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Law & Ethics - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

I think if you kill someone, and are convicted using DNA evidence you should be killed. No appeals, no retrials, no sitting on death row on my tax dollar for 25 years, just killed. I also think Rapists and child molesters should be castrated. Is this wrong??

2007-01-25 06:33:01 · 11 answers · asked by J*Mo 6

2007-01-25 06:31:34 · 4 answers · asked by rnwheeler75 1

lawyers come on tv all the time saying if you were in an accident call us so we can sue the insurance company, or if you were hurt on the job call us so we can sue.The lawyers get millions while the person in the accident or hurt on the job gets pennies.Then the insurance goes up to pay the lawyers, and also people who aren't really hurt are encouraged by these ambulance chasers to claim they are hurt so they can get paid, all at the expense of honest citizens.That is how Edwards, the punk from NC who is running for president,got rich.

2007-01-25 06:27:22 · 12 answers · asked by tim r 1

Do you think people languishing in Her Majs Prisons are all
"Evil scum of the earth"
If so........Why?

2007-01-25 06:26:47 · 19 answers · asked by ktbaron 3

So many lawsuits are just plain ridiculous.

2007-01-25 06:26:04 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am an American citizen who pays taxes. why am I made to feel second class, I do not have the same rights as most Americans why is this,. because im different I love my country but don’t understand it,I use to love to sing my national anthem but cannot sing it without felling like a hypocrite because it states about the land of the free, some might get mad at this ,but all I can say is (wake up) this is not a free country! truth is its never been one women’s rights, slavery ,segregation. I guess bush and all anti gays are un-American, they have no right waving our flag or singing our anthem because they apparently have no clue what they stand for (freedom for all) if you don’t believe that your not an American..............America land of the free...void where prohibited some restrictions may apply

2007-01-25 06:21:01 · 27 answers · asked by eddiepigblack 1

She had kept an apartment in Austin Texas and is hospitalized in Dallas. Her move out date was at the end of the month- we had planned to drive down and clean it up, but her illness precludes that. We have arranged to have the Salvation Army pick up the furniture in the apartment, but the landlord refuses to accompany them to the apartment because he claims it is a violation of the Fair Housing Act. We believe that he is actually in violation of the Fair Housing Act because he is refusing to make a reasonable accomodation to rules and regulations to someone with a disability. Who is right? Are we covered with a disability under the FHA?


2007-01-25 06:20:54 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is assuming neither party has any shame...

2007-01-25 06:19:26 · 19 answers · asked by swordman 2

This is research for my dissertation about censorship online, specifically todo with sex and violence.

2007-01-25 06:18:37 · 20 answers · asked by Andrew B 1

Could you keep your job if you were convicted?

2007-01-25 06:15:34 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I joined the service in 1984 and stayed untill retirement. After retirement I realized that this is not the country I joined up to defend. It seems like anytime someone comes up with something new and a few people rally around it they make it a law regardless of the effect it has on a persons individual rights. You need a gov't permits for everything now. You can't smoke, people in NY are saying what you can and can't eat, I saw in California they are trying to pass a law that says you can't spank your own kids (a pat on the finger's and saying no to a toddler will be considered spanking), My 3rd grade daughter has 3 hours of homework everynight so they can meet their goals at school and get the federal money. I guess my question is when do we wake up and realize that the United States is turning into a Ray Bradbury book. How do we stop this slide into the oppression we call freedom.

2007-01-25 06:15:34 · 18 answers · asked by snowball45830 5

This week I purchased a car that is less than 2 years old. It was a private sale and I asked the seller if there was any damage or anything wrong with the car. He said NO. I have now found what seems to be a major fault with the brakes that he would have known about prior to sale. What is my recourse??

2007-01-25 06:09:06 · 11 answers · asked by Mitan 3

I am in favor of it! If they are proven guilty through DNA, and evidence, then automatic death penalty. My reason, because all of the sexual offenders I've seen interviewed say the will reoffend it they are released. Why put more women and chidlren through such an ordeal. These predators ruin lives and steal childhoods.

2007-01-25 06:01:56 · 23 answers · asked by Suel 2

I got arrested from my job for stealing they said they had me on video which they refused to show me. I stupidly confessed to stealing the items and i got arrested. When i saw my public defendent she told me that it was a misdemeanor charge and she made a deal with the prosecutor for me to take a shoplift class then bring the paper work back to the judge to prove i did it and then in 6mths my case would be dissmissed. I have never gotten in trouble before and i wanted to know if there is any way i can get this off my record and when the cases is dismissed does that mean it will stay on my record forever. I have no idea how this works. PLEASE HELP!

2007-01-25 06:01:13 · 8 answers · asked by Stressed25 1

My friend is in a custody battle over their only child. The father of the child has been telling the chidl what to say when they to court. my frined had phones recorded with him saying that. The child also tell her mom t what they tell her when she goes to visit.

I need to find some is infomation on new mexico laws regarding influcening the child.

IMy next question is can she reduce the vistations that he gets and where can i look at the info for that

2007-01-25 06:00:18 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

There should be no need to have to hire an attorney and lose 25% of your pension when you file for disability. I know several people who can't work and are in danger of losing everything because Soc. Sec. will not grant them the pension they deserve. The entire process should only take one month to resolve not a year or longer. People can't survive that amount of time with no income and no ability to work. This is a disgrace for our country. The opinion of two or three doctors should be all that is required to grant the claim. Most people who file are entitled to the pension and will eventually receive their money but in the meantime they lose their houses and their families break up from the stress involved. This is not the way it is supposed to be in the United States of America. We are supposed to have the right of life, liberty and the persuit of happiness. The government denies us those rights when we become disabled and we are denied our benefits for years.

2007-01-25 05:58:46 · 7 answers · asked by william c 1

I have read about people in that work administering the law and how they break it ALSO! Sorry to burst peoples bubbles but just because you have a badge or sit on a bench and hand out sentances does not mean you are allowed to get away with doing things that the normal civilians go to jail for! But alas it happens more then you think! The only difference is they can hide behind that badge and bench! This is total B.S.!!! What needs to be done is the laws need to modified so that if you are a representitive for the law and you break it you penelty should be double what the average everyday person would get! I mean they are suppose to be doing what's right and follow the law of the nation are they not and to think they can break it and get away with it is worse then some of the crimes the put people in jail for! If they are good people and up hold the law this won't effect them in anyway! It will get the other scum that hides behind the law!

2007-01-25 05:55:51 · 4 answers · asked by mrjamfy 4


Is the U.S. turning more into a Nazi-like police state? The Patriot Act and some of the newer acts passed by Congress (the War Commisions Act, I believe) have seriously taken away many freedoms that we have. How long will it be before people lose the rest of the freedoms that we have and the U.S. turns into a totalitarian regime similar to that of the vision of Orwell?

2007-01-25 05:55:00 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is it that if a woman chooses to cheats on a man that she's still entitled to more than 50% of the marrital financial pot. And to top it all if she only earns £1000 pounds a month she can get all the financial help with legal aid where a bloke whos always paid for his family and keeps his nose clean has to put up with whatevers left. Why are women always treated in the eyes of the law as the parent with the upper hand just cause british law says so. I got one son of 14 and one of 18 who my ex is useing as a lever to obtain large financial settlement. I would love the chance to play an equal role in there lives but am being forced to move miles away cause i can no longer afford the city house prices

2007-01-25 05:50:58 · 26 answers · asked by Does it matter 2

When one takes the DMCA, Microsoft, Adobe, the RIAA, and the MPAA and puts it all together, we end up with an America that is as far from freedom as one could imagine. Everyday our freedom of choice, expression, speech, thought, and press are attacked surreptitiously by organizations that criminalize sharing freely information that is deemed "protected" for commercial exploitation.
Is there any reason that one should have to shell out $300 for Windows Vista when free, open source alternatives exist (even if buy a system without Windows, the manufacturer must make up the cost of the lost sale to Microsoft!)
Is there any reason you shouldn't be allowed to make as many copies of your movies, music, software, etc. as you need to safely protect your data, besides the fact that doing so (even legally) is assumed to be "piracy" and you are punished by restrictive DRM systems that assume your are doing wrong?
These are real issues that affect everyone, and we must fight back for our freedoms!

2007-01-25 05:49:54 · 2 answers · asked by Elijah 2

I would be more impressed with, for example, Mrs. Clinton, if when I click on the picture that accompanies her current question, it would show that she has answered a few, which she hasn't.

2007-01-25 05:41:33 · 5 answers · asked by djecse 3

Is there anyway this can be done? I cosigned for my fiancé’s car and he has not been able to keep up with payments. He is behind all the time and I am afraid it will get repossessed! Is there anyway out or I'm I screwed? I can't afford his payments. I thought I could trust him. =(

2007-01-25 05:41:06 · 1 answers · asked by ♥eLizAbEtH♥ 5

do i have to pay child support if i am getting ssdi and my daughter applied for benefits under my social security benefits and she lives with my ex-wife, if she gets the benefits do i have to pay for child support

2007-01-25 05:37:09 · 6 answers · asked by DOUGLAS W 1

I have a partner on a parcel of land that we paid cash for.He has since had a tax lien and levy against him that is recorded locally.Can he quit claim his part of this property to me?

2007-01-25 05:36:52 · 5 answers · asked by David J 1

can I file for unemployment compensation for that day?

2007-01-25 05:30:35 · 3 answers · asked by lorisister 1

2007-01-25 05:30:28 · 2 answers · asked by Tiffany K 1

2007-01-25 05:29:22 · 2 answers · asked by moeesanders 1

2007-01-25 05:26:18 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why are we as a nation allowing the Government that WE THE PEOPLE installed in this great country, to lie, cheet, and steel from us? To alow these same people to slowly take our freedoms away from us without so much as a fight? To allow them to MURDER us end-mass, if we don't believe the lies that they tell us?
To allow them to usurp our rights as stated in the Constitution of the United Staets of America?
Why is it that all of the reasons that we left the english tyrants and formed our own country have been done here in America?
Read the Declaration of Independence. It lists the reasons we left.
It is time to take back AMERICA, for AMERICANS.
Not for those who would control us by fear, like the "Orwellian" system of Government we have allowed to exist in our country at present. After all, it is (OUR) government....right? The Peoples.
They are only suposed to be (SERVANTS) of the people....Right?

2007-01-25 05:24:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm an immigrant from Africa and so is the woman I had a child with out of wedlock, we both live in Utah and she is being sponsored by an ex-Bishop of our church. I'm being sponsored by a friend. She had the baby while living in this Bishop's families home and upon advice from this Bishop she has not allowed me to see or be part of the child's life. Needless to say I have not been allowed to accept legal paternity of our American born son.

Recently I have been told that the child will be put up for adoption no matter how I feel and that i have no legal right to say anything about this adoption. I love and want my son. He is my first born son and I can afford to provide for him either here or in my own country, where the mother and I r from. Pls help me someone, the attorney fees r litterally dimishing my finances and well being. I'm heartbroken and don't know where to turn in this country for help in keeping my son. Does the church represenative have the right to seperate us

2007-01-25 05:21:50 · 2 answers · asked by papabeartex 4

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