He signed on to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution". Since then, he has:
1) Lied in order to involve us in an illegal and immoral war, and the subsequent occupation of Iraq.
2) Logic dictates that, since #1 is true, he is guilty of the murder of over 2,600 of our own men and women, and 130,000 innocent Iraqis, as well as the mutilation, amputation, and maiming of those who are injured, but still alive.
3) Manipulating and dis-allowing the press to accurately report on the daily horrors of the war and subsequent occupation, including the torture at Abu Graib and the Iraqi civil war that is now responsible for 100 DEATHS PER DAY by "insurgents".
4) Illegal wiretapping of his own citizens.
5) Lying about #4.
6) Re-writing the law to excuse #4.
7) Illegal torture against the Geneva Convention.
8) Lying about #7.
9) Getting his criminal Neo-Con friends to re-write and Amend the Geneva Convention laws so he has an excuse for Gitmo torture.
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