As a spoof on compassionate conservatism, my friend Robert calls himself a "compassionless liberal." It's funny, but in light of the recent immigration upheaval, it makes me wonder what ever happened to the compassion in compassionate conservatism? Indeed it would seem that when it comes to illegal immigrants we compassionate conservatives are quick to judge, point fingers away from ourselves, and hate monger those who are committing the haneous crime of illegal immigration. In fact, somewhere in the middle of all the rabble, I know, being conservative myself, that there is a conscientious argument to be made against the immigration bill. But my message for you today is, if you're focused on the lawbreakers as being brown-skinned, then you're voice isn't being heard. We who have rightfully inherited this country from the sacrifices of our ancestors are in grave danger of losing what we have, and when we lose it, it won't be because of immigrants. Yes, you heard me right.
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