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Politics & Government - 18 October 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Watching Stephen Harper over the last few days, I feel as though the Canada I once loved is gone. His arrogance
is so repugnant. His atitude is disgusting. His agenda
parallels the Bush administrations. I can't watch the Canadian news anymore. We have changed. We are becoming a right wing, puritanical, repressive society that is so much like the US. It is too depressing. We have lost everything that makes us Canadian. We will never be the same canada again.

2007-10-18 19:05:47 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Its a very serious question, Americans Presidents have been all White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. All with southern accents. One exception President Kennedey. And look what happened to him.

Does anyone think an Italian-American, a tough NYER - who went through the City College system, son of Italian Immigrants will be president?
Is southern and middle class America ready for that?
Don't they hate NYC and NY Italians?

Be Honest.

2007-10-18 19:03:59 · 17 answers · asked by Jetglam 1 in Politics

There's this really fugley old man that lives next door and he called the police on me and my familia. Okay so he says that his speakers are missing from his garage and he thinks that me or a member of my family stole them. *Scoff*

I'm so offended. Where does he get the nerve to go around accusing people of such things?? So anyways the policeman along with the old fogey come pounding on my door. The officer asks, "Hi how are you doing today" I reply, "fine".

Then he says, "do you know anything about this mans speakers? He reported to us tonight that they went missing yesterday" and I say "well, you know what, I have no idea where his speakers went off to, as I have no access what so ever to his garage". After that he takes down my personal information as well as the rest of my family. I know that he accused me of taking his speakers because the same day he confronted me about it.

2007-10-18 19:03:49 · 10 answers · asked by Confused 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

and when?

2007-10-18 18:59:48 · 13 answers · asked by Mr. Dog 4 in Politics

Now she is is making different excuses on why she did vote FOR the war in Iraq! IT'S TOO LATE! Why is she allowed to "take back" her vote while Bush is critized for it! THEY BOTH MADE A MISTAKE! As a President you CAN'T "take back" a decision! Here is what one article said about here vote on Iraq:

What is your thoughts on her decision? If she was President and Bush wasn't we would of been at war with Iraq anyways!

2007-10-18 18:55:49 · 19 answers · asked by Boomer 3 in Elections

has anyone ever had an agency refuse to respond?I've been trying to recieve info from the Omaha Police Department for over a year.I know that I am entitled to the requested info and that they in fact have it.I sent them several letters of request but,they didn't respond until I sent the F.O.I.A form letter.At first they acted like they would help but,they eventually blew me off and said"they have murders and stuff to worry about"
In other words I guess I need to know how to force them to comply.Thanks for those of you with Real Knowledge of this situation that can help.

2007-10-18 18:54:05 · 3 answers · asked by jgmafb 5 in Law & Ethics

" There is no 'nice' way to arrest a potentially dangerous, comnbative suspect. The police are our bodyguards, our hired fist, batons and guns. We pay them to do the dirty work or protecting us, the work we're too afraid, too unskilled or to civilized to do ourselves. We expect them to keep the bad guys out of our businesses, car,and houses, out of our face. We want them to 'take care of the problem' We just don't want to see how it's done.

This is by charles h. webb
do you agree with his statement, please be specific. Thank you

2007-10-18 18:54:01 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

The detective from my local police department just brought my identity theft case to the state's attorney. Now how long usually does it take for them to make a decision? This decision being if they will issue a warrant for the person's arrest. I live in joliet, IL....not really a BIG...town.

2007-10-18 18:51:55 · 3 answers · asked by Rae 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Is it the time for the kids or teenagers to take over politics completely?

Will it be the right step towards growth and world peace?Teenagers or kids will enduce freshness into the politics of today.

2007-10-18 18:47:39 · 11 answers · asked by Razor 5 in Politics

i was interviewed by the police recently and my guilt it seems rested on a question of a date an important detail turning a non important act into a more important one, the other person involved had knowingly lied to the police in their statement to cover there tracks, i asked the question during the interview about the facts but was told that the person in question must have been confused, but this person suffers from OCD and keeps all information of this type in files, he also seemed quite exact about the rest of his information why would the police not investigate the statement of the other, is this 'impartiality' and can i now ask the police to look at the statement of the other as on hear say i now have a caution (it was not that serious an offence) on my otherwise clean criminal record and the other has nothing but satisfaction and in fairness the police know that with this type of lie in another situation peoples lives could be ruined..

2007-10-18 18:40:25 · 6 answers · asked by anthony c 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-10-18 18:39:40 · 13 answers · asked by ♥FANCYS_MAMMA♥ 6 in Law & Ethics

Does she even realize that we can see past her bullshit on this issue? How exactly does she plan on denying a service(in the form of universal health care) to even an "illegal" immigrant? It can't be done without some type of socialistic National ID card(which would in fact be unconstitutional). that and they can't deny ANYBODY a service of that which is given to anyone else that supplies a common numerical identifier(in accordance with the privacy act of 1974). Notice in her second paragraph that she used the words "legally" and law almost in the same breath? this woman is a real card. And she hopes to be president of "The United States of America"? Not a chance in hell. especially after her full support of any type of amnesty initiative that has come through the senate these past several months. I'd say she just sealed her fate of not becoming the next president. That is if ppl are really beginning to pay attention.

2007-10-18 18:36:46 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Supposing somewhere in the middle east or Africa theres a dictatorship or a crooked democracy etc. What would happen if a small-medium army of rebels tried to overthrow the government for a new form. Would other countries usually interfere if asked to by the corrupt government (like America now in Iraq but reversed "trying to overthrow corrupt government") Or would they let the process run through for them to establish a new government.

And Then if the new government was like a dictatorship (but a good one) would anyone care becuase ive noticed alot of times when stuff liek that happens america or other countries interfere.

2007-10-18 18:34:31 · 5 answers · asked by Pharoahty 1 in Military

i don't have a problem with deporting illegal aliens but you don't hear people complaining about canadians, german, french, egyptian, cuban, italian, or any other race of illegal aliens, why not?

2007-10-18 18:27:20 · 23 answers · asked by frigginhilarious 5 in Immigration

I want to be fair... not to mention legal. I live in the state of California, United States of America

Legally speaking... what hours do I owe this employee?

One of my employees and myself (as his supervisor) are working on a special project that requires travel to another branch location.I picked him up at his house this morning in a company vehicle at 5 AM. We traveled some ways away to another branch and arrived at 8 AM. We worked at that branch until 5 PM. He drove the company vehicle back to his home and arrived at 7:30 PM.

I'm doing his hourly time card. Which hours do I pay him for?

2007-10-18 18:24:06 · 6 answers · asked by Red 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-10-18 18:21:56 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

the ideals it expresses are opportunity equality liberty democracy and rights.

2007-10-18 18:20:59 · 10 answers · asked by francis 1 in Politics

Here is my dilemma. I am moving to the UK with my wife and kids who are British nationals and I am applying for the settlement visa. My family are already in the UK and are waiting for me there. We will be staying at her mother's house unfortunately for a short while until I find a job and our own house. I cannot apply for jobs as companies won't even look at me until I have a visa. I have the money for the visa and the airfare there and a little saved up. Not much money as I am supporting my family in the UK as well as myself here in TX. I don't want to apply for the visa and be turned down because I don't have enough assets. I am looking for a rough estimate on the amount of money needed so I know when to apply. I have looked everywhere for an answer and have been severly disappointed by the lack of information on this matter and any help is appreciated. Thank You

2007-10-18 18:17:17 · 6 answers · asked by JOHN L 1 in Immigration

My history teacher told us the reason why we are at war and I didn't think of it like that..but do you truly know why we are at war?

2007-10-18 18:14:39 · 19 answers · asked by Water 5 in Military

Life in prison, or Death? There are people that have killed and only spend about 5 years in prison, they get out, and Kill again! And in some cases, there's a chance they'll get out again. What in the world are these Idiots doing?

2007-10-18 18:14:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Gun crime is on the rise and is very scary ,the public have to be proactive give there input,im sure no one wants to be scared to walk the streets.If there is some good answers(ideas) they will be put forward to the M Ps that govern the middlands where people are being shot every year . lol rachel
all suggestions will be forward as annonomus.

2007-10-18 18:10:14 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Will they harm me in any way. The army made me take them before we went to Iraq.

2007-10-18 18:04:15 · 16 answers · asked by Dirt broke 2 in Military

what percent of dems are college grads?
what percent of repubs are college grads?

2007-10-18 18:04:00 · 30 answers · asked by specal k 5 in Politics

Hello, I have a packet of 100 questions about the Vietnam War. But I can't find the answer to several of them. If you could please just help me answer at least one of them (or all!) that would be great. Thanks! ps. these q's are not in the order they were originally written, I just wrote them that way. just so you know that some q's don't correspond the previous q.

1. What was the initial public sentiment regarding U.S. involvement in Vietnam?

2. What did Nixon believe would be the consequences of immediate U.S. withdrawal from the Vietnam?

3. What specific events did Nixon cite to support his arguments against "precipitate troop withdrawal"

4. What is meant by the "silent majority" (i know who they are but the answe doesn't seem complete.)

5. What did John Kerry believe about the alleged threat that North Vietnam posed to the U.S.?

6. What did John Kerry believe were the results of Nixon's policies, as spelled out in the silent majority speech?

Thank You all!

2007-10-18 18:03:00 · 3 answers · asked by Natty 1 in Military

Explain your answer!! I really want to learn!

2007-10-18 18:02:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

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