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Politics & Government - 14 September 2007

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Admiral Fallon called Petraeus an "a** kissing little chickens**t".


Who would you believe? An Admiral? Or the "man" who took General Casey's job when he refused to mouth Bush's lies?

2007-09-14 06:44:00 · 5 answers · asked by Jason 4 in Other - Politics & Government

when people that have come to this country retire what are they going to live on as they havent been paying pensions for half there lives, like the rest of us, are we going to have to suport them, I cant see our government letting oap live rough on th streets

2007-09-14 06:43:00 · 21 answers · asked by fantxtic 1 in Immigration

2007-09-14 06:42:05 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

This ad: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070914/ap_on_el_pr/giuliani_war_ads

is in really poor taste. For Giuliani to feature the date "9/11/07" so prominently in this ad means that he is running solely on a 9/11-based platform, doesn't it?

Like I've said before, you don't have to agree with Hillary Clinton or anything she said... but Giuliani's manipulation, commercialization and extortion of the events of 9/11/01 are reprehensible.

2007-09-14 06:41:43 · 19 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6 in Politics

Moveon.org was formed in the wake of the Clinton impeachment proceedings. Have these people ever really "moved on?"

2007-09-14 06:37:53 · 23 answers · asked by Truth B. Told ITS THE ECONOMY STUPID 6 in Politics

Shouldn’t we change GOP symbol? Should we change it to donkey since Bush as stubborn like as jackass?

2007-09-14 06:37:20 · 15 answers · asked by Mr. Beef Stroganoff 6 in Politics

Recently I went to NYC and wanted to take pictures of some friends in front of some skyscrapers. The first time I tried to take a picture a security gurard came out and told me to leave or he will call the police, we were on the sidewalk. Then I tried to take a picture of a statue on Wall Street. A cop ran over and shouted "what the f### are you doing!!" When I told him I wanted a picture of the statue and he told me if I take a picture he will arrest me becuase I didn't have a permit and since there was five us he would have us arrested for illeagal assembly. Although most people in NYC were nice I was really turned off on ever going back to NYC. What's the deal with photogrpahy restrictions in NYC?

2007-09-14 06:35:09 · 9 answers · asked by Billy 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Do you remember your childhood ? Good times , happy days . Well we have a problem here . And that problem is the evidence that not only have Al Qaeda terrorists already targeted and attacked school children , there's great evidence that they plan on doing more of the same right here in River City / The United States of America !!
Yes , there's great mounting evidence that they have been tracking SCHOOL BUSES . Our children's SCHOOL BUSES .

Other times when I've asked people to be more vigilant and watchful , I've been met with many , many scoffers and ambivalent people who claim they are safe , and there's nothing we can do etc. . . . Oh really . Well Israeli Intelligence credits the 'people' the citizens for reporting and thwarting more terrorist attacks than any of their gov't agencies .

Now I've asked before and I'm gonna ask you again. . . . . . What can you do for your country , your children , to prevent a terrorist attack ?

2007-09-14 06:34:36 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Why are they mostly 40? 50 and up?
There are a few under that, but the bulk seems to be older people.

2007-09-14 06:34:31 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

What would Congress had done if Petraius during hearing had done his best impression of Jack Nicholson as the colonel in the movie "A Few Good Men"? "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!"

2007-09-14 06:28:48 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Take a quick view from the eyes of a teacher.

2007-09-14 06:28:20 · 11 answers · asked by done 3 in Military

2007-09-14 06:26:14 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Some of yu know my brother was killed in Iraq. think most of you think the deaths of soldiers is jsut a game of numbers. its NOT! it is real and each family that loses someone suffers. I don't think you understand how painful it is.

Once some is gone they are gone forever. People lose loved ones all the time. But when losing a brother or sister or parent or whatever in vain for a lie of a war. It is the worst thing ever.

You know this is preventable that is the worst thing ever. My brother didn;t have to die in vain. PArents losing their child doesnt have to happen. These are preventabl deaths. Our loved ones do not have to die.

Please they really do not have to die. LEt us save the lives of our loved ones. Please the pain every day we live with is terrible. My brother could be here a home. Or living in Kentucky in the Army. But he didn't have to die in vain.

I beg all of you to understand how painful it is and we can stop more lioves from being lost.

2007-09-14 06:23:53 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

"I haven't left my home in two months," says Kulsoom, a medical student who lives in east Baghdad with her family. "

"Sunni groups who have allied themselves with the Americans in the former al-Qaeda stronghold of Anbar are not necessarily allies of the Baghdad government. Many Sunni tribesmen openly say it is a "government of Iran" controlled from Tehran."

Moqtada Sadr's Mehdi Army has continued to penetrate deeper into every aspect of life.

"Under Saddam, it was the mukhabarat [secret police] we were terrified of," says shopkeeper Ali. "Now it is the Mehdi Army. They are everywhere."

"With so little sign of permanent change, that is why so many people continue to leave Iraq - up to 20,000 a week heading to already overwhelmed Syria. "

"I am the optimistic one in my family," says Kulsoom. "But I have to admit that nothing has changed."

SOURCE: Courtesy of the BBC......

2007-09-14 06:22:49 · 15 answers · asked by Dream Realized 2 in Politics

I thought all was going well??

On the day the White House released a new report showing scant military and political success in Iraq, President Bush met with Marines and said the gains being made in Iraq are allowing troops to come home.

"I told them about my speech last night. I told them that I'd listen very carefully to the recommendations of the military, in particular Gen. (David) Petraeus, and that the plan I announced was that ... based upon on the fact we're making enough success that we can begin bringing some troops home," Bush said, speaking to reporters Monday at the Marine base in Quantico, Va.

The White House told Congress Friday that Iraqi leaders gained little new ground on key military and political goals, a discouraging assessment a day after President Bush said progress justifies keeping a large U.S. military presence there.


2007-09-14 06:21:55 · 8 answers · asked by midnight&moonlight'smom 4 in Politics

I have read the advertisement, the only thing I see wrong with it is that it is an effective communication, accounting for qwhy republicans are attacking. Yet I see nothing attacked as a lie.

To answer this question, you will have actually had to reaad the advertisement, so I'm not expecting any answers from conservatives.

2007-09-14 06:19:23 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

It was a controlled demolition, no one can dispute that!

Wake up!


2007-09-14 06:19:00 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-09-14 06:13:51 · 14 answers · asked by Jason 4 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-09-14 06:13:47 · 33 answers · asked by Frank Dileo 3 in Politics

We have a non-profit and employees are asked to volunteer occasionally for weekend outreach events. Some people have said that we cannot do that and we have to pay them for their time even though they are volunteering. Can anyone refer me to any specific california's laws stating the regulations surrounding this topic?

Best answer...10 points!

2007-09-14 06:12:34 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Iran is scaring the American public. They know the American "public" doesn't want war, so, they know the scare tactics will work on them, not the military. They are good at head games.
what do you think?

2007-09-14 06:10:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

End Game Begins............Here are a few of the points that the movie

“We are on the verge of a New World Order, all we need is the right crisis.”
David Rockefeller (member of the Bilderburg Group).

End Game gives a brief history of past eugenic leaders and their failed
attempts at world domination, such as Hitler and Stalin.

It documents how our government is planning a North American Union. Which opens the borders of Mexico and Canada, thereby voiding us of our sovereignty. It's modeled after the same program that formed the European Union.

Next move..... Global World Order.

Who is behind this???

Well, for one, the Bilderburg Group. They are a secret society consisting
of wealthy and powerful leaders from around the world. They have “a vision of global dehumanization.” In other words, they want us to be subjects (slaves) to their tyranny. All through time, evil elitists have sought
world domination. It is no secret that today’s “elite” seek this same end.
In fact, they don’t even try to hide their agenda because they control the
major media. They twist facts and events to make their agenda more
convincing. For example, a person may surrender their rights in order to
feel protected from terrorists. They'll say, "Okay, go ahead and listen to
my calls, take pictures of my every move. I need to give up my freedoms to be safe." I get it!!

Today’s elitists, including the Bilderburg Group, have a vision of global
dehumanization. They have learned from past mistakes and will try to gain
control of us with our consent. It will be “evolution by stealth.”

Communist China is a model for the eugenics program that they want to
implement in the New World Order. Did I mention that the Bilderburg Group wants to eliminate up 90% of the world population? China has been praised in US newspapers by certain members of the Bilderburg Group for their work in population control. The Chinese government murders farmers and their families. The people are heavily fined or arrested for having more than one child. Each prisoner's blood type and DNA are recorded in order to sell their organs to the highest bidder following execution.

These elitists are successfully sabotaging the American public with false
terror attacks designed to scare us into giving up our freedoms.

The amount of information in End Game is unbelievable and undeniable !!

Remember, this movie only covered a small amount of evidence. Scary.
Rarely does a documentary stir the mind so much that it keeps you awake at night, plotting your escape from a seemingly unchangeable future. Well, I applaud you Alex Jones, on a job well done..........I need my sleep, mother of four here!!! Alex Jones is definitely growing on me. He's a character; it's hard not to like someone who is not afraid to get in the face of people in power. He’s got guts!

I am shocked that this is going on right under our noses! I’m angry and
embarrassed to say that I WAS a Bush supporter. What was I thinking????

He has done more damage to this country than anyone in history. Our
President, MY President is a member of this elitist group along with former President Clinton (not so shocking). I’m hurt! He is a lying little
weasel. Who do we believe? Who can we trust?

It has been a couple of days since watching this movie and I am still pissed
off!!! How can we stop this steamroller??? We can't forget that We the
People, are in charge!!!! Educate your children on their rights, the Constitution, spread the word of these crimes against humanity. The past is unchangeable, but the future on the other hand.............

A New World Order is looming over us! Evil should not prevail!

End Game is a movie everyone should see...law enforcement, members of the military, grandparents, teens.

2007-09-14 06:08:54 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

what ever happened to fixes for social security,health care; education,out sourcing, etc. they seem to be non issues for all pres. canditates. as long as countries have militaries there will be conflicts.

2007-09-14 06:08:07 · 6 answers · asked by freddfubar 2 in Elections

2007-09-14 06:07:20 · 11 answers · asked by Ethan M 5 in Politics

We do everything possible for a Godless country like China that is truly evil; we owe them billions of dollars, they have a huge military capability our grand kids are going to confront and yet our Gov, does didly....about it.
Cuba on the other hand is not a bastion of democracy, our kind anyway, and we punish them daily. The people in Cuba rae not communist by ideology or action they do not have a choice. If we were to open up relations like we do with China Fidel would have moved to Miami and spent his last years drin king Mojitos and watching baseball games. For sure, they don't want the mafia to return and turn back the clock or have American hegemony over their soverienty...Welcome back a people that are very much like us.

2007-09-14 06:07:09 · 9 answers · asked by cristales 5 in Politics

To suggest the 'Intelligence Report' that the President based the War on Iraq on is not connected to the administration's willing to go to war in Iraq is vacuous, silly and frankly unworthy of anyone with a brain.....

The administration concocted the lies, fed it to all of us including the Democrats in Congress and it didn't take long for us to work out the truth of the situation.

2007-09-14 06:05:58 · 14 answers · asked by Dream Realized 2 in Politics

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