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Law & Ethics - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

What does it mean if the judge says it will be taken off the record in a year?

2006-12-14 18:12:31 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I lived in a third world country for a decade. This place had no drug laws. A grandfather could give his 6 year-old grandson $5 and have him go to the store and get him a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of gin. The kid would never dream about trying either one. Adults do that, not kids. Pot helped menstration cramps. I once offered one of my teenaged students a sip off of the wine I was having after class. He was as shocked as if I'd ask him to put on a woman's dress. "Why, Mr.Don! I am a student. Students do not drink!" Amazing. A general heard about the evils of glue sniffing in America. So he decided to make it illegal for kids to purchase model airplane glue in his country. Result: hundreds of dead kids. Why? Because someone said "no". At least THOSE people were smart and repealed the law. W/in 2 years deaths dropped to 0. It just wasn't novel anymore. Why can't we empty our jails, treat our sick and educate instead of incarcerate? Legalize it all and it will fall out of style.

2006-12-14 18:12:22 · 11 answers · asked by Don S 2

I'm planning on suing Bill Gates because he keeps implying I'm stupid. Any time I want to delete a shortcut from my desktop Windows XP acts like I don't know what I'm doing. It tells me that 'deleting the shortcut only removes the icon' and tells me if I want to remove the program to go to 'add or remove programs'. I've used my computer almost everyday for the last 3 years so I've kind of figured this out by now.

I am highly offended by this and I think it's time to make Bill Gates pay for underestimating my intelligence. If I filed a lawsuit against Bill Gates would I have a chance of winning?

2006-12-14 18:08:34 · 20 answers · asked by Third Stone From The Sun 1

As Decarte so aptly put it "Cogito ergo sum" I think therefore I am. If we defined human life as when their is a detectable EEG or brain activity by law, it would allow for euthenization of Brain dead people, and would set an agreeable time limit for legal abortions. There is no EEG until the second tri-mester.

2006-12-14 18:06:48 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Its illegal, people are charged with this all the time......tip of my tongue...can't think of it...duh.....

2006-12-14 18:04:38 · 7 answers · asked by LrT 2

General ideas on subject welcome...

2006-12-14 17:38:50 · 4 answers · asked by Mikkey 1

As a means of checking population growth, would it be ethical for the government of a country to offer its population economic incentives for voluntary sterilization?

2006-12-14 17:32:18 · 9 answers · asked by themarxx 2

I gave some blank cheques to a party with my signature. can he file a case in court to claim any amount. and what i should to do now to stop that payment.

2006-12-14 17:29:47 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

While reading a friends blog I saw a copywrited ink drawing of a woman posing nude. I believe it was done by a tattoo artist. I liked the pic so much I emailed the artist and asked if there was a way I could get a poster of the design or buy a print. Since he never responded I went to a art store and bought some paint and created my version of the artists work. Same drawing style & same pose, but his was in black & white, mine is in color. His was fully nude, mine is wearing underwear. I also changed the womans face to make her look more like me.

The picture came out very well and friends have suggested I sell it on ebay. If I do that can I get sued for copywrite violations.

2006-12-14 17:14:18 · 5 answers · asked by WriterChic 3

my lawyer sent in the order for support to be automaticly withheld from his pay, so when do i start recieving it. And I was awarded back support since october, do I get the back support in a lump sum or is it added to the following months...?

2006-12-14 16:52:06 · 9 answers · asked by sparky111_26003 2

2006-12-14 16:50:03 · 1 answers · asked by matthew m 1

So, I have a blog where I ranted and raved about a company, making jokes about how I should burn down the building, or cut down important wires. It was clear they were jokes, but still very inappropriate. I also made some comments about me hating certain people specifically in the company, but once again, all in a joking manner. The company found the journal, and I was fired, but now they are considering taking legal action. I deleted the journal entries, and I apologized, but they are still considering. If this ends up in a law suit, I would not try to deny anything, since I know it was stupid of me to say in the first place, but I was wondering what's the worst I could possibly expect.

2006-12-14 16:43:15 · 8 answers · asked by kevinisboredlikenoother 1

Judge will not allow me to see the evidence from my sons psychogist. Thus i can't direct my lawyer. This Judge is a drunk and now has cancer and has a union bag straped to his legs in court and the alarm keeps going off in court. I reported His conduct to the people who are to make sure judges are fit. They did a interview and then allowed him to remain on the bench. He died from the cancer. Now can i sue the State for not removing him and can i sue the lawyers for not reporting the Judges conduct.

2006-12-14 16:33:21 · 1 answers · asked by Thomas A 2

Well I am joining a Company Called "Freedom Boat Club"
They have 50Loc. in the US.
The one by me, NY charges $15k
Theres a Dealer out in the South Charging me $6k, I know salesmen make commission.
The Company advertises
Full Membership


Unlimited usage

No usage fees

Full use of all Freedom Boat Club boats

Full use of all Freedom Boat Club locations

..... As An Example, So If I use the Southern Account Activation, I shouldn't have a problem since the terms are under that. I know I should Review the Contract.But Does that sound just about right...

Official Site

NY Location

2006-12-14 16:31:05 · 1 answers · asked by Danny H 2

A report of a alledged threat is sent to a Judge via a fax from a department of human services worker. The DHS worker had recieved a report from the police that a defendant in a case had been threating her. This threat comes by the way of a bussiness pardner who had been speaking to the plaintifs lawyer for a week prior to this alledgement and then. The bussiness pardner made the report to the police. The bussiness pardner who had not made any threat was in another county and had no really spoken to the person making the threat for over 3 weeks as he had moved his bussiness equipment out.
The alledged threat made no reference to any party of the action that was before the Judge.
The defence attorney agrees for the defendant to take MMPI psychology exam with out the permisson of the defendant. The defendant then sends his own motion to the court denouncing the lawyers work stating he does not repersent me on this matter.
Has the lawyer engaged in attorney mis conduct.

2006-12-14 16:18:03 · 2 answers · asked by Thomas A 2

my sister is an alcoholic and her husband is a convicted child molester. the children are currently in Foster care. I live in a different state. I want custody of those children, I want this nightmare for them to be over. Where do I turn for help? The system seems to be all about protecting the parent's rights. I can't afford to hire an attorney to work an out of state case. I just don't know what to do. I have a loving home and stable family and those kids need us. CPS treats me like I have no rights at all, how can this be? What can I do?

2006-12-14 16:06:34 · 4 answers · asked by Nicole Z 2

if someone did something long do they have before they can't report it

2006-12-14 16:02:53 · 5 answers · asked by bobby 1

2006-12-14 15:52:19 · 16 answers · asked by williamlento 2

My fiance is on house arrest and has been picked up for an alleged parole violation due to the monitoring tracking device worn around his ankle. The trailer we live in is an older model and surrounded with tin and copper wiring. He is accused of leaving the residence according to the computer in Austin, but there are several witness here to testify that he was right here the whole time.

2006-12-14 15:42:24 · 2 answers · asked by Beat the System 1

hey, i am doing a debate pretty soon on the death penalty. I have to do a cross examination for the pro side (or con-abolishing) in other words SUPPORTING the death penatly. So are there any really GOOD cross examination questions that i could ask that would really make the other side look bad?

2006-12-14 15:24:09 · 7 answers · asked by Miso 2

I recently moved out and they claim there are 686 dollars worth of damages which I don't even agree to all of them. They called me on a Wed after 4pm and wanted the money by Friday! Then they said they wanted it by Monday. It's still not enough time, I don't have that much laying around. They said they would take me to court to get the money if they didn't have it Monday..I tried to call them to tell them how much I could have at that time. But they did not answer and have not returned my call. If I go in and pay them $200 to start can they take me to court if I am already paying on it? What can they really do about it? I can't magically have that kind of money!

2006-12-14 15:14:13 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I heard that several years ago, ex-Mayor Giuliani-- since he was so successful in implementing strategies in curbing the crime and corruption problem in New York--was asked by the Mexican Government to act as a consultant in helping them with their immense crime and corruption in Mexico. But the crime and corruption in Mexico has not gotten any better.... so I'm wondering what ever happened with that....?

2006-12-14 15:13:55 · 2 answers · asked by Linda in Mexico 1

I wrote my wife a contract saying that I would be her slave at no charge and I would have to do what she says I wrote it at my own will and she got it witnessed,notaarized it,and we both signed it and dated it.Is it legal because I told her I would be her slave for free.

2006-12-14 15:05:17 · 16 answers · asked by coyotefirerain 2

2006-12-14 15:04:28 · 3 answers · asked by Big Bill 1

i was at the mall with a girl friend of mine & these 2 girls started taking our pictures.it made us mad.& we didnt like it!
is this illegal??
how do u stop someone from doing this??
beat their as*?? :P

2006-12-14 14:51:05 · 19 answers · asked by forest lover 2

at the airport,my job is a customs inspector and i heard a buzzing in her lugguage and proceede to investigate according to rules.What i found was a 10" vibrator that had some how got turn on while in route or someone did not turn it off b/4 packing it.She sueing me for embrassing her she says the should not have let to other passengers see it.I held it up to show my co-worker cause i did not know what it was.Can she really do this to me?.I just found out this afternoon after i got off work when a law firm thats repensenting her called me. and informed that i need a lawyer. I've only been working there 2 month and still on probation and in training..

2006-12-14 14:46:52 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-14 14:42:42 · 6 answers · asked by white.devil 3

Small town, USA. My property has been surveyed; survey markers located in ground; Surveyor has come out, twice, to doublecheck; he sees no dispute about where property lines are. But, one of the survey markers falls within a public access alley. The Town has no record of this alley ever being deeded/where it actually lies. But there are Deeds to the property on either side [mine & hers]. The only reason that my survey marker falls within the given alley is because the alley has moved, a little each year, toward my property, as the adjacent owner's shrubs have grown and their size has moved the traffic my way. The surveyor mark for her lot line is right in the middle of her huge shrub. The alley is encroaching on my property! I put up a fence post & an anonymous jerk pushed it down; the Mayor told me to "Quit blocking the alley!" The Mayor is related to Shrub owner; Shrub owner's daughter is on Council. They're trying to take my property. I want to put up a fence. HELP!!!!!

2006-12-14 14:37:41 · 5 answers · asked by NoTlazidazi 3

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