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Politics & Government - 14 September 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

She had a trial for 3 months and was told she'd then have a pay rise. At the end of 3 months she was told that the trial was being extended due to a change of line management. No end date was offered. A week befor 3 months was up she found out she was 5 weeks pregnant and she told the employer. 2 days later she was dismissed as they said she was 'having problems with the firm' and in view of her circumstances would need too much time off. She didn't question this but was devastated as she had a good work record and no complaints or warning were given and she'd been led to believe the job was hers. Is this sex discrimination and is it worth pursuing?
A new girl has since been employed in her job.

2007-09-14 01:17:35 · 10 answers · asked by Sharon D 1 in Law & Ethics

The Peace Corps
The Marshall Plan

2007-09-14 01:17:25 · 6 answers · asked by ron k 1 in Military

I think it was an encore but i just got a chance to watch it last night. I think I have, throughout this war, kinda taken for granted what our Marines and Soldiers actually have to experience over there. It makes me so sad that they come home a mere fraction of what they used to be physically and mentally. I sat there last night and cried because what they go through is absolutely horrific. They all need to come home. Let the Iraqi's blow themselves up without our military personnel having to suffer for it. What are your thoughts about this?

2007-09-14 01:13:00 · 3 answers · asked by Aja 5 in Other - Politics & Government

Watching the local news last night and they were talking to my local congressman. At the end of the segment they said that my congressman was away from Washinton because of the "Rosh Shohana" (or something like that) holiday. My congressman isn't Muslim.

I know Congress takes off for Christmas and Easter (I think they now have different names for those breaks now; must be politically correct) but does Congress now take off for Muslim holidays?

2007-09-14 01:03:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I just found out my neighbor (not a friend) is on the registered sex offender list for the crime listed above. Does this mean he was convicted of some really bad act with a child, or could it have been a relationship he had with a sixteen year old when he was 19?

I don't want to assume he's a monster if it's possible he was just stupid. Any legal information would be helpful. Thank you! (Don't worry, he's not getting near MY kids either way!)

2007-09-14 01:02:26 · 6 answers · asked by HappyThoughts 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

I can understand revamping school luches, no candy, or cupcakes during parties etc. but can they legally tell me I can't put a cookie in my second grader's luch?

2007-09-14 01:01:40 · 11 answers · asked by jo 1 in Law & Ethics

With which current issues does South Carolina legislation deal?

What legislative decisions have been made in South Carolina since the year 2000? Is there any pending legislation? Describe the legislation.

What is your opinion of the legislation you identified?

2007-09-14 00:55:20 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Ok, here is the situation. My sister in law came here to the U.S. with her two children after marrying this guy. This guy basically wanted a slave, and not a wife so she left him. She and the kids are here on conditional visas. She now wants to be independent, and go work in California (We're in FL). She wants to leave the children with us (2 girls, 3yrold, and 11 yr old). We are fine with this, but I know we'll need some kind of legal guardianship of the children. Since the children are here on immigrant visa do we an immigration lawyer or could another lkind of aywer do this for us?

2007-09-14 00:54:32 · 2 answers · asked by Brian F 5 in Law & Ethics

I passed the BAC of .08% could not afford to retain a lawyer so I had pleaded "No Contest" and went to Diversion class. I completed the program and now I have to wait for a year before I go back to court and the case will be dismiss. I was arrested May of this year.

Am I on probation for a year?

2007-09-14 00:51:24 · 8 answers · asked by Danny A 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

as an Englishman who has just arrived in the USA on business i feel i must ask this.
Everybody is aware that the USA hasnt got much of a culture, but i was thinking that perhaps those more fortunate like ourselves could lend some of ours to the USA for them to warp/fashion into their own.
At the moment the only famous American icon i can think of is Ronald McDonald and even he is Scottish.

2007-09-14 00:48:31 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I like democracy, although it is vulnerable to corruption, I like it cause if something goes wrong in the State the people is to be blamed, so what do you think is a perfect government???

2007-09-14 00:41:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

...why didn't he feel the need to share those reasons with the rest of us until much later in the invasion?

After all, a reason is something you're aware of before you take action. Logically, if you come up with a reason after you've acted, that's not a reason - that's an excuse.

So Bush had all these good reasons to invade Iraq, besides the (non-existent) weapons of mass destruction, so that it doesn't really matter that they're not there, it was still a good decision: Spread democracy, fight terrorism on its home turf, create a reverse-domino effect in the Middle-East, avenge his dad, etc...

During the period before the war, Bush was working hard making a case for the war. But all he ever told the American People, the U.N., the coalition of the willing, Congress... about what WMDs (and an attempt to kill his dad). So since he had all these good reasons, why wouldn't he have used them back then to make his case?

2007-09-14 00:30:25 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

And why was this info made public???

The last time it was an unannounced stand down, September 11th, 2001.

Do you think September 14th, 2007 will be an especially memorable day for all the wrong reasons?



2007-09-14 00:26:34 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Tell me who you think the top 3 are and if you like, why. I see a lot of Dems vying for camera time. Who do you think speaks best for the party? Doesn't have to be a candidate running for Pres.

2007-09-14 00:18:17 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Father to a 3and half year, paying £130.00/mth regularly. initial access day was every wednesday, changed day off to suit mum. mum has regularly taken daughter to stay with new boyfriends family and not informing father until day of access and only through father phoning. mum has also deliberatly not answering his calls when his number appears, only when rang from a number she doesn't recognise. very distressing for both father and daughther. where does he stand legally, where does he start. help please!!!

2007-09-14 00:01:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

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