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Law & Ethics - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

I used to date someone in that field and they told me that if they weren't wearing heels of like 7 in. then what they did could be called prostitution.

I was wondering if this law was real or not, or at least what the specifics were.

2007-02-11 19:14:07 · 7 answers · asked by matt_tarwater 2

I am researching on child labour, and im a bit confused. The UNCRC says that a child has the "right to develop themselves to their maximum potential". What does this mean? Does a child have the right to go to school, even if they do not have the money?

Still, that is just an example. My main question is "what is a right?". I understand that there are lines to be drawn here, but where?

2007-02-11 19:13:42 · 6 answers · asked by Charles W 2

That is, why SEBI allows a lot of individuals with tremendous volume of money to indulge in and earn through trading and speculation alone in Equity Shares? Please note I am not talking about people who trade with investment motive.

2007-02-11 18:56:05 · 3 answers · asked by D U 1

I was told that the test they used was never wrong. I hadn't been using at the time had quit due to frequent randoms so it wasn't worth it to use. It came back positive, I was shocked and pissed. It was so high it was like I had just smoked or something. They sent it to lab they said but this was after I had been gone for like 20 or 30 minutes and chain of custody had been breeched because it was sealed after I came back. I went and had another test within 5 days that was sent to lab that came back negitive. I am fighting for custody and they are using the first test against me. But I had taken several that were negitive before and after this test is there a way to impeach the positive one? Help need case law on this

2007-02-11 18:36:29 · 3 answers · asked by so many questions 1

India, Africa, and other 3rd world countries are getting alot of help from us Americans, especially the famous ones, while in America, we have homeless people, starving kids, disease among our population, neglected and abused kids, senior abuse, and people who barely make it by. So I guess my real question is, Why are the American people left to suffer when American Politicians and other famous people give aid to others, How can we really take care and help other countries if we cannot help ourselves?

2007-02-11 18:16:22 · 10 answers · asked by cougarme911_99 2

My bf's brother was living in this apt with his gf for a yr and their contract was up and she was moving back to Japan. But my bf's bro wanted to continue living there but his credit isn't good. So he asked me to sign the contract.I didn't want to do it but my bf needed a place to stay.So I felt pressured to sign it so I did. But I didn't sign a year contract.It was a month to month contract. I was still living with my parents. A month later I moved out with my bf to our own apt. I told the landlord I wasn't living there and I wanted my name off the contract. He told me he sent my info to his lawyer to sue me for not paying rent. My bf's bro didn't pay rent. It's been several months and I continued calling him to tell him to remove me from the contract and to just keep the deposit. If my bf's brother abandon's the place or wrecks it. Can the landlord sue me even though I told him that I don't live there and I asked him to remove me from the contract?

2007-02-11 18:11:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im writing a report on random drug and alcohol screening testing in public schools.

2007-02-11 18:07:36 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a small problem. me and my dads new wife got in an agruement and now I got papers to go to small claims court....
She is taking me to small claims court on a computer they gave me since they had got a new one, they bought it from a friend and they have no receipt they just have a written statement sayign they bought it...but i have nothing saying they gave it to me and NO witnesses either...
SHe is also taking me to court over a cradle she bought for the 7th month old daughter, that she bought from my cousin and she doestn have a receipt from it either just another written statment, She is saying I borrowed it when they bought it for Kamden my baby.
She also gave me a rocker so I could rock my baby to sleep and now she is saying she wants it back...and they got that from my grandmo when she passed. so no reciept there either.
my ?s are:
what can they really do? dont they have to have a receipt?
What are my odds of losing the case when they gave me the stuff?

2007-02-11 17:59:44 · 4 answers · asked by kamdens mommy 3

like why do they make laws and some dumb ones? why do they want to keep all of the people safe

2007-02-11 17:53:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. I asked the question about our young people today. I liked some of the answers, but some of them were just plain DUMB! If you can't allow a give and take, simply to communicate with each other on the subject of the war, to leave yourself open to criticism, we will never be able to STOP THE WARS! If you want to learn something, read "The Making of a Quagmire," (non-fiction) or "Why are we in Vietnam?" by Norman Mailer (literature). We will never change the attitudes of the Muslim extremists, so why are we bothering to help? Bush's self interest and his tycoon oil buddies? The same things were at stake in Nam, and after all those young men died, some of my best friends, did it change the world? Did it make things better? Did anyone care? Does anyone care now? If you do not have a stake, or if your life is not a stake, your generation DOES NOTHING. Protesting quietly never stopped the war in Vietnam.

2007-02-11 17:50:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recently saw in the newspaper that one guy got sentenced to 800 years in prison for molesting children. Is there some legal reason that he would be sentenced for so long? I guess I'm just wondering why they don't just give him life in prison? Do they expect him to live 1000 years or something? Wouldn't it be weird if he actually did live that long and he had to be in prison for several hundred years? :D

2007-02-11 17:49:29 · 5 answers · asked by Link 5

I don't have it b/c I am a full-time nursing student and a part-time employee and therefore uninsured. Not everyone who is uninsured are lazy and jobless...actually the majority aren't. What is wrong with me going to the doc and getting a $20 bottle of antibiotics when I'm sick...it would be cheaper than if it turned serious and I had to go to the ER and even worse the ICU and rack up a $100,000 bill which I can not pay...the hospital will pass the burden on to you and the insurance companies will of course pass on the bill to you in the form of higher premiums. I see this in the hospital A LOT more than you can imagine. So, you are much less likely to get financially screwed if you give me the darn $20 bottle of antibiotics!!!

Why doesn't some form of Universal Health Care make sense to you?

2007-02-11 17:37:44 · 11 answers · asked by ♥austingirl♥ 6

I have seen lawyers talk to other lawyers as if they were angry at each other… especially in the courtroom then go back and shake hands and it’s as if they were friends again. What’s going on… do lawyers really get angry at other lawyers or is this strategy for clients favor.

2007-02-11 17:35:48 · 9 answers · asked by Josh 1

2007-02-11 17:25:38 · 6 answers · asked by stangchick138 1

An unfit mother using guilt to make her son move back in with her.He has strait a's and has been doing great sence he's been with us.If she takes him he will not make it.She is not stable.when her money runs out(income taxes)She will get thrown out. it will be back to the trailer park or her boyfriend will beat the **** out of her. no car, she can't come git him when she is sapossed to.half the time she cant even feed him.She is a liar,cant even be honest with anyone.I want to kick her ***.She did'nt come get him till 12:30 at night on friday.For her visit.the car she was in was new.I believe she waited for someone to fall asleep to steal it.They (her son and her) been comunacaiting by cell phone and she's been putting the bug in his ear. how ****** up is that.He did'nt need a cell phone she can call here anytime.never have we ever denyed her.there is alot more to this.I'm to pissed to even think about it.and his dad is hurt,that, they talked a child his child into throwing it all away.He was cohorsed.He loved school and all his classes and being here.She does'nt care about him and his future,she only cares about her self and whats easier for her right now!!!!!! stupid *****!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would like to add this:

Physical neglect -- accounts for the majority of cases of maltreatment. The definition includes the refusal of or extreme delay in seeking necessary health care, child abandonment, inadequate supervision, rejection of a child leading to expulsion from the home, and failing to adequately provide for the child's safety and physical and emotional needs. Physical neglect can severely impact a child's development by causing failure to thrive, malnutrition; serious illnesses; physical harm in the form of cuts, bruises and burns due to lack of supervision and a lifetime of low self-esteem.

Educational neglect -- occurs when a child is allowed to engage in chronic truancy, is of mandatory school age but not enrolled in school or receiving needed special educational training. Educational neglect can lead to underachievement in acquiring necessary basic skills, dropping out of school and/or continually disruptive behavior.

Emotional neglect -- includes such actions as chronic or extreme spousal abuse in the child's presence, allowing a child to use drugs or alcohol, refusal or failure to provide needed psychological care, constant belittling and withholding of affection. This pattern of behavior can lead to poor self-image, alcohol or drug abuse, destructive behavior and even suicide. Severe neglect of infants can result in the infant failing to grow and thrive and may even lead to infant death.

Medical neglect -- is the failure to provide appropriate health care for a child although financially able to do so. In some cases, a parent or caretaker will withhold traditional medical care during the practice of religious beliefs. These cases generally do not fall under the definition of medical neglect, however, some states will obtain a court order forcing medical treatment of a child in order to save a child's life or prevent life-threatening injury resulting from the lack of treatment. Medical neglect can result in poor overall health and compounded medical problems.

this is her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-02-11 17:23:37 · 3 answers · asked by ? 1

Square standing in front of a column of tanks? If the German population had been more vocal in their dissent, could WWII have been averted? People on this site and elsewhere seem to confuse honest dissent with treason. You can still love your country and be critical of its leaders and their policies. This is why we have a constitution, to protect these rights.

2007-02-11 17:05:52 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

& if so, how?

2007-02-11 17:00:30 · 5 answers · asked by Hacker Earth 0006. 4

2007-02-11 16:57:33 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

It has been brought to my attention that this is a growing epidemic and I was very curious about this subject.What do you think?
I have a link http://www.gangstalking.ca/

2007-02-11 16:48:29 · 3 answers · asked by Butterflied 3

i was charged with a felony of hindering apprehension. i did nothing wrong , i was joking w/he officer as i wa scared to death,i had never been in trouble before. i was given the maximum 10 yrs probationplus cs.and fines. i had no crimal recordat all.now i made a stupid mistake and failed 2 drug tests.no i am being violated.what arethe chances of getting reinstated or am i looking at time.i am the sole caretaker of my mother and this will kill her,i am all she has. i haveben scared totally straight.if i serve time and my moher passes i will not be able to live w/ myself. i am 44 yrs old and this is my first time in trouble, i cant afford an attorney and i have to report on valentines day.is there any good news at all. my mother and i an d my husband would love to hear some good news,so we can get some rest.my mother and us cry all the time and mom says she cant make it w.out me here.please help..thank you for reading,it does mean something to us...

2007-02-11 16:47:01 · 3 answers · asked by queenreyna05jr 1

Plus the ticket is OLD - he got it back in Oct 06 - just wasn't able to pay it cause he works out of town alot and couldn't get off work - and when he did get off work we didn't have the money
But now we do but he's still out of town - He wants to take care of this ASAP - but the only way is if I can go down there and pay it for him - I know it will be more than it intially was - but even if they do take payment from me - will there still be a possible warrant for him - could there be one now ?? Not sure how all of this works - niether one of us has had a ticket before now

2007-02-11 16:33:23 · 7 answers · asked by Photogra-mama 4

Is it just me or has any body else gotten a ticket that is one mile under wreckless driving...followed by the cop saying "I'm doing you a favor..i'm only going to charge you with speeding" isn't that lying under oath? wouldn't a case get dismissed that way.. even if you were going faster than that?

2007-02-11 16:25:42 · 7 answers · asked by acidwarp 2

How should the problem of unruly children, asbos and young adults be dealt with? The parents dont care what their children are getting up too. Kids sat in bus shelters with cans of beer in their hands, drunk, rude, terrorising their neighbour hoods and the elderly, they refuse to work and the list goes on. Is national service the answer, or bring the parents to task about their lack of control and why should hard working people foot the bill for lazy families who refuse to work and have unruly kids?

2007-02-11 16:24:02 · 3 answers · asked by Teresa C 2

2007-02-11 16:23:06 · 1 answers · asked by acidwarp 2

My ex lived in Oregon state, but now lives in England and I have no address or phone number to contact her or my son. It's been close to a year since they moved.

2007-02-11 16:01:36 · 3 answers · asked by Tim M 1

2007-02-11 15:48:03 · 16 answers · asked by indiananytime 2

The apartment managers at my complex are searching thru trash bags that were not thrown IN the bins (they were sitting outside the bins and the bins were completely empty. People are lazy and dont want to take the time to open the bins to put the trash in there) so they can send them a warning letter, and/or fine. Is that legal in California?

2007-02-11 15:45:01 · 8 answers · asked by Mom2babyboy 1

Everyday I'm out driving my car, I see people speeding, disobeying laws, running lights, ignoring stop signs, cutting others off, making multiple lane changes, etc etc. How can we get people to quit ignoring traffic laws? Can't these people understand that no matter what their reason is (short of someone in the car dying) there can't possibly be something so important that you must risk the lives of drivers around you with your reckless driving!

2007-02-11 15:40:07 · 4 answers · asked by trer 3

2007-02-11 15:37:01 · 1 answers · asked by Wes is killin time 1

We are living in a state now where the police control the campuses like an iron fist and allow no one to even demonstrate without a permit. We did not have a permit when we protested Vietnam. We did not need a permit to go on Freedom Rides. Martin Luther King gave his life for this freedom, and the young people of today take it for granted. Let's start something for crying out loud. Get active. Stop saying yes to the crap that comes out of the White House. Learn something about our history.

WWII was the only legal and christian war, because, at least, it fit the guidelines for a just war as given to us from St. Augustine. Everything else has been lies and inuendo, and no one is listening or holding our leaders responsible for their actions. They should be held accountable to the people of the United States of American. After all, this is a republic, isn't it?

2007-02-11 15:29:19 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

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