Born either in poverty or incredible wealth, then raised getting everyhting you want or living on handouts.
2007-09-14 06:16:53
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Those are all good starting points for liberals. Others are a "Victim" mentality. Nobody is ever responsible for their own life. If you fail, someone victimized you. If you succeed, then the government must have played a major roll in it. Also a sense of entitlement goes along with being a liberal, as well. And also an attitude that you know more than anyone else. A few scandals or dead bodies in you closet, (or in you car at the bottom of a bay) go far towards your liberal up-bringing.
2007-09-14 07:27:47
answer #2
answered by rduke88 4
Let's see, not that I'm a liberal by your definition but I feel like answering this because the amount of venom you guys spew is obnoxious at best.
My mother raised four of us in LA. She was an RN. She drilled into us:
1. That education was the most important thing for us to worry about while we were under her roof
2. We take care of family, no matter what
3. If we got in trouble, we will fear mother more than the police as we are a direct reflection of her parenting
By doing that all four of her children completed college. None of us had a free ride. We all had jobs. My eldest brother had his GI Bill and even he worked for Longs Drug while putting himself through college then med school. I left high school in the top 10% of my class and continued that excellence through my college days.
I would classify myself as a conservative more in the vein of Eisenhower, Goldwater and Reagan but no where near as rabid as the chorus of Kool aid drinkers that seem to have flocked to this question. Frankly you give real conservatives a bad name. Grow up.
2007-09-14 06:38:43
answer #3
answered by Deep Thought 5
Of course, I can't speak for all liberals. We're not a monolithic bunch which is one of the things I like most about being a liberal. I can, and would, only speak for myself. In my case it was severe depression and a series of shock treatments, not as a child but in a time when all levels of government still cared about such things. May you never fall on hard times, and if you do may you be treated with compassion and empathy.
2007-09-14 06:55:04
answer #4
answered by socrates 6
Conservatives are so hysterical.
I don't know what occured, maybe I just decided at an early age that the governement doesn't belong in my uterus, gays should have equal rights as provided by our Constitution, innocent men, women, and children shouldn't be killed in an imperialistic and unjustified war, America should NOT be a theocracy, and our environment should be protected.
I guess I'm morally bankrupt.
2007-09-14 19:52:02
answer #5
answered by Elizabeth J 5
You people are all idiots, allowing yourselves to be broken down into left or right. The world is so much more complex. At the very least lets set up quadrant... the four qualifiers are this...
Social liberal or social conservative and Fiscal liberal or fiscal conservative. at the far end of the conservative conservative branch is Fascism, and belive it or not Communism. Not to be confused with Marxism which is on the far left of things. so youre in good company my friend. Also keep in mind that nearly half the of 900 trillion deficit that we have as a nation was created by Reagan and the Bush boys. 3 presidents. 450 trillion deficit. remove the wool fools. They don't care about you. They will flout religion and other social agendas to you while they make themselves digustiginly rich. And at yoru expense.
2007-09-14 06:47:46
answer #6
answered by BROOOOOKLYN 5
What an unintelligent question. No wonder everyone in this country is against you screwballs. You want to avoid the real issues (like your leader killing kids) and just name call. But hey, here are a few answers regarding why one would be a liberal:
1. Don't like racism.
2. Don't like socially harassing women just because they have a baby without marriage.
3. Don't like war especially when children are getting killed.
4. Sure like my water to be clean, so greedy-con's don't profit of my Typhoid in the name of "free market"!
5. Sure don't like paying 4 dollars for gas.
6. Don't want to marry my sister.
7. Still want to visit Alaska someday.
8. Don't want to get killed on vacation in another country.
9. Don't like to have my phone and internet monitored.
10. Still would like some SS money when i retire.
11. Don't want to overpay for meds which will make me more sick.
12. It's too dam cold in the winter and too dam hot in the summer. But i can't afford to turn on the heater/conditioners because energy prices are more then i paid for the dam heater!
And finally...
13. Don't want to live in fear and as a coward willing to even give up their rights!!
2007-09-14 06:39:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Au contraire, young Conservative!
It is coping with a tragedy in childhood which produces some of the best adults.
I'd say all you have to do to produce a Liberal is to spoil a child.
2007-09-14 06:20:49
answer #8
answered by ? 7
Private Deek gives a simple and accurate description. Its the entitlement mentality. Liberals like to take from the working class and hand it over to the non-working class. So in addition to your question, How is it entitlement when you haven't contributed a dime towards it?
2007-09-14 06:23:49
answer #9
answered by Tinman12 6
Do you mean like torturing your family pet like George Bush did.
But that only caused him to become a LIAR (No Mom I don't know how fluffy died) Not a liberal.
Liberals typically follow the teachings of Christ.
2007-09-14 06:21:21
answer #10
answered by ? 1
There's no tragedy involved.
Unlike that which befalls many conservatives.
It appears that,when they were infants,many conservatives overly large mothers tossed them up in the air,then lost them in the sun.
They carry the resultant brain injury to this very day.
2007-09-14 06:20:00
answer #11
answered by ? 4