants all the money. even though there was a breach , they are making it out that they were victimed and i was stiffing them

2007-02-02 12:57:21 · 1 answers · asked by darrel m 1

fedest.com, questions and answers