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Law & Ethics - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

If anyone knows, I'd like to know which papers and documentation are required (in simple terms), the process, and the typical length of the procedure.

Thanks in advance!

2007-02-06 20:23:01 · 3 answers · asked by Ultima vyse 6

has anyone claimed bank charges back as advised by 'martins money saving tips' from gmtv?

2007-02-06 20:12:49 · 2 answers · asked by sue brew 4

The college my friend goes to promised her that they would help with her disability. My friend has MS and is having trouble seeing normal print. She needs large print or a larger font in order to see and study her lessons. The Disabled Student Center promised her assistance in any way she needed. Now they seem to be renegging on a promise rendered. Do you think she has the right to sue, or should this be taken to a higher power. I recommended that she take it to the Dean first. Others are saying that she should sue them. What do you folks think? I usually try and work things out with a higher power, before taking drastic measures as such.

2007-02-06 20:07:27 · 3 answers · asked by Drew 1

My friends wife is the primary home owner and provider. And she threatens to kick him out all the time. They have been married for 10 years and have two kids together. Can he get sposal support or anything?? He works part time for his self only.

2007-02-06 18:30:31 · 4 answers · asked by Tiger Crane Master 3

In college got in a mishap with a police officer who thought a Viet Nam Vet, saying the war was wrong.

2007-02-06 18:27:43 · 4 answers · asked by Dopey 1

I have smoked for 40 years and now I have lung cancer. Can I sue Marlboro

2007-02-06 18:06:10 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous


I noticed a lot of stores here where I walmart,that when someone is shoplifting the employees try to stop them,by physical force.I am all for stopping shop lifters,but is that legal.I thought in a place of buisness the only thing that they could do was call the cops.

2007-02-06 17:52:57 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-06 17:51:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

legal aid has never helped me for anything now thay did illegal things to me, & tell me to take them to court. cops have done manny illegal things to me & allow vary many crimminols to do illegal things. cops well not write reports on themselfs or other people that are crimminols. i can not find any probono or contingecy lawyer. state bar refuses to let me contact it for amnything. cops well not let me use media. uinvestigaters say investigations well stazrt at over $75,000 now the price goes up constently. with more crimes being allowed all the time. i am not protected from any crimmonal actions. this is so vary serious eact police department says leave ceaty leave couty or leave state. i have the right to be protected not to have what goes on to go on. is there anyone that well get me a lawyer? i am not a thing except a total victem of tnis city in every way. 541-672-4764 boogiewoman000@hotmail.com there are so many crimmonals involved with so many crimes.i have no where to go

2007-02-06 17:36:37 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

How long does Mississippi have to come get a fugitive from Kansas

2007-02-06 17:35:03 · 2 answers · asked by butter_wife_2b 1

17. Which one of the following is an example of an entitlement?

A. The right to vote
B. Receiving Social Security

C. Freedom of speech

D. Serving in the military

18. In the United States, your legal right to express your political opinions to government officials is granted under the _______ Amendment.

A. First
B. Second

C. Fourth

D. Fourteenth

19. Why does the Central Intelligence Agency have more freedom of action than other federal agencies?

A. Both its budget and operations are secret.
B. It carries out U.S. foreign policy under the FBI.

C. It answers to Congress only for its financial needs.

D. The agency doesn't report to anyone.

20. In general, you would expect the platform of a political party to

A. lead to a national convention.
B. guide the political issues of the party's candidate.

C. consist of party leaders called planks.

D. determine the outcome of a general election.

2007-02-06 17:26:54 · 4 answers · asked by jenny 1

13. A basic position in American foreign policy has been that America must defend its foreign interests related to trade and security. The main foreign policy position opposed to this American policy is called

A. federalism.
B. imperialism.

C. militarism.

D. isolationism.

14. You're most likely to pay your county or town taxes in the form of a/an _______ tax.

A. property
B. excise

C. sales

D. income

15. Which one of the following political interest groups falls into the organized labor category?

A. National Education Association
B. American Rifle Association

C. National Broadcasting Corporation

D. National Audubon Society

16. By tradition, when does the presidential campaign begin?

A. When a candidate is officially nominated at the national convention
B. After a candidate has gained enough electoral votes in the primaries

C. In September, following the national convention

D. With the New Hampshire primary

2007-02-06 17:25:50 · 2 answers · asked by jenny 1

9. You don't really approve of the idea of political parties. However, you're known as a Federalist and are soon associated with that party. Chances are good that your name is

A. James Madison.
B. Abraham Lincoln.

C. Thomas Jefferson.

D. George Washington.

10. The XYZ PAC operates on behalf of the XYZ interest group. Which campaign behavior of the XYZ PAC would be against current law?

A. The PAC creates its own campaign for candidate Kroll and contributes to the campaign of candidate Loon.
B. The PAC contributes $6,000 to candidate Kroll and $2,000 to candidate Loon.

C. The PAC contributes $4,000 to the campaigns of Kroll, Loon, Marble, and Noonkester for a total of $16,000.

D. The PAC contributes $2,000 to Kroll and $4,000 to Loon because both claim to support the PAC's legislative goals.

11. During the Cold War, the United States foreign policy of containment consisted of

A. wars and covert operations.
B. wars and mutual assured destruction.

C. deterrence and covert operations.

D. deterrence and mutual assured destruction.

12. To become a citizen of the United States, you must

A. be at least 21 years old.
B. pass an English and government test.

C. have lived in the United States for at least six months.

D. file a request form in a federal court.

2007-02-06 17:24:59 · 1 answers · asked by jenny 1

I remember some of the people at the court telling me i didnt have to go again for a while if i kept a paper with my jurty number on it i lost the paper but i still got the jury number.

2007-02-06 17:24:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. If you were a specialist working for the National Security Agency, your main job would likely be

A. electronic surveillance.
B. analyzing and breaking coded messages.
C. analyzing data from spy satellites.
D. working in the field to carry out covert operations.

2. The largest proportion of federal revenues comes from

A. social insurance taxes.
B. excise taxes.
C. borrowing.
D. personal income taxes.

3. Which one of the following individuals would be most likely to vote?

A. A 19-year-old high school graduate who likes to complain about the government
B. A 22-year-old computer programmer
C. A 30-year-old college graduate who has just moved to a new state
D. A 50-year-old corporate executive who holds a master's degree in business

4. Which one of the following statements is most accurate for law enforcement?

A. Law enforcement agencies are employed by the court system.
B. Ordinary police officers aren't required to understand how to gather evidence.

C. Law enforcement officers are mainly required to uphold the law.

D. There is no county law enforcement department.

2007-02-06 17:22:39 · 1 answers · asked by jenny 1

Ok the age of consent in canada/alberta is 14/16.... so does that mean you can be sexually active with someone over the age of 18..... its confusing.... how does it work....

2007-02-06 17:13:28 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

one solution is to kill some of the inmates that dont deserve to live Ex. Murderers (golden rule) dont unto other as you wish they do unto you) rapists, narcs etc.

2007-02-06 17:11:14 · 12 answers · asked by SPHINX 1

I got a letter Thursday morning from a law firm in Houston saying they were representing Galveston County for collections. It said I had an outstanding ticket for speeding with a price and a choice of options (guilty, not guilty, no contest, etc.) So I called the firm that sent me the letter, and they told me that I recieved the ticket in 2004 for speeding in a car that I've never owned nor anyone in my family, and I don't normally go to Bacliff. I called the Justice of the Peace and they said that they had a signed ticket.

Has this ever happen to anyone?
Does anyone know what I should do? I know I have to go up there to debate it, I think.

2007-02-06 17:04:01 · 6 answers · asked by Blanca 3

2007-02-06 16:57:24 · 5 answers · asked by The Riddler 3

2007-02-06 16:56:35 · 2 answers · asked by kuku 1


2007-02-06 16:49:42 · 3 answers · asked by 06tiburon 1

When I was in labor with my son, the nurses at the hospital told me I had to wait till the my doctor got there befor I could give birth to my son[now eight], he was in the birth canal for at least 45 min. The doc was there when I first got there, she broke my water and left to go home[this was hours befor.] When she finally came back to the hospital I gave birth to my son, but he was dry and white[pale], I was told he was breathing in the birth canal, really he was suffocating, he had a point at the top of his head, my mother was in the room with me, she was very angry at the doctor and the nurses, now I find out my son has some brain damage due to injury that may have happened at birth his ''new doctor told me'', what should I do about this??? Is it because they made me hold him in for all that time

2007-02-06 16:46:29 · 7 answers · asked by Robin W 4

My husband passed away 2yrs ago, He ran a family business that was located next to our house. He didn't have a will, or any paperwork. He had shares in the company, but his parents & the corporate lawyer tried to mess me over saying " The shares went back to them & he didn't have any shares etc... Also when I ask the lawyer If I could see the corporate book He said he could not find it. I was the sole survivor, I tried a local lawyer but he wasn't very good and wanted money from me everytime I turned around. Is there any Lawyers out there that could help me???

2007-02-06 16:46:18 · 1 answers · asked by ehauber33 1

I mean even animal have rights these days and I mean legalizing murder isnt that bad is it? OJ got away with his murder.

2007-02-06 16:37:59 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Right now i am 16 and i have a 1yr old baby the father is 22, and in jail looks like he is gona be in there for the next 3-5 yrs. I know i can file for statatory rape right now because of the age difference but if i do that would be another 10 years added to his sentence and i want to get money from him for her. I am going to file for full custody and try and take away his visitation rights. I am worried about him trying to fight againt me in court even though i do have a better chance of wining i still dont wanna take that risk. I want to be ble to say you either sign the papers or i will file for statatory rape. But what if he decides to try and get visitation rights say ten years from now wil i still be able to charge him with statatory rape... my daughter is my proof. My reason for wanting to take away his visitation rights is that i am 6 yrs youger than him and the girl he had cheated on me with was also 6 yrs younger than him and if hes looking at girl who r 6 yrs younger than...

2007-02-06 16:34:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


is the 35% that inmates are talking about real or not?

2007-02-06 16:29:42 · 6 answers · asked by Tanya C 1


my daughter has just told me that her father has touched her inappropriately. as soon as we found out, we called the police. a sheriff came by and my daughter told her about where she was being touched. although she was scared she spoke. i'm proud of her. the sheriff said that my daughter will not be made to go to her dads house (she goes every other weekend). she says that, as far as she is concerned, she is in danger when she is there. i am still in shock. i'm scared for my little girl. what happens next? from what i understand cps will get involved. is it possible that she will have to go back to her dads for the weekend visits?

2007-02-06 16:11:03 · 9 answers · asked by lady 2

I just a 92 hour pay period in which I was only paid .25 of an hour for the overtime. I was paid overtime when we had a different administator.

2007-02-06 16:01:07 · 8 answers · asked by sla571963 2

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