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Law & Ethics - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

I am six months pregnant and my childrens father has my other 3 children and I don't know where he took them. They are in another state. I am supposed to start paying child support starting 12/1/06 and I don't have a job yet. I don't know where my children are. I filed for visitation and the court said if they don't know where he is they can't serve him papers. I really don't have a place to stay and my childrens father got custody of them through social service. I

2006-12-01 07:50:42 · 3 answers · asked by Dashawn S 1

Ok...someone please tell me if this is legal...I made an investment in a company about 7 months ago. Now they are sending letters to about 65 of the investors saying that they messed up and didn't register with the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission as a "private corporation". This means they have too many investors so they are trying to give us our money back and in return we are to send back our stock certificates. So apparently they can only have 35 investors and they have 99, and instead of letting the first 35 people that invested in the company keep their stock, they are keeping the 35 investors who invested the most money...They have been sending us all letters for the past 7 months saying how good things are going and that the project is going to sell for billions. I have information that the project is finished and about to be sold.so they used our money to build their project and are basically just treating it like a loan which is definately not what we signed up for

2006-12-01 07:42:25 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

If Scott Peterson killed his wife with a baby in her stomache, why did they count the death of the baby as murder? Shouldn't it have been one charge of murder and one charge of practicing medicine without a license (abortion)? To give him a murder charge is to say it's illegal to kill an unborn baby.
Sorry, I know it's a grim question, but I find it interesting.

2006-12-01 07:37:35 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I could chop it down late at night, it's a beauty. There's the added bonus of also giving me a clear view into his teenage daughters bedroom if it's gone too. Do you reckon he'll suspect me?

2006-12-01 07:34:11 · 29 answers · asked by SilentRunning 3

what kind of help is out there for a crime that has high bail and atttorneys fees. the gril he was dating filed charges on him that she said happend a year a go . we dont know what to do for help

2006-12-01 07:33:44 · 5 answers · asked by sky 2

2006-12-01 07:19:50 · 18 answers · asked by darthrillis 1

what to do when a tennent in common dies

2006-12-01 07:14:11 · 3 answers · asked by Maria T 1

I lost my baby a month ago and they want to fire me because they say i missed to many days but I had to have the surgey twice.i think that there just being mean.Because we dont have a union they do what they want is this Legal?What should i do?Should I take legal action?

2006-12-01 07:10:41 · 13 answers · asked by blaque 2

I want to legally register an alias or pen name. I don't know if I need to do it at a state level (I am in Georgia) or nationally. I don't even know where to begin.

2006-12-01 07:08:05 · 2 answers · asked by Dyonysis 1

Because i shot one and the body is in my basement. i need to know before going public with it.

2006-12-01 07:02:47 · 7 answers · asked by p t 1

that's feloniously tyrranical and oppressive and conspiratorial.

and aiding and abetting in the cases of aids acquired each day and each case of child molestation.

2006-12-01 06:53:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Pedophilia is a sexual orientation on minors 4 yrs old to just under puberty; Ephebophilia is a sexual orientation on pubescents and young teens; Infantophilia is a sexual orientation on infants and toddlers; Gerontophilia is a sexual orientation on the elderly. These are pschological terms, not crimes. "Statutory Rape" is a crime where the victim is "too young" to give consensual sex. The state decides who is "too young" or not for such a crime to exist. This means that a man who fantasizes about a 10-year old girl in the other side of the park may be a pedophile, but hasn't committed any crime at all. And a man who has sex with a 10-year old girl may not be a pedophile, but surely has "statutorily raped" her. Moreover, sex with a 14-year old, for instance, will only be Statutory Rape depending on what state or country you're in.

2006-12-01 06:09:01 · 19 answers · asked by Necromancer-King 1

I am a paralegal student. I would like to find out a possible solution to a hypothetical.

Arturo owned a seven acre tract, Skyacre, which was adjacent to a similarly sized meadow, Greenacre, owned by Benno.

In an effort to protect his view of Greenacre and sight line of the horizon, Arturo, without benefit of counsel, drafted a document stating that as owner of Skyacre him and his heirs will refrain from building on the property so that the view will not be obstructed in consideration for the amt of $25k. Documents were sworn and recorded. It is presumed valid.

After a long and happy life, Benno died, leaving all of his estate, including Greenacre, to his daughter, Carmie.

A year later Carmie built a home on the unimproved meadow of Greenacre. Later that same year, Arturo died, leaving all of his estate, including Skyacre to his son, Dante.

Does Dante have any rights as against Carmie according to the law of your state? Discuss and explain.

Please inform me!

2006-12-01 05:54:06 · 3 answers · asked by Truth 2

If someone has tolerance for pot and they claim it does not affect them in a bad way and they can control themsevles ...can somoene eventually be ok with driving while smoking pot? Is that the right thing to do. (let's pretend it was legal and you would not get arrested) Would it be ok?

2006-12-01 05:39:48 · 15 answers · asked by justaquestion 1

They been laying down salt on the roads for over a day now. Salt and metal does not get along very well. Salt always wins. I'm begining to think they have a contract with the auto makers. The auto makers pays the state to spread salt so vehicles rust. Then the public is forced to buy newer vehicles. They could make vehicle out of plastic. Big trucks are. Ever seen a rusty Peterbilt or Kenworth? I have failed to see one yet. The salt also tears up the roads and the state is forced to do more maintance which leads to higher taxes. The salt eventally ends up on the side of the road. That attracts deer. Deer loves to eat salt with their big rear ends on the right-of-way. Will the state buy me a new vehicle when I hit Bambi? I did not ask the for dirty roads. BTW My driveway is clean and will be clear of ice and snow tomarrow when the sun comes out.

2006-12-01 05:33:13 · 11 answers · asked by Slow Poke 5

2006-12-01 05:30:01 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My company recently changed a policy on facial hair. I have been with this company for four years and it was never a problem before. Now there are threats of disciplinary action and possible termination for those that do not comply, is this legal? Nothing in the actual work environment has changed just the policy. Is there some kind of exemption clause for employees that have been employed by a company that then changes it's policies or am I out of luck?

2006-12-01 05:21:00 · 2 answers · asked by silver_back67 1

I'm an obese, chain smoking, alcoholic, crack head and I abuse my partner. I think it's my mothers fault.

2006-12-01 05:18:45 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-01 05:15:27 · 6 answers · asked by danielleb 3

The man is 50 now and he was 12 when this happened over and over. I was 7 and 8 years old. He was my uncle and babysitter. For the last year of the molestation my mother had just died so it was a very traumatic time for me. There are different states involved as we were living in Mass. I am now in Ohio and he is in Georgia.
These bad experiences have been blocked but at times they come back as flashbacks and really bother me. I have also just come to realize that being claustrophobic and any type of weight on me makes me panic and it all stems from him.
I have a young daughter now and maybe this is why it's coming back to me as I could never imagine someone hurting her.
I am in counseling and may do hypnosis to deal with this but is there anything else I can do to him? He has literally ruined my life and any relationships I have had because of my fears. I also wonder if in his life now if he could be hurting someone else.
Should I leave it alone or do I have options?

2006-12-01 05:02:50 · 8 answers · asked by D S 2

I told a manager and he gave me a refund. Should I take it further? Contact a lawyer or notify some authority? This was a large food chain grocery store, H.E.B.

2006-12-01 04:52:13 · 7 answers · asked by Satanic Panic 2

My buddy runs an adult website, and he had an idea of putting up a banner on the side of the highway for his website. he lives in portland OR and doing this would get thousends of pple to c the banner while being stuck in traffic on there way home from work, this could potentially bring alot of traffic to his business, BUT like i told him this might get him arested for advertising for adult sites in public. The URL does not say anything terribly innapropriate but it is an adult site anyway the site is www.Your69Site.com and would it be illigal to post a banner on the side on the highway inside city limits of portland OR with that on there? Please dont give me your opinions i would like legal advise only. Thanks alot if you can help.

2006-12-01 04:51:31 · 6 answers · asked by George 2

That should be internet. If the school is physicaly in
California does it make a difference? I understand that California has laws to the effect that graduating from a CA school will get yo into the CA Bar Assoc

2006-12-01 04:40:00 · 6 answers · asked by lenshure 2

I have a friend who lives in a trailer park. They are cracking down on the cat population. The manager is taking cats to the Hillsborough Animal Shelter to be euthanized. These cats are peoples pets & when they moved in the park they were told no deposit for cats & NO LIMIT on the # of cats you have. The park Mananger we have learned was arrested & charged w/ animal cruelty. You would think w/ her record she would not be able to have pets, but she still does! She is now to pacify the county ILLEGALLY trapping other tenants pets & turning them over as her own and having them put down claiming they are diseased! NOT TRUE. I myself & my friend who lives in the park are both Veterniary Technicians! I feel that the county & this woman assume that because the people in the park are poor they have no rights to fight to retrieve their pets. My friend had 2 of her cats illegally taken & euthanized by this woman, We have called the media, Peta, ASPCA & others with no help. Can someone help us?

2006-12-01 04:35:58 · 5 answers · asked by another brick in the wall 3

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