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Now before all you neo con nazis bash me, here is my proof

Socailism=Universal Health Care, Free College, Monthly rebate checks for the high taxes, low poverty, low homeless rates, bigger salaries, each worker recieves 30 days paid vacation and child care is provided by the employer, lowere interest rates, better gas mileage on automobiles, excellent public transit . The down side is the high taxes but, the rebate checks do help

Communism= Same as socialism but the downward part is theirs still povert and hunger isssues thanks to the USA's meddling and sanctions and not to mention the dictatorship and marxim also makes communism bad

Capitalism= Millions with out health insurance, Extremely high College tuition,
high taxes that goes in the govermants pocket, slave wages, employers barely get a week of paid vacation, child care takes up about 25% of a single mothers paycheck, high interest rates, crooked politicians, and slave drivers, (coorperate America)

2007-02-09 06:59:26 · 23 answers · asked by Eisloph S 1 in Politics & Government Politics

23 answers

It's not. It's the only system that is fair. The harder you work, the more money you get. Make stupid mistakes like getting knocked up at 15, and you lose. Be smart, educate yourself and work hard, you succeed.

Socialism = No matter what you do, you live the same adequate life as everyone else. Where is the motivation to work hard? This is proven over and over again by unions. People do less and less work until eventually, everyone is only working about one hour out of eight in the day while making outrageous money. What happens? Ask the US auto industry.

Communism = There are two classes - the rich, and the poverty-stricken. You can not move from one class to another no matter how hard you work. You wait in line for things like bread and toilet paper. Sounds great, huh?

Capitalism = The only people without health insurance are those who choose not to better their lives. College tuition is high because liberals run the system. Professors make six-figure salaries. If they are so compassionate, why don't they accept a modest salary so that more kids can afford to attend? Being a single mother is a CHOICE. Interest rates are at an all-time low. Politicians are crooked everywhere. At least in America you can vote out the ones you don't like.



2007-02-09 07:01:18 · answer #1 · answered by Spanky 2 · 4 1

Unusual. But look at these types of government systems from a different perspective.

In socialism, the burden is placed on the people through exobitant taxation and there are no monthly rebate checks, that's a myth. There is 10% of the gross of your paycheck taken as a tax and paid to the Catholic church though, whether you are catholic or not. ( Most of EU is declared catholic countries). most workers have 30 - 45 days paid vacation time, but those same countries also have unemployment rates as high as 20%. Child care is not provided by the employer, it is subsidized by the state through the high taxes. This is how EU employers justify paying their employees slave labor wages ( a 30 year old degreed engineer making $17.00 an hour, compared to his american counterpart who makes $35.00 an hour), it avoids the taxes for both the employee and the employer. Theie interest rates are lower because you cannot pay off loans/mortgages early, if you make and agreement for a loan you are responsible for the calculated interest for entire agreed upon length of the loan. Their gas mileage is better because they use diesel which is considerably worse for the environment than unleaded.

Communism is contrary to human nature. It wasn't the USA's meddling, its their attitude of isolationism. I was a student in Russia during the 1991 september revolution that caused the economic collapse. They tried to move their forced artificial economy to a system that could operate with other foreign markets.

Capitalism is every man for himself. And why not? Should the productive, motivated individual be forced to care for the one who feels entitled to sit at home doing nothing all day. Health insurance: does no one investigate the insurance programs available to them? - you can buy individual health insurance policies from blue cross blue shield or any other insurer. If you have high interest rates, its your own fault - having good credit will attract lenders to you with reasonable rates. I cannot in good conscience expect my neighbors to pay my son's college tuition via their taxes when I know what a crappy student he is. If he were a good student he could earn a scholarship. My sister had a full ride through the most expensive private college in our state with a paid CPA's exam at the end.

As far as 'slave driver' aka corporate america. If you suck as an employee, you're going to get a suck compensation package. Top end employees get paid vacation time/personal time, top dollar compensation, good benefit packages (health, disability, 401K). It gives the employer the control over what kind of employees they have. It gives their organization longevity.

Answer this: Am I my brother's keeper?

2007-02-09 07:23:33 · answer #2 · answered by Amy V 4 · 0 0

Alright, before you have some orgasm talking about the beauty of Socialism, let's take a close look at what Socialism really gives you.

You may get "free" health care, but that means waiting weeks or months for an appointment, and then waiting ALL DAY at the overcrowded clinic with people who look like they could give you a disease just by looking at you. Thanks, but no thanks.

The U.S. already takes the equivalent in taxes from me as the amount I earn in three months. Therefore, when I get up in the pitch black, bitter cold January mornings, I am working just to pay off the government. Same for all of February and March. Every day, I am not really earning one single penny. All that is going for taxes.

Take more money from me? Are you joking?

Free college? You really think the calibre of top notch American colleges, unmatched in the world, are going to be paid for by taxes? Dream on. Why do you think the brightest from all over the world go to study in the U.S.?

Low poverty? I've been in Socialist countries. I would say that there is just a smaller difference between well off and poor. However, that is mainly because even well off people live in cramped little apartments and drive cars I would consider unacceptable even as a short term rental car. Give me a nice big, c-o-m-f-o-r-t-a-b-l-e Buick LeSabre, not some crappy little Renault.

Bigger salaries? That's contradictory. You're already said a huge chunk is taken out in Socialist taxes.

Hey, the 30 days paid vacation is nice, but the jobs I've seen in Socialist countries are kind of like my concept of hell. They sit in some miserable office with a chair that would make any American chiropractor rich. Forget those Socialist working conditions.

Some American companies have paid child care. Don't want to foot the bill for child care? No problem. Don't have kids. If you insist on pumping a few out, don't try to make them my problem.

Some Socialist countries do have excellent public transit, which is quite unextraordinary considering that 90% of the population could not afford a car anyway. However, you are confusing cause, effect, and historical development. You could institute Socialism in the U.S., but that doesn't mean we will suddenly create some excellent public transit system. That works in Europe because the cities were built around the transportation. America's population is far too dispersed.

By the way, I don't know where this "neo con" nonsense originated, but I consider myself a Ronald Reagan Republican. Reagan is routinely cited as either being the first or second best President in all U.S. history in major polls, and by political scientists. Would you call him a "neo con"?

If it weren't for Reagan, we might be living in some Communist nightmare, living in "panelaks" (typical, abysmally substandard housing built in places like former Czechoslovakia), and driving some Russian built Lada automobile, which for a Ralph Lauren wearing American is like the equivalent of wearing clothes from a blue light special at K-Mart.

Give it up. Socialism stinks.

2007-02-09 07:41:10 · answer #3 · answered by pachl@sbcglobal.net 7 · 0 0

Well, it's not though. According to Marxism, it's somewhere in the middle.

As exploitative as pure capitalism is, it's not as bad as physical slavery or indentured servitude, both of which still exist in the world.

Capitalism actually saved people from those systems... it's just we have another step in our evolution that is happening.

Capitalism will live out its cycle... and then, it will phase out... just like every system before it.

Edit: I'm pretty used to seeing political, social, and economic systems ignorance around... but these question forums take the cake. I think there's maybe five people on here who have a clue about what the real traits of these systems are, and aside from myself not a single one has posted in this thread yet.

Dead give-aways that a person doesn't know what they're talking about:

- Claims Russia was a Communist state that failed.
- Claims the goal of Communism is "big government".
- Claims that Capitalism provides people with their true worth.

And those are my admittedly biased examples. There are examples in the other direction, too... such as those who claim that Communism can happen now... it can't, we're not there yet, if we'll ever be there at all...

But man, this place is not a good place for a person to ask a question like this... people just don't have the proper background, for the most part, to answer it without inserting too much bias.

Edit2: I hate to tell you Amy V, but Russia was not a Communist country. It had a Communist party and supposedly professed a Communist ideology, but the system you're talking about was not Communism... Socialism, yes... but not Communism.

Be careful about how much of the propaganda you actually took in.

Having said that, you're 100% right about why the Soviet system fell and I agree completely with that. Sorry to nitpick.

2007-02-09 07:03:36 · answer #4 · answered by leftist1234 3 · 1 1

I think there should just be an election this would probely restore confidance as a number of MPs would stand down, the torys would come to power, MP pay systems would be reformed etc. and this wold be forgotten, (not that im a tory supporter but theres not much chance of another labour goverment), The masses are fickle and easily for put there mind on something else, Corruption must has to be extremely low for britain as so much of our economy is related to financial speculation that requires governmental stability in order to work. I Dont think we would alien people from an international perspective, as in the USA if this expensive scandals involved senator i doubt i would make a front page once as senator are wealthy people, and people would perceive it as small grapes. I also think reducing the number of MPs and increasing the wage would be a better option for reform but i dont think it will happen.

2016-05-24 02:09:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Socialism may provide universal healthcare; however, look at Canada's example. They are starting to charge people for the services. Is that still universal healthcare? College is not "free" in socialist states - it may be at no cost to the student at the time the student is attending; however, there is a cost to providing college (so, what happens is everybody pays for college, even those who don't go and don't want to go). Monthly rebate checks for high taxes are not good things. It's called welfare. Socialism does not mean low poverty (e.g. Soviet Russia, Baltic nations, Romania, Czech Rep., Slovakia, etc. - gobs of poverty there). Better gas mileage on autos is simply wrong, and while there is public transit to call it excellent is a stretch.

2007-02-09 07:12:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

What is wrong with a system that pays an individual their true worth? The examples you give pay people a flat rate. Performance is not factored into the equation. Let me pose a question to you. If you were tasked to grow corn in a hundred acre plot, and your 80 year old neighbor was too, you would most likely produce a greater level then he. If you both reaped the same reward, how inclined would you be to keep up a higher level of production?

2007-02-09 07:06:30 · answer #7 · answered by Joe P 2 · 1 1

That I even have to defend capitalism is idiotic but here goes. Socialism is stifling and creates no innovation because there is no incentive involved for change. Thusly if you are satisfied with the status quo and not thinking for yourself then embrace socialism.

With socialism and the so called grab bag of goodies comes complete government control of your life. You can be incarcerated for something as simple as voicing your opinion against the government; subjet to police brutality without recourse and of course mandatory government service usually in the military. I note how you conveniently left that out.

The nationalized health care system you dream of takes away the desire for physicians and hospitals to compete for your business; thusly reducing the quality and quantity of health care. Take a hard look at the VA Healthcare system and realize this is where we would be with nationalized health care system.

Democracy and Capitalism go hand in hand. Socialism and effitism; elitist and working class competition and stifling bureacracy go hand in hand. Try to do business in any socialist country and see how long it takes. If you have a dream, let it go in a Socialist country because the government will choose what you do, where you go to school and how much you make for the rest of your life.

I prefer the risks of independence and free thought over having people like Pelosi, Gingrich and other extremists think for me.

2007-02-09 07:08:02 · answer #8 · answered by Jim from the Midwest 3 · 1 1

I have one word for you my delusional friend: Venezuela. Yeah, socialism works and you have an example right in your own backyard and you don't even open your eyes. Ridiculous. Go back to school. You abviously need to study more. Take an econ class and this time try not to fall asleep. Maybe you could take an English class too. Most evilist? Holy cow. What is this world coming to?

2007-02-09 07:38:47 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is Not. Under Socialism or Communism tell me why ANYONE would work? Or if they did why any product would be worth a dime. [If you get paid regardless of amount or quality there is no incentive]. Why go to school [if you'll make as much as the guy who sweeps floors]

Socialism and Communism has never worked. Oh sure, a dollop of socialism helps out but when you cross the line and start removing incentives for people to work and learn you have effectively destroyed your country.

2007-02-09 07:06:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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