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Law & Ethics - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

I have an academic paper that is partially about this topic.

2007-02-07 02:03:49 · 1 answers · asked by Tricia 1

Do you list that on the application?

2007-02-07 02:01:52 · 14 answers · asked by laurie0802 2

12 years ago I purchased for cash privatly from a neighbour a garage. I have occupied the garage continiously. I have never received any Title Deeds or any Rates Demands. The vendor has moved away and I am unable to trace him. Please can you advise my legal position ? I only have a 'hand written' receipt. Nothing else. The garage is one in block of 20 on private land. I am not sure who owns the land. It may be an housing association. Thank you. johnwebb007@hotmail.com

2007-02-07 02:01:24 · 6 answers · asked by Costaman007 1

Like it or not, if Roe v Wade were overturned tomorrow, all that means is that there is not a constitutional right to one, and the issue returns to the states. Several large states, like NY, NJ, California, Illinois, and others - with a very high percentage of the national population - would keep abortion legal.

And, are the pro-life forces prepared to take pregnant women into custody to prevent them from seeking abortions?

Isn't moral persuasion the way to go to reduce abortions?

2007-02-07 02:00:23 · 7 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7

Tony Blair has shown total contempt to the Peoples' voice, Judges are assisting Jews rob, thieve, manipulate and even steal homes of non-Jews under the protection of Extremist Organisations operating from Israel under the protection of British police, a conduct similar to which their ancestors stand accused of pursuing in 1930s Germany, Appeals Courts refuse to issues appeal cover up dishonest conduct of the judges , police are in the business of murdering and maiming ethnic immoralities who dare raise voice against such crimes, members of the parliament refuse to raise such crimes in the Commons. Only the other days a Court of Appeal judge was arrested for indecent exposure and British Judiciary has always been infested with the likes of Judge Crawford QC [Calling a black barrister ‘******’ even in an open court], Anthony Thornton [caught on camera by News of the World with his pants down with calls girls pleading for threesome and then telling a lie about it] Recorder of London Richard Gee[ Mortgage fraudster appointed judge for a nice pension and then not prosecuted allegedly for the fear that his wife will commit suicide] David Tapp [Bribery ring leader in Merseyside Crown Court]

2007-02-07 01:59:16 · 3 answers · asked by Ashok M 1

2007-02-07 01:42:35 · 28 answers · asked by Lynne 3

To defy court ruling of putting home up for auction while ex husband plans secret lean under old construction company name??? He lives there now. Dated the psyco for 6 weeks and dont know how to alert his wife of scam....bodyguard???

2007-02-07 01:40:51 · 4 answers · asked by sharpneedleinahaystack 1

2007-02-07 01:16:36 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is that major decisions that focus on the health of women in this country, men are the ones making the decisions?

Why are abortion, HPV vaccines and overall women's health issues and concerns left in the hands of men? They don't get Ovatian cancer, they don'tget pregnant, they don't have to live with a pregnancy resulting from rape. and they don't get vaccines shoved in their faces when they reach adolescense, so why these decisions, orders, and rules about women's bodies, made by men?

Am I the only one that thinks that's kind of weird? I mean, women don't control whether or not a male's penis shoudl be cut off if it's too short or long.

Leave women's issues up to women! But the hell out. Men; give us the information and then let us make a decison.

2007-02-07 01:14:22 · 2 answers · asked by Army Gal 2

My son has severly flat feet. After doing much research, we found a locale hospital and physician that would do an outpatient procedure (http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medicalnews.php?newsid=29846) to correct his flat feet. Since he is required to be non-weight bearing on the foot for a few weeks, they are done one at a time. In December he was able to get the left foot done and we set up an appointment do get the right one done. A day before his scheduled surgery, the doctor called and said the hospital will not allow him to do the surgery because the hospital is not being reimbursed enough for the procedure. After calling the hospital, they said my insurance did pay for the procedure, the CPT code they bill does not reimburse them what the procedure costs. My son has one foot corrected and one foot not. There is no other hospital in town that will do the procedure. I am wanting to take legal action to get this done for him. Does anyone have any advice on this issue? Thanks

2007-02-07 01:11:13 · 11 answers · asked by Vinny 1

I have to go to traffic court today due to a ticket I got back in December for going through a stop sign. (I totally paused, but that’s not the issue.)

I’m just not sure what’s the best option for when I go there. Is it better to plead guilty or not guilty? Do I have to talk in front of a whole room of people? (I’m probably freaking out about this more than I probably should. :))

2007-02-07 01:07:16 · 8 answers · asked by Chicky824 2

this morning it was -6 and school was held after standing down at the bus stop i could not feel my legs my thighs i could not breath very well if i would have got sick would i have been able to sue. East Aurora schools put money before safety many times one time the bus could have flipped and many ppl could have died wat should i do?

2007-02-07 01:04:05 · 4 answers · asked by ♥kristie♥ 2

Is an employer allowed to check all incoming and outgoing emails? Isn't this lack of trust and a control issue? If he suspects one person of misusing emails and/or not doing his or her work properly shouldn't "only" that person be spyed on?
Believe me it's not creating a great work atmoshpere

2007-02-07 00:55:34 · 14 answers · asked by natdufour4030 2

Can anyone check the pnc for details about you even if they are not CRB check. Has anyone heard of a basic check and what it involves.

2007-02-07 00:34:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just curious. Theoretically could one be held liable for bad advice given on yahoo answers?

2007-02-07 00:32:29 · 7 answers · asked by Chris J 2

I am in IL, wanting to sue a corporation in Missouri. I also would like referrals to helpful websites if you can. Thanks!

2007-02-07 00:22:09 · 5 answers · asked by MaknMeCrzy 2

Before the judgement is paid

2007-02-07 00:15:15 · 10 answers · asked by ladybug 5

2007-02-06 23:59:34 · 8 answers · asked by Viktor J 1

Not to be perverted,,but,,does God belong in the White House?Should there not be a limit on personal WEALTH of our top polititians?

2007-02-06 23:48:17 · 5 answers · asked by stratoframe 5

All in his actions in circomventing Law , mocking the consitution and his unlawful use of authority believing he is above the law!
Dont we all think the criminal pair Cheney/Bush ought to be impeached and tried like criminals breaking the laws of the land?

2007-02-06 23:36:46 · 22 answers · asked by WO LEE 4

I've had an EEOC case filed for almost 3 yrs now for disability discrimination. They still have not determined whether it will be investigated.
The first investigator assigned just yelled at me and didn't understand anything I was saying.

I complained, and the Acting DIrector called. He listened, but then forgot about me, twice. I couldn't get them to contact me again. I complained to the main office, and the Actg. Director called me again. Now he is so sweet and says I have a good case.

It's a complicated case, but it seems like that is what they do and it wouldn't be so hard for them to comprehend.

We're now down to the final gathering of information, and the EEOC man 'just' realized that I work for the state, and said he only handles Federal cases. After all this time needed to comprehend the facts, he's going to have to turn this over to someone else!

I called a few attys, they said you don't usually get an atty until the EEOC decides whether or not to file. True?

2007-02-06 23:29:03 · 2 answers · asked by Marie123 3

Doesn't take a genius to figure out the motivation. Alas, the problem with 'motivation' is the auto-associative mentality of the motivated. So, how is it going to play out? Either the motivated will be caught, tried as terrorists (a blanket term for anyone who doesn't agree with the body politic and acts upon that disagreement in an aggressive capacity), before disappearing into infamy and obscurity; or, they'll eventually realise that they *will* be caught and voluntarily disappear into infamy and obscurity within the next couple of weeks.

Neither 'result' will resolve the issue. These parcel bombs are little more than a pointless exercise that draws attention to a fact of life that the populous, in general, has already accepted. If those wishing to make a statement had any sense, they'd realise that Government and administration isn't the problem. The problem is every 'free' Brit that just can't be bothered to stand up for themselves anymore. Get over it.

2007-02-06 22:58:30 · 2 answers · asked by Simon D 3

Yes I believe that some are choices. But what about the man who has provided very well for his family and gets down sized out of his job? Say he is in his late fiftys and now is considered to uder qualified or to over qualifed. Now he get ill, termanially. Wife is working to try to help. Family is pitching in and still not enough and little be little everything starts falling apart then next you are so broke and the assistence that you might be able to recieve might be enough to maybe eat one meal a day. Your illness has required you to take strong narcotic medications, you start to feel like your not as bad off as you thought you were and suddenly the physical pain has now been replaced with emotional pain and when you started feeling like you were in pain you took more and more med's? You get out of the hospital and where you lived once is not the place you returned. Your emotional pain kickrd in which was recieve into the brain as give me more med's my pain is to much.

2007-02-06 22:56:00 · 3 answers · asked by elma 1

P I - What does pi stand for

2007-02-06 22:44:05 · 11 answers · asked by kaznmolly 1

It seems 'we' well the US actually is still sending captives to either Jordan, for serious interrogation or Egypt if they are to disappear or worse.
Now that we Europeans have stopped this practice over their own soil (they were caught wern't they) they have switched to allied forces in countries where such treatment is not only common it is standard policy.....
If Europeans had not made a fuss they would still be being treated at least vaguely humanely in such places as Gitmo.
What do you think?

2007-02-06 22:30:11 · 11 answers · asked by farshadowman 3

How can we expect other countries to look at this country as an example, and role modle. We don't take care of our children and we throw our elderly out into the streets. We allow families to remain hopelss and homeless. And on top of that we turn them into drug dependent, dirty, lonely broken souls. Then we adopt a lot of childen from other countries and forget the needs of our own people.

2007-02-06 22:10:52 · 13 answers · asked by elma 1

The spouse bought the house prior to marrige. It was not paid off when you married, and you used money that was your seperate property money and money that had become comingled money paid for many payments. What leagal right does he have to throw you out ?

2007-02-06 21:48:29 · 4 answers · asked by elma 1

I don't understand why there is opposition to gay marriage. Most of those opposed express the idea that homosexuality is evil/immoral and that homosexuality is a choice, therefore exposure might turn their children gay.

Doesn't it make more sense to allow gay marriage at the state level and thus homosexuals will flock to friendly communities like San Fran or Boston? Otherwise gays will have no incentive to leave the areas they are, exposing children to sexually deviant behavior or whatever.

Liberals are happy with the respect for what they believe to be a basic element of the human experience and conservatives are happy with the pragmatic removal of homosexuals from their neioghborhoods... am I missing something?

2007-02-06 20:49:00 · 10 answers · asked by zzycatch 3

My father was of ill health for a long time and I don't believe he knows what was in his will, it states that anyone from our family can use the house, and it should not be sold unless all agree. But I can't even enter the house, I'm not welcome. If it weren't for one brother and me keeping up the mortgage payments after Dad's accident, they wouldn't even have that house now. There are three siblins living there (four of us who don't) for free, they can afford to work part time and travel abroad twice a year, while I struggle to support my wife and two children. They asked me to sign a document making them trustees of the estate, and said they didn't know what it was for! When I spoke to the solicitor dealing with it she said if we couldn't agree, it would have to go to court and they would most likely make us sell it, but now she sais that she works for the estate and if we can't agree, I have to get a different solicitor and contest the will myself!!

2007-02-06 20:35:38 · 7 answers · asked by kba 1

fedest.com, questions and answers