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Politics & Government - 18 October 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Many states have exemptions to allow parents to not have their children vaccinated on the grounds that it conflicts with their religion, and many religions do have legitimate objections to having children vaccinated, or against other forms of medical treatment. However what are your opinions on the growing number of parents who are claiming this exemption solely to avoid having their children vaccinated due to concerns that have nothing to do with religion. For example that vaccinations increase the chances of autism, that they may cause their children to get sick, or they frankly just don't believe they have any effect good or bad.
Are these people selfish, by putting themselves, their children and society at risk for outbreaks of diseases that vaccinations have for the most part erradicated? Or are these people exercising their legitimate rights to freedom of choice and the freedom from an overly intrusive government?

2007-10-18 04:19:27 · 19 answers · asked by moonshadow418 5 in Law & Ethics

..is it the responsibility of the government to speed up the immigration process so they won't be hypocrits? Speeding up means amnesty. That is what many congressmen want to do but the so-caolled 'we just want them legal" bunch" don't want them that legal so fast. they are racists and hypocrital liars.

2007-10-18 04:13:58 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

2007-10-18 04:10:46 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The real miracle is that there are people so stupid in the world.

2007-10-18 04:09:17 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Is the implanted chip the real reason Hillary will be elected?

2007-10-18 04:08:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I have an idea of an item I want to make, which includes electrical devices. I am not an electrician or one who knows computers, but I wish to work with a company who most likely can build it. What should I do, get a patent first, even though I dont know what will make the machine work or should I wait until the company finishes my idea to get it patent. See when you send in a patent they want a drawing design of it and identifying each and every piece that explains the piece and its use.

2007-10-18 04:05:24 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-10-18 04:04:46 · 4 answers · asked by chimpotle 3 in Elections

I happened upon this while researching something completely different . I then read ABC's explanation , and I don't buy it for a second . Go ahead and read it and tell me ...... Do you buy ABC's explanation ?

On a 23 May 2002 episode of The View, co-host Joy Behar said of the end of her daily weigh-ins (she'd been dieting), "Yes, and thank you, thank you, Jesus, is all I have to say." Her words were aired live in much of the country, but when ABC broadcast a taped version of the show on the West Coast, "Jesus" was edited out.

According to ABC spokeswoman Julie Hoover, that usage ran afoul of a particular standard the network adheres to. ABC has no problem with Jesus' name if it is used in a "prayerful and respectful manner," she said. But ABC does not allow Jesus' name to be used in an exclamation.

2007-10-18 04:01:27 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

We have enough here in this country to share with everybody.

2007-10-18 04:01:24 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I am a Christian as most people who have seen my answers know,
but I can take God out of the argument and STILL have a solid argument AGAINST this one.

Ok, so for one and this is VERY important,
it is ILLEGAL that means AGAINST THE LAW for kids this age to be having sex, the age of consent differs in different states but in most it is either 16 or 18 and I think in Kentucky it MIGHT be 14, but I'm not sure.
IN MAIN THE LEGAL AGE OF CONSENT IS 16 NO MIDDLE SCHOOL PERSON IS 16 (unless they were held back an awful lot , but the majority)

So if it is ILLEGAL(AGAINST THE LAW) for people of this age to consent to having sex then it should be (and I'm sure it is) ILLEGAL (AGAINST THE LAW) to give them birth control to keep them from having babies (a natural thing caused ONLY by having sex- and once in the bible by God himself)

HOW CAN WE CONDONE by the giving of birth control AN ILLEGAL ACT???????

2007-10-18 04:00:55 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Tell me how you feel about Hillary now after you watch the following Video?


2007-10-18 03:56:20 · 17 answers · asked by Samm 6 in Politics

This morning the Republicans in the House voted 175 against and 16 for approving the journal of the previous days business. If they can't even vote for a recording of the previous days business, how can the American people possibly believe they are working for us?

2007-10-18 03:55:42 · 17 answers · asked by Zardoz 7 in Politics

I just got a ticket for a fender bender, i want to plead not guilty and i am sending it in for a court date, but the cop did not write a ticket number on my ticket. what can i do? does that mean the ticket is invalid now or something? The envelop i have to send to the court needs my ticket number. do i leave it blank?

2007-10-18 03:55:32 · 5 answers · asked by MC 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

didn't get violent, but I messed up his room real bad after and during the incident b/c he dragged me across the floor several times. He was trying to have me leave the only reason I resisted is b/c he was pushing and dragging me (see my last Q posted for incident details). Now my Q is, if I change my mind to press charges, the detective said it's likely the DA could order us to take anger management. If this happenes, will this order and incident come up during a background check on me? I'm a 24 yr. old college grad looking to go further w/ my education and career, so I don't want anything bad like this to possibly come up and hurt my future. Any advice.? Did I do the right thing by having the report filed and not taken to the DA? My ex charged me b/c while arguing I threw a piece of candy at him. But like the detec. said, he didn't have to put his hands on me, even if it was to get me to leave. I need to decide if I'm going to call back the det. this am. to press charges. Pls Help

2007-10-18 03:54:37 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Is it pointless for me to go to law school if I have a criminal record? I have faith that I can get into law school, but if I will never be able to pass the ethics board to get into the bar, then going to law school is moot. I live in Ohio, and am looking to go into school in Fall 08. It has been 7 years since my misdomeanor offense. Can anyonbe give me info on the Ohio Bar?

2007-10-18 03:52:52 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Interspersed with ex-convicts who, while serving a prison sentence, converted to Islam and became an activist, does NPR schedule any programs that cast a positive light on America?

I've heard the news reported on the station but the shows seem to fit a pattern.

2007-10-18 03:52:06 · 20 answers · asked by Kubla Con 4 in Politics

I'm a 16 year old, who has always been independent. My father has been in jail for many years now, and my mother has never been there 4 me. As a young child, I was placed in foster care, and was released to a godparent. Probably months after my release, i was given back 2 my mother. My mom have 7 kids, and it has been hard 2 take care of all of us financially; so she sent me to live with my aunt.
I've lived with my aunt for 5 1/2 years, and our relationship wasn't 2 healthy. I ran away when i was 11 to find my mom, which I did. Living with my mom wasn't the best thing either. I had to much freedom, and I got away with alot. We had constant fights, which placed me on the PINS petition. From that moment I lived with all kinds of ppl. I moved in with a old teacher who loves me at 13. I call her my mother and she has a daughter who is now 19 -n- in college, who i consider a sister. Can she get legal guardianship or is she 2 young? I want to move with her 4 school in FL.

2007-10-18 03:51:44 · 2 answers · asked by 2sweet 1 in Law & Ethics

This morning on the Weather Channel they brought up the fact that 2007 so far, has seen significantly LESS tornados than has been the average of the past 2 or 3 previous years. It was suggested that this was a result of climate change.

I CLEARLY remember seeing on the Weather Channel this spring, as tornado season was starting, Dr. Heidi Cullen said that because of Global Warming, they were expecting to see an INCREASE in tornadic activity.

#1- How can a statistic, which shows a slight change over a small amount of time, be indicative of climate change. I mean- if there were 2,000 tornados last year and only 3 this year, yeah, something is going on. But they are talking about a difference which at best represents normal weather fluctuation and they automatically slap a controversial reason to it.

#2- Why is it that one minute, they decide Global warming will cause MORE storms, but when the exact opposite occurs, the SAME PEOPLE blame it on Global Warming still?

2007-10-18 03:50:04 · 21 answers · asked by Voice of Liberty 5 in Other - Politics & Government

You'd have to wear a blue dress, and he'd have a cigar

2007-10-18 03:49:58 · 24 answers · asked by Spartacus 3 in Politics

I had court today, and missed it. I thought it wasnt till tomorrow, (such a dummy). Anyway it was a citation for not changing my address on my license. Can i reschedule? If i can will the judge be harder on me b/c i missed the first court date?

2007-10-18 03:48:25 · 7 answers · asked by I DONT CARE 4 in Law & Ethics

or the makers..it farely mew i got it as a gift

2007-10-18 03:45:10 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

What do you think?

2007-10-18 03:44:50 · 18 answers · asked by Ron L 4 in Politics

Can you name any time in our history where CONGRESS tried to censure a private citizen for exercising their rights of free speech?

Ya gotta hand it to Rush, though...He has certainly turned lemons to lemonade by auctioning off the actual letter and giving the proceeds to a Marine Corps charity...This is not a new charity for him, BTW. He's been on the board of directors for years and is matching the final bid with his own money, BTW.

Your thoughts?

2007-10-18 03:43:42 · 9 answers · asked by kathy_is_a_nurse 7 in Other - Politics & Government

I keep hearing over and over cons complaining about taxes. "don't rais my taxes". "Blame Clinton, he raised taxes". "Read my lips, no new taxes" yeah we get the lies there in.

Any way, if you con jobs are so unpatriotic as to pay your fair share of taxes for public beaches, public school, public roads, public restrooms, public bridges, etc. Then stay off or out of them. Don't go using this patriot's countries schools. Don't go swimming at this patriot's public beach. Don't use this patriot's public restrooms.


Matter of fact if you cons are so unpatriotic to support this country, GO LIVE IN IRAQ. You prefer to allow Bush to funnel tax for YOUR private SS blackwater rather then thank the military.

Take off and leave the country you choose to neglect. Now who is the TRUE FREE LOADERS?

Enjoy your move to Iraq.

2007-10-18 03:36:29 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2007-10-18 03:36:07 · 6 answers · asked by ST 4 in Politics

Is this the time to worry about genocide 100 years ago in Armenia? Is this the time to be making China and Russia angry? We need a president that is willing to be diplomatic, but the one we have just seems to have more war on his mind. What do you think the agenda really is, no doubt they have been working on one for a while now?

2007-10-18 03:34:49 · 11 answers · asked by Ktcyan 5 in Military

Why do they celebrate Putin for "standing up and speaking out" against Bush and our nation?

2007-10-18 03:34:28 · 5 answers · asked by Kubla Con 4 in Politics

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