Now before all you neo con nazis bash me, here is my proof
Socailism=Universal Health Care, Free College, Monthly rebate checks for the high taxes, low poverty, low homeless rates, bigger salaries, each worker recieves 30 days paid vacation and child care is provided by the employer, lowere interest rates, better gas mileage on automobiles, excellent public transit . The down side is the high taxes but, the rebate checks do help
Communism= Same as socialism but the downward part is theirs still povert and hunger isssues thanks to the USA's meddling and sanctions and not to mention the dictatorship and marxim also makes communism bad
Capitalism= Millions with out health insurance, Extremely high College tuition,
high taxes that goes in the govermants pocket, slave wages, employers barely get a week of paid vacation, child care takes up about 25% of a single mothers paycheck, high interest rates, crooked politicians, and slave drivers, (coorperate America)
23 answers
asked by
Eisloph S