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Law & Ethics - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

2006-12-15 02:49:38 · 13 answers · asked by rat_motor 1

There is a resturant opening up in my town,that dose not allow mexicans..i think it is bullshit,i cant stand racist people..

2006-12-15 02:49:38 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

hi can anyone help me over the last 3 years i have been in a nasty battle with somebody trying to sue me the incident was not done by me but i had a buisness at the time and the person who did the damage was not working for me so i was sued and the other person was legally aided so the chances of them obtaining any money from them was nil to cut a long story short the case against me was thrown out i had paid legal fees and the judge awarded them back to me so i thought i was then given a bill to cover barrister fees which seemingly i was not awarded all i want to know is why the innocent party be left to pay this bill the person who caused the injury get off scott free what can i do i feel i have been treated discustingly by the law where can i go to for any help will the law society help me my insurance would not help as it was not done in the course of my then buisness i have gone to hell and back for nothing

2006-12-15 02:48:28 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-15 02:43:25 · 1 answers · asked by yani09 2

There's this elderly man who comes in the store and for the second time this week he crapped all over himself. It was disgusting, it was all over the bathroom floor, his clothes, even in his shoes. I was told by someone in my dept. that this guy might have does this before, making it a total of 3 times. I think he does it for the attention. I don't think it's fair for my Housekeeping staff to help someone clean up thier filth. Is it legal to ban him from the store and is it fair to do this to a person with this type of problem?

2006-12-15 02:42:17 · 4 answers · asked by Freddy631 1

if i ask a question on sterilization, why would anyone think that i'm talking about abortion. that's ridiculous.

2006-12-15 02:31:31 · 4 answers · asked by zzzalex 2

it's a very simple solution to the "growing" problem. anyone with a criminal history, sterilize them. sterilize the poor too, since they can't afford their children. and if there is still a population growth problem, sterilize the middle and upper class randomly.

2006-12-15 02:14:02 · 18 answers · asked by zzzalex 2

What is the legality of downloading TV shows (which are not sold as individual shows such as Sky One's Brainiac) for showing in an educational environment (such as a secondary school) in the UK? Please cite specific law/acts/cases wherever possible.

I know that it has some relevance to a European act passed in 2001 but I don't know what the act was. Is it not similar to VHSing programs from the TV and showing them?

2006-12-15 02:12:56 · 9 answers · asked by JT 2

I was receintly diagnosed with conjestive heart failure and while I was in the hospital the sherriffs office served us papers but I never received them because my son received them and for fear my condition would worsen he did give them to me until it was too late. I undergo heart surgey the day after christmas and I am supposed to vacate by Saturday 12-15-06. I feel I should appeal this decision I am on section 8 housing and physically and mentally can not handle this and I dont know what my children and i are gonna do. So how do I appeal this and whom should I contact for help. Local agencies appear to have no rent assistance available at this time

2006-12-15 02:10:06 · 5 answers · asked by brandeethompson 1

My husband's ex bring him to court demanding maintenance payments. Therefore we had to have a solicitor and fill an E form. Therefore our solicitor's bill is around £20,000 and the ex's less than £5,000 pounds (She also wants us to pay her bill). We don't understand why the bill ends up such figure, which is all our savings. We made an enquiry about the bill and were told by the solicitor if we don't pay the all amounts (already paid £7500 update) they would not do anything for us. The final court hearing is next month, we really don't want go to the court because the solicitor fee. What will happen if we don't go and just waiting for the court results? Can the solicitors do that to us?

2006-12-15 02:04:45 · 8 answers · asked by aoilondon 1

Can cops be sued for dereliction of duty when they intentionally drop a case that has overwhelming evidence supporting the alleged crime? (crime in this case was dotting a child's eye at 6 yrs old)

2006-12-15 01:53:18 · 6 answers · asked by Red Winged Bandit 4

in a decesed guy account with my last name to help him get the account reactivated at the sum of 60, 40 percent of proceeds to me is this legally for real please respond back shortly

2006-12-15 01:53:06 · 8 answers · asked by savesalljesus 1

My ex-wife dotted my son's eye. When he got to school they sent the CPS to investigate me. Took me to the jailhouse to question me and all. When they couldn't convince the boy to say it was me they went and asked her. Her alibi was, "He fell into the corner of the couch." So the police dropped the investigation immediately.
What should be done about this? I have asked them repeatedly over the years to investigate repeated instances of abuse and they usually try to flip it over on me. Now if I don't report the incident I am viewed as an accomplice. Is there any proper course of action in all this?

2006-12-15 01:29:38 · 16 answers · asked by Red Winged Bandit 4

Bcuz I doesn't ****

2006-12-15 01:23:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 12 y/o Daughter was called into the office by the School Principal. He said that he had heard that her mother had hit her. He then continued questioning her for another 45 minutes. Then had her sign a statement.

Is that legal?

Her mother and I are going through a divorce. The mother has in fact stuck her and that's part of the reason we're divorcing.

Aren't they supposed to notify somebody prior to or at least after questioning?

2006-12-15 01:20:48 · 16 answers · asked by fnytms 2

2006-12-15 01:12:58 · 14 answers · asked by matt_damon2006 1

When I hear the term Political Correctness I usually think Liberal, but that is not always the case. There are many people out there who's political devotion varies from Republican to Democrat and inbetweens. What bothers me is how a lot of these people are such crybabies. If an entretainer makes a racial or ethnic joke, why can't people just laugh and let it go, it is a joke. Why do some people feel that they are being racist when they do so. Now I do notice that when lets say a Hispanic comedian makes a Chinese joke, people complain, but when a Chinese comedian does the same joke, it's fine. It should not be selective, if one goes down so should the other, or better yet, let it go. I'm too tired of everyone complaining and trying to censor everything this side of the Atlantic.

2006-12-15 01:00:30 · 3 answers · asked by Enterrador 4

what do you think would happen if abortions were made illegal? do you think it would be a good thing?

2006-12-15 00:59:06 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

The dictator of Chile.

2006-12-15 00:56:07 · 11 answers · asked by Nina 2

I work in my town's public library and had been earning 5 dollars and change per hour until I brought to my supervisor's attention a while back that the new minimum wage - at that time - was $6.15. Fine. They gave me the raise.

Now the NEW minimum wage is $7.15, effective October 1, 2006, I mentioned it to my supervisor yesterday and now, all of a sudden, she says, "these laws don't apply to public libraries."

Is this true? I think she's coming up with excuses because then she said the library just didn't have the budget to pay everyone minimum wage, so I think she's just reaching for straws.

I'd love to hear from those familiar with labor laws, esp in NJ. Thanks!

2006-12-15 00:53:12 · 2 answers · asked by Flea 2

People are realizing that Al-Qaeda/Osama bin Laden are not to blame for the U.S. attacks that occurred of 9/11/01 but instead our own U.S. government is to blame. Yes, that's right, OUR OWN U.S. government. So what happens now? How do we punish our own corrupted goverment? And when are the U.S. citizens gonna stop giving middle easterns crap about terrorism when in fact WE the U.S. government is the REAL TERRORIST. It's time to stand up for our rights and our security, apologize to Mr. Osama bin Laden, and give justice to the innocent lives taken on 9/11.


2006-12-15 00:12:10 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

With our lust for war, violence, greed, overpopulation, overconsumption (drugs, food, RESOURCES, etc.) we will not be able to maintain life as we now know it. We seem "hardwired" towards very dangerous habits and decisions. Could we genetically alter future people to be more passive and less self-serving? I think it's the only way we won't destroy ourselves and this planet. Discuss....

2006-12-15 00:11:17 · 7 answers · asked by tarro 3

i Paid £88 to register and paid £175 for insurance for a year. I put all on my credit card. They sent me on one job and havent paid me after six weeks nad havent given me another job. Can I claim back the money from them? They are on the internet and I actually visited them at their office in Slough to make sure they were Legit

2006-12-15 00:09:44 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why everyone attcking 4x4 drivers, in my view unfairly, when the buses,lorries and specially aeroplanes casuse more pollution that all the 4x4cars put together

2006-12-14 23:36:04 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

A friend of mine, licence has been under suspension for almost 25 years, It falls under the provincial act not criminal. All for un paid fines.Total cost of fines tower over twenty thousand dollars.these fines were mainly for driving while disqualified as well as driving with no insurance.There were three or four convictions over this time period with extreme fines ranging at five thousand dollars or more for each conviction.He now needs his licence in order to keep his job to support his family, he has tried in the past speeking to the justice of the peace to arrrange a payment plan with driving privellages, but no luck, Does anyone have any advice or contact information on who to call or see in this regard in Toronto Ontario Canada

2006-12-14 23:03:22 · 3 answers · asked by jackielc5 1

When, why?

2006-12-14 23:01:07 · 14 answers · asked by mtoi 2

i was born in porterville and lived on a indian reservation. I was told that cause i live there that i might be able for some type of indian heritage finacial assistant for me and my children. I that true and where can i see if i qualify?

2006-12-14 23:00:05 · 5 answers · asked by missleo559 1

Does the team of Knowledgeables think that re-introducing
Nat; service for all youths & girls, either to service life or
hospital service would reduce the crime rate for this age group
and instill a sense of responsibility ?
Does the team also think that all immigrants to this most
welcoming of countries should contribute in like manner, to show
that they accept it as their true home, and would be prepared to
fight for it, should the need arise, Should another hitler
come calling ??

2006-12-14 22:44:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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