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Politics & Government - 18 October 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

They spend millions lobbying against it because they want to continue to charge those outrageous prices & keep on raising them every year. That's why they don't want Hillary's Health Care Plan to pass. Many people are cofused about it, hence the controversy. Don't listen to THEM. You're smart; Please examine it & decide for yourseves before voting against it.


2007-10-18 02:32:10 · 10 answers · asked by The Wiz 7 in Civic Participation

I just heard him say that we have the Second Amendment to protect ourselves and our land. And if necesary, it gives us the right to protect us from our government when it gets out of hand.

Of course that's true, but NO candidate ever says that outloud! Wow, I'm speechless. I like him! Finally, someone that might actually be on our side!

2007-10-18 02:31:01 · 13 answers · asked by smellyfoot ™ 7 in Politics

2007-10-18 02:30:22 · 11 answers · asked by embryriddledab 2 in Politics

I understand the rich, and rich talk show hosts being against the plan because they don't want to pay more taxes but with today's American system:

- why is a lawyer, CEO, or high paid employee entitled to more health care than a teacher, firefighter, or store clerk?

- why shouldn't a person with a pre-existing condition be entitled to health care? It's not a person's fault if he/she gets sick and needs extended care.

- why does a person have to lose their home, or all their life's work if they lose their jobs, and suddenly develop medical problems.

- isn't health insurance payments the same as a tax? And a for profit insurance company's objective is to maximize their profits and minimize costs. They don't work in your best interests.

- what good is the health care system if it selectively excludes poorer or "less-insured" legal taxpayers. Illegal immigrants, of course, shouldn't be covered since they have their own health care system back home.

2007-10-18 02:26:27 · 18 answers · asked by Tom S 7 in Law & Ethics

funded them. it all backfired in the US' and pakistan's face in the form of al qaeda. has the american foreign policy changed since then? or is it like president Putin said: that the US is just after oil?

2007-10-18 02:25:41 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Have you ever taken one? If so, what kind of questions do they ask? I'm waiting to have mine scheduled for a job.....it's a "civilian" position.....

2007-10-18 02:25:20 · 2 answers · asked by butterfliesRfree 7 in Law Enforcement & Police

All over the country hospitals are going out of business because they cannot afford to treat so many illegals.

St. Michael's Hospital in MILWAUKEE WI is one of them. CA and TX have more than us but even 1 is TOO MANY!

Milwaukee has a lot of illegals - this is a welfare state. We have a stupid Gov (Doyle) who wants to give free healthcare and college to illegals. IDIOT!

2007-10-18 02:23:40 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

With each passing election cycle, I'm becoming more and more convinced that political parties are ruining American government. It seems like when most people talk about politicians, there's an us vs. them mentality - meaning red vs. blue, democrat vs. republican. The lines in congress and in state government seem to mostly split along party lines. When it comes to voting, it seems like most people are choosing the guy from their own party because he's from their party rather than because he's the best guy for the job.

I'm not going to pretend I have an answer for this and I know that political parties have always been part of the system. It just feels like the split has become much more than just about philosophical ideas. And as a result I feel like everyone one is suffering.

2007-10-18 02:19:10 · 5 answers · asked by Justin H 7 in Politics

who will get the Christian Fundamentalist votes?

2007-10-18 02:18:54 · 12 answers · asked by Hatikvah 7 in Elections

White people wear me out, sometimes. .

Yeah, I'm a white person. That's why I hate it when some white people poison the well of race relations.

A jury of six white people in Panama City acquitted all eight people charged in the boot camp death of Martin Lee Anderson. It took them a scant 90 minutes to find nothing wrong in the beating death of a 14-year-old boy. They couldn't have deliberated too hard.

Yeah, I know the guards didn't do anything they hadn't done to other kids. Yeah, I know the state didn't present its case well. Yeah, I know a jury can't base its decisions on the race of the victims or the accused. Yeah, I know jury members didn't want to send any of their neighbors to jail for 30 years on aggravated manslaughter.

But a boy died in the care of those eight people. Somebody did something wrong - whether it was grown men punching a slight-built boy until he was unconscious or a nurse refusing to stop them when the boy had trouble breathing.

2007-10-18 02:18:22 · 19 answers · asked by Nyghtmare 2 in Politics


2007-10-18 02:17:38 · 18 answers · asked by Holy Cow! 7 in Politics

Definite war if she wins, she gives out incentives (401K instead of military pay raise) like Bush did if she wins, further bankrupt the country to pay for all of it and expand government powers like domestic spying as Bush had done. She is making the same promises and plans as Bush just towards different people.

I think Bush supporters should vote Hillary they have so much in common.
Me personally I don't think America can vote Hillary after Bush, we can't take 12 years of fascist leader attacking the world.
Hillary is another Bush

RON PAUL 2008!!!

2007-10-18 02:14:02 · 18 answers · asked by Mobus 2 in Elections

seems to me, these people who control the democrat party of today, are EXACTLY who the great men who begat this nation fought and died to get out from under. what say you?

2007-10-18 02:10:23 · 17 answers · asked by darwinman 5 in Other - Politics & Government

I got suspended today from my job for sending an email to a co-worker. The email simply stated that no one likes you why don't you quit. I sent that email on my own time from my own personal computer. The email recipient contacted Human Resources and Security and they investigated and dug deep to find me. They found me. Said it took her a week longer to find me due to my using a proxy server.

My question....How can I be suspended and possibly fired for such a email? An email that I did at home, my time, my computer. I just don't understand it. Nothing threatening or anything like that. No one likes this person. Please tell me what i should do at this point? I'm suspended until further investigation. I can't be on the property or anything. All of this for an email that read " No one likes you. Why don't you quit?" Please advise.

2007-10-18 02:09:43 · 8 answers · asked by theresap6 1 in Law & Ethics

To the contrary, many will be forced to pay for coverage even if

they don't want or need it to make her scheme work!

2007-10-18 02:03:44 · 22 answers · asked by realitycheck 3 in Politics

It's funny but sad that once the President, his people, and his party started messing up EVERYTHING in and out of the U.S. (and falling apart internally) you all started making personal attacks on liberals as a group... Can't you just accept that you made a bad choice?

2007-10-18 02:02:33 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

…when only a measly 81 Democrats voted to give bush the authority that bush lied to them about?

2007-10-18 02:02:00 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Part time work , Illegals , people who no longer can apply because they have been without work too long , Those on welfare ? If we actualy look at how many have part time work and full time bills this would be much higher .

2007-10-18 02:00:30 · 2 answers · asked by J D 4 in Other - Politics & Government

I personally would remove my child from that school and sue them.

2007-10-18 01:59:58 · 16 answers · asked by joyce s 4 in Law & Ethics

2007-10-18 01:55:10 · 7 answers · asked by Jamika K 1 in Politics

Hillary is endorsing taxpayer subsidized forced-private health care. Other Democrats want a Single Payer system. I've not heard any ideas from the right, other than Romney's state funded system.
The cold hard facts are that health care premiums are rising 6 to 9% a year. That's higher than the inflation rate and average wages. Every year, employers are letting employees foot more and more of that premium.
So what IS the answer. It's obvious that if we elect to do nothing at all, more and more Americans will be priced out of healthcare altogether - thus burdoning the high-middle and upper class with even higher premiums.
Your suggestions?

2007-10-18 01:53:31 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

This is the first time for me. I've always worn dresses and skirts, but have never real been the "girly-girl" type - so I don't really have a clue.
I got this dress for the Marine Ball I am attending with my Marine, but I don't know if it suits the 'code.' He mentioned something about it being long gowns (which don't really compliment my figure). I looked it up and saw conflicting responses...
This is the dress I already got, it is knee-length...any thoughts/opinions on it? I can always return it...


2007-10-18 01:47:15 · 19 answers · asked by Jennifer G 1 in Military

What are the legislation, guidelines and policies that form the basis to protect and safeguard children and adults who work with them?

I need to know by 2moz because its part of my course

2007-10-18 01:38:44 · 2 answers · asked by londonangel007 3 in Law & Ethics

The ticket was issued in Arkansas and I was trying to make it to my friend's house while she was still home for her lunch hour so I could feed and change my 2 week old son. I was polite, nicely dressed, wearing my seatbelt and accepted the fact that I was speeding when the ticket was issued. I've been driving since I was 16 and never had a ticket. I don't know how the system works. What do I do, to possibly get the speed lessened or perhaps thrown out altogether? What is the best way to handle this responsibly?

2007-10-18 01:33:16 · 38 answers · asked by Sarah 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

if he imidiatly took us out of the the would colaps and alkida would take over again.

if you have forgoten dose the term 9/11 mean anything to you?

it means alot to me and the people i know who lost so much on that day.

oh and one more thing, have you ever actualy thought about what it took to be a president? if we wernt over there, he would catch crap for being to week, but becaus we are over there now he wants to take over the world. how dos that work?

2007-10-18 01:32:03 · 16 answers · asked by bob 2 in Politics

In what way?

2007-10-18 01:31:48 · 9 answers · asked by Gypsy Gal 6 in Politics

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