How can I join the predator society? How do I contact them? How do I let them know that I want to join them? At 6 ft and 180 lbs, I might be a little small but I hope there's a way. Can I keep my human form including my handsome face and still become a predator? Are there any requirements? What do I need to do? Is there any sacrafices that need to be made? Am I going to be assigned a predator military uniform including the cloaking feature? Am I going to be assigned with all the predator issued weaponries? Thanks.
5 answers
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Politics & Government
➔ Military
I didn't mean sexual predator. I meant the PREDATOR. From the movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and also Aliens versus Predator. I strongly believe that there is a predator society and I want to join it.
09:55:42 ·
update #1